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Everything posted by IloveTK

  1. Well there has been few rivalry on tip it forums clan discussion but i don't really call them "Rivalry" since all they do is just flame bait each other on there topics and have few Cw fights, witch makes rivalry Very Dull and destroys the purposes of rivalry because you don't have the excitement of being hunted or having quick masses to hut your rival , so my question is Do you think Cw rivalry is Dull? Do you think Having rivalry IN Pvp would make it more Exciting for your clan?
  2. Don't be a hypocrite you have talked behind friends back as well don't act like your some angel. And Tim leaving 3 times shows your clan is lacking interest for members to stay, i wouldn't want to stay in a Dull clan eather Lacking interest for members yet the majority of our members are old school and has been in Downfall for over a year now. I'm sure if we were a dull clan we wouldn't be pulling 40+ of loyal members every month. It's call lack of loyalty, can't blame clan hoppers anyways. Who are you btw, you made that account to troll? 40+ with having almost 70 ML that is Not impressive shows some are still lacking the excitement in a clan meaning your clan is Dull pking at 12 at night not to get hit by a clan and to try to kill few randoms who are wondering around in wildly doesn't mean much you just posting this topic to try to pretend your clan ever does pvp. and don't use the timezone excuse because i don't see any clans that i know off that pk in falador We just showed (2 weeks ago), when we prep hard were capable of pulling 92% of our memberlist, we wont prep hard for wars we know were going to win lulul if your so sure that " we GOING TO WIN LULUL" why don't you guys accept fight with TK pvp run in?
  3. Don't be a hypocrite you have talked behind friends back as well don't act like your some angel. And Tim leaving 3 times shows your clan is lacking interest for members to stay, i wouldn't want to stay in a Dull clan eather Lacking interest for members yet the majority of our members are old school and has been in Downfall for over a year now. I'm sure if we were a dull clan we wouldn't be pulling 40+ of loyal members every month. It's call lack of loyalty, can't blame clan hoppers anyways. Who are you btw, you made that account to troll? 40+ with having almost 70 ML that is Not impressive shows some are still lacking the excitement in a clan meaning your clan is Dull pking at 12 at night not to get hit by a clan and to try to kill few randoms who are wondering around in wildly doesn't mean much you just posting this topic to try to pretend your clan ever does pvp. and don't use the timezone excuse because i don't see any clans that i know off that pk in falador
  4. Don't be a hypocrite you have talked behind friends back as well don't act like your some angel. And Tim leaving 3 times shows your clan is lacking interest for members to stay, i wouldn't want to stay in a Dull clan eather
  5. Pking starting at midnight? what you doing just looking for solo pkers and kill them?
  6. Was easy at start until they decided to mass snipe
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