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Posts posted by Wessan

  1. Taking topic in new direction:


    What do yall think starting price will be for a chest piece of torva? 20mil? At least thats what it will go for as a coinshare drop on GE?


    Even in free trade, coinshare will still be in use I assume, so the GE will have a price for it at first. Probably lower than people will pay, like all other items Jagex releases.

  2. Translation of OP's post:




    You fail logic forever, good day.


    ^This made my day.


    On the subject though, I think it can be said that the graph is pointless to the argument (or lack thereof) being made.


    The probability that Jagex brings free trade and wilderness back is high. The probability that traffic to Runscape.com, whether it be through Google or not, if the update is released is more certain than the actual update. The trend will rise for a time and settle like the price of a new item on the GE (the GE we have come to know anyway). It might even go down if some people dont like the return of old-world RS.


    Maybe your argument was if it wasnt broke dont fix it, or dont go back on major updates youve put too much effort into. Whatever it is, I think that Jagex has finally take a step in the right direction by truly asking the players about something like this.


    We will just have to watch the execution of it all.

  3. I just thought about what they may do with the introduction of "old wilderness". Ive been around RS since 2002, and as far back as I can remember the wilderness always had the same boundary line to Varrock and Edgeville. What if they didnt move the content, but rather the actual boundary line of the Wilderness?


    This would make the Wilderness smaller albeit, but it is possible for them to do it. They could call the lands north of Varrock and Edgeville "Rogues Wasteland" and have all the wildy content we enjoy from updates between 07-now without the actual wilderness.


    Probably wont happen because I think a J-Mod already said the content will be moved, but hey it could happen.

  4. That's a graph of either google searches or unique users over time, it's not really relevent.


    it's a graph of unique visits of rs.com it's relevant because every time someone wants to play runescape they must visit the site.


    Perhaps people are more aware of Runescape and are visiting the site directly instead of searching for it, or are simply using other search engines (the rise in popularity of Bing could play a factor) when they are looking for Runesacpe.


    ^If that is true, and Google is only tracking the hits from people who search RS through Google, my money is on that. I bet most people playing RS today have it on their favorites, or some type of bookmark system to get there quickly.

  5. Honestly, I dont know if you are arguing for or against free trade and old wilderness throughout this. I understand what you say, but it doesnt have any main points, or explanation for the graph. I that traffic to the RS site? Is that money? Stock? What?

  6. Biggest news you probably have heard of is the probable return of free trade and the old wilderness. It is everywhere at the moment. Because of this, there is not much else to know because it is such a large game changer and is affecting everyones decisions about stuff now.


    Also, dragon defender out now. Prices dropped off alot on power weapons like gs, dfs, etc. And if ya want to do anything these days it is almost impossible without some dungeoneering crap.

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