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  1. Mozzerella, and after that Jack. (I think that's what it's called, the kind that is a mixture of white and yellow cheese.) Parmesian = smells like vomit, makes me feel like I'm going to as well
  2. I like it, the colours are really nice and the details on the foremost rock are very lifelike. It's simple, but lovely. For your first I think it is pretty darn good, too. 7/10
  3. Cute! ^_^ I'd never seen that one before. I should really go to bed, I'm so tired that it took me a while to figure out what it meant. :oops:
  4. Oh dear, no replies... is it really that bad? :cry: Oh dear.
  5. I finished up my first attempt at a pixel sig today, please give me some feedback on it. :oops: Thank you very much. Things to do next time: -Make a more detailed background. I wanted this one to be fairly plain, but I would like to try making a nice scene-ish sig next time. -Better face. I didn't leave enough room for there to be much detail. -Make the character bigger. Again, too small for as much detail as I could've done. -More shading and highlights. I got lazy toward the end, I shouldn't do that. >_< -More characters, a better pose, more movement/action in the picture. What else? Thank you again for helping me. I hope to get much better at this as I really like the look of pixel signatures.
  6. I'm so glad they're going back to the more realistic graphics. Now if they'll just get better plot and gameplay than Wind Waker, the series will be recovered. (Minish Cap gives me great hope for that, too. ;)) The whole "changing into a wolf" aspect could be really neat, too.
  7. :lol: Pahahahahaha! That would be so perfect. "In the news today, a native Canadian was voted the Greatest American ever."
  8. The examine for Abyssal Leeches is something along the lines of "This monster sucks hard".
  9. Thanks for the in-depth info, Leesters1. Very well written, if I get metal dragons as an assignment again I'll give it a try. ^_^
  10. Wow, that's really cool. ^_^ Good job, I hope you will post more as you make them, I would love to see them.
  11. When you examine the monster from the "one small favour" quest (an animated pile of rocks): "This monster totally rocks!!"
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