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  1. Make her realize that she makes you happy. Never stop trying to make her happy, and just keep with it. Tell her that you chose her over all the other girls because she makes you happy. But, only do this if you want to, and doing so will mean that you're telling the truth. I pretty much just had to do this a few weeks ago, except that the problem wasn't some incident that happened in her life, it was the fact that she has literally no time for me. She pretty much told me that I could go find another girl, because she could see that there are other girls that want me. I told her there is no way I'm doing that, just because other girls want me, doesn't mean I want them. Really, you just have to make her realize that this is something you want, and that you plan on being there for her. I think it's all worked out, your advice was pretty helpful. We're gonna keep going out, and we both agreed to change certain things. It should be ok now, so I'm happy.
  2. Epic first post. But, uh, just try to keep talking to her. Yeah, I had been browsing the forums for a while and then this came up so I figured I may as well ask for some advice, so I registered and all that. She's been going through a lot obviously, so I'm doing what I can. I guess I'm here partly just to rant myself.
  3. Alright, I need advice. Basically, I'm going out with a girl I've known since 1st grade. I'm in 11th now, so it's been a while since I first met her obviously. We went to school together from 1st to 5th, then from 8th-11th. I started going out with her a few months ago, and things were going well, but she's been really depressed about her parents being general [bleep]es, one of her friends dying in a car accident, and other stuff. Long story short, yesterday she said she wanted to stop going out. I asked why, (this was over the phone) and the basic reasons were that: She thought that she was making me depressed and all because she tells me all of her problems with life, and compared to me she has a pretty tough life. She wasn't sure if it all could work out with us with all the [cabbage] that's been happening in her life. Then on top of this, she felt like she wasn't good enough for me or something like that. She said she couldn't figure out why I liked her compared to all the other girls, and she just felt like she didn't deserve me. The phone call ended with me having to get off the phone before we could talk about much more stuff. I really didn't want to go, but I didn't have a choice. I'm pretty much 100% sure she's not lying about her reasons, so it's not just her saying "it's not you, it's me" to end the relationship. She says she still likes me, and I still like her, but anyways, what should I do?
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