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  1. Having played on and off with several characters since I joined runescape 1 while on dial up (the average game comprised 30 percent "loading" messages!) I'd be on the side of the people who say that the game is at it's best now. When I first joined, varrock square felt like it was 40 percent people begging, scamming or asking you to be their girlfriend/if anyone was looking for a girlfriend! Compare that to now, having come back to the game recently after a year's break, and the place is heaven for people who want to play the game without listening to incessant chatter from kids/illiterates. Either kids and young teens have gotten way more mature in the last few years, or the updates and changes implemented by jagex have worked to remove/control this formerly negative aspect. I'm enjoying it more than ever. One thing I would agree with partially however is the question of economy. I'm a big fan of the grand exchange but jagex's price controls remove a lot of the fun/cunning that used to be involved in trading. Being, or thinking you were, a shrewd trader was a lot of fun in older versions in my opinion. Also,despite my earlier disparaging remarks, there was something to be said for the hutle and bustle of the varrock market in days gone by :
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