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Everything posted by Kngkyle

  1. And do you think 70% of the people getting the sigs actually know that? No, so because this guy is giving away oversized signatures he is going to get other peoples sigs removed/banned.
  2. Well if your on tip.it, and your giving away sigs on tip.it... what would make me think that they wont use them on tip.it? :roll:
  3. Well its kind of your job as a sig maker to have and get good fonts. :wink: without the help of friends to do your dirty work
  4. Nadril, remind me to not give you the names of any half way decent fonts again. I give you one then you totaly kill the font, its no good anymore, you killed it, i cant ever use it. Thanks. Heh, the font looks fine and all, but you overuse it. Which is why your killing it :x its a landscape sig, you know how i feel about them :wink:
  5. I dont know why you guys are ordering sigs from him. there all obviously over the tip.it limit so all your doing is risking getting your signature removed/banned. (meaning you cant use a signature)
  6. Kngkyle


    No problem. Avari Elf, does this look alright? Avatar will be made if you like the sig first. :wink:
  7. Kngkyle


    Yes i just noticed that, wont be a problem to just delete that layer. And starcraft here is yours: Yes it was a example of one of the ones i made, but i never sold/used it in any way. I know there isnt as much black in there as you probley would of liked but i hope it works out. Those of you who were in line in front of him, dont worry, i didnt have to make that background, it was already made from a few days ago, so dont yell at me. :) Beamo im fixing that right now, ill edit this when its done. EDIT- [img=http://img35.exs.cx/img35/4451/Beamo26-50k.gif]
  8. Kngkyle


    Will, if your talking about beamo's his was done way before yours was even added to the list. I was simply edit'n something for him. I will try to get as many as i can done tonight. But i can only make so many :?
  9. Kngkyle


    Ok im home from school and i just realized that what your saying dosent match the template on page 1. Please do that. You forgot the animation number. And unknowkiller, you have till the end of the night to pay for this signature or else it will be auctioned off. Its been 5 days if you were going to be away you should of posted. Beamo is that better? [img=http://img65.exs.cx/img65/4451/Beamo26-50k.gif]
  10. Kngkyle


    Yes i know im sorry, yesterday i took the day off from making any sigs. I could try one. :wink: ok ill add you to the list but it might not be done in 2-3 days. Ok ill work on it today when i come home from school.
  11. Kngkyle


    Tip: Turn the a'a to none :wink: Im sure you know that tho.
  12. http://browse.deviantart.com/resources/ ... 5&limit=24
  13. http://www.deviantart.com thousands of brushes.
  14. Kngkyle


    Yah, i uploaded the wrong one, lol. And i was late for school so i didnt really check which one i uploaded. anyway, here Deximus i probley wont have yours done tonight as for its kind of a special order. Hopefully i will have it done by tommarow tho.
  15. Kngkyle


    No problem. El Eazy heres yours: Im off to school, ill finish more tonight. And hopefully get paid by a few of you. :wink:
  16. Kngkyle


    It's El_Eazy not El_Easy :P I like it though :P Just need to edit the S :P Oh, my bad. Ill fix it in a few moments. Adding you other guys to the list. and luke, ill try to have yours done today.
  17. Kngkyle


    Kngkyle i guess ill get on right now before i go to bed EDIT- to late going to bed :P
  18. Kngkyle


    ***Problem with Signatures*** Ok it has come to my attention that quite a few of the sigs ive made have a tint of yellow in them that i could not see. The reason for this is i make all my signatures on my laptop which has a canvas screen, which dont ask my why for some reason makes most of what looks like white to me, yellow for the rest of you. Luke, your teal sig would be a fine example. Any already sold or already made sig that you are not happy with because of a yellow tint you do not like, please do not hesitate to make me change it. All future signatures will be checked on my desktop computer before being sold. Therefore i will ensure there will be no more yellow tint in the future. Sorry for this those of you that might be wondering about this. Most of the sigs ive made do not have this problem, only about 2 or 3 that ive seen do. Luke, you may/may not be reading this therefore i will pm you a new version that will look better. Same goes to the other 1 or 2 that i see this to be a problem. Again, please do not allow this to discourage you from buying one, i will ensure you that it will not happen again. :wink: -- Im going to bed for tonight, ill hopefully have all these problems fixed by tommarow night -- Thanks -Kng 8)
  19. Kngkyle


    Heh, i might get yours done tonight, i might not. Anyway, hirashu, here is yours. Hope you like. :wink: Had a hard time getting it within the limits, but finally got it.
  20. I bet you dont play runescape.... :roll:
  21. Oh, didn't mean to assume you were in. My apologies. :oops: I don't really know what Kyle's talking about. :P The only animation I've ever put in my pixel sigs is the one that it's in my current right now. ;) Well start putting them in more. It makes your pixel sigs unique, even tho they already are cause yours are just, different than anyone elses. (in a good way) :roll:
  22. hard to tell. And you must of missed all the choppyness around the houses.
  23. Cmon shaw, dont drop that trash, ill have to go around high alching all your leftovers. :P Heh, nice skill to work on shaw, very very profitable especially at 85. :wink: Good luck shaw and tj, no idea who could win your both about the same in quality cept shaw puts some neat animations in his sometimes.
  24. Kngkyle


    Well i somewhat agree that there not very good quality. None of them are worth over 100k. But its not right for him to say hes going to pay 3 mil then only pay 1/6th of that. :?
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