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Posts posted by Bows

  1. The time change threw me for a loop this morning. Woke up at around 4:45, wondering why I was awake so early. My internal clock usually wakes me up around 5:45/6, so now it makes sense, but I was super confused this morning.


    On another note, did anyone ever tell the Backstreet Boys why?

  2. Currently 45 degrees (F) outside and my apartment's outdoor pool is always open. So I went swimming for a few minutes >_> Felt even better than a cold shower, though the walk back to my apartment while I'm still dripping wet and have nothing but a towel to keep me warm kind of sucks lol



    I'm wondering if the pool is heated, though, since every time I dip my foot in the water before I jump in, my foot feels warmer in the water


    Probably just your body getting used to the temp? Happens to me when I get in and out of a pool often. It feels warmer each time.

  3. Ended up scoring an on-site interview with Goldman Sachs technology division this Friday, so I'm getting flown out to their Jersey office. Should be cool, I'm not entirely sure I'd want to work there but I've never been to New Jersey before so it'll be an experience at least.


    holla @ RPG???


    Holla atcha boi one time. Going out tonight. I'm dressed up.


    I have to put on pants pretty soon, and I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it.

    Have you been like, in bed for days or something?   :P



    I start my days in underwear at my PC with coffee. I haven't moved. Help.

  5. Of the two oldest women I've been with, one was about 4 years older and the other 7 years...they were both two of the better sexual experiences I've had. 


    Ok so this one girl sent me this message 


    "OK…risk of sounding ageist and I don't want to harp on this because it's really not an issue, but you've actually sent me more interesting messages than most anyone else on this site. 

    Again…I hope you don't take that to mean that I think 23 year olds aren't incapable of quality interaction, but I'm impressed."



    She is 33 and smokin'. Like dark eyes and dark hair and slim. 


    "I appreciate the compliment. I pride myself on being able to hold an intelligent conversation with people, regardless of their age. Unless you're 6, then we have a problem. Unless you're into that sort of thing. Which I'm not saying I am. I'm just saying I don't mind if you are. But if you're into that..."


    I've had too much coffee.

  6. "I think I'll dust out my place before fiends come over"


    8 hours later my sinus is playing up, my throat is sore and I'm throwing up. Thanks body, remind me to buy a facemask next time. On the upside, I now have a job. Full-Time work at Officeworks starting Nov 15th.


    Congrats, buddy. That's great news!

  7. As an avid beer-head, I've taken to trying a new beer almost everytime I go out. Here's some for you guys to try -- should they be available. Hangar 24 is my favorite overall, so I'll start with those beers.


    Hangar 24 - Altbier -Caramel, clean, perfect red ale. Finishes slightly bitter with a hint of chocolate. Absolutely perfect.

    Hangar 24 - Orange Wheat - It's similar to Blue Moon, which is a Belgian White, but it's just now as heavy. Tastes better, too.

    Hangar 24 - Chocolate Porter - A dessert beer. Chocolate, vanilla, and a somewhat bitter-sweet aftertaste. I recommend it if you're having something like a Creme Brule for dessert.

    Hangar 24 - Amarillo Pale Ale - Very powerful hop flavor and aroma. Some delicious-ass caramel background.

    Hangar 24 - Double IPA - Heavy tropical flavor. If you drink 2 or 3 of these quickly, you're gonna feel it.




    Stella Artios - Euro Pale Lager. Most everyone has had Stella at one time or another. It's pretty skunky out of the bottle, but on tap it's crisp and refreshing. Not as light as a typical light beer such as Coors or Bud, but not too heavy either. One of my favorites.




    Goose Island - IPA, the classic. This is my personal favorite out of their IPA's.  Fruity, hoppy, and a delicious aroma.

    Goose Island - Ten Hills IPA. All the way from Idaho. Herby, citrusy, delicious.

    Goose Island - Matilda. This is my second favorite beer of ALL time. It's just so damn good. Beautiful cider-esque color, dried fruit aromas with a bit if spice and a great finish. Goes down smoothly.




    Rustic Rye IPA - Orange, floral, with a nice dry and bitter finish. Probably my second favorite IPA next to Goose Island.


    I'll add some more a bit later. I have a list on my computer of all of the beers I love. Hope you guys get to try some!

  8. Did pee in a shower and sleep on a couch though.


    I tend to call that Tuesday.


    It's Saturday. I don't have work, woke up at 6:30 like every other day, made a nice pot of coffee and enjoying the rain down here in SoCal.



    Dunno what the fuzz is with all that Halloween stuff. Isn't really celebrated round here.


    I wanna be estonian for Halloween


    Apparently you can't.



    Not with that attitude.



    I still need to put together a costume for tomorrow. I'm thinking I'll go find some demon horns in the morning then hit a goodwill and find a Hawaiian shirt I can throw under a old blazer I already own and some cut up shorts and be a vacationing demon.

    That's actually fairly clever.


    I'm throwing on a Ray Rice jersey and dragging around a blow up doll by her hair.

    That's the most offensive costume this year according to buzzfeed



    Which is precisely why I'm not actually doing it.

  11. I still need to put together a costume for tomorrow. I'm thinking I'll go find some demon horns in the morning then hit a goodwill and find a Hawaiian shirt I can throw under a old blazer I already own and some cut up shorts and be a vacationing demon. 


    That's actually fairly clever.


    I'm throwing on a Ray Rice jersey and dragging around a blow up doll by her hair.

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