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Posts posted by _Douglas

  1. "I'm not aiming for it to be as hard as Nomad as this is a quest that seems to be most anticipated by the sort of questers who are more interested in storyline. "


    Come on. The sort of questers who are interested in storyline ARE the questers who desire challenging boss fights and difficult content. Up the ante already!

  2. It really makes you wonder who exactly gets the free paycheck for doing nothing over at the QA department when they release broken features like 'rated clan wars', 'mobilizing armies', and hair-wrenching, eye-stabbing grinds like... 'mobilizing armies' and 'livid farm'. From what I hear, Gladz's match got cancelled because of the feature being broken. Also heard that Jagex actually postponed this tournament until after the jagex Clan Cup because of all the bugs. Pretty likely that we're not going to bother with this crap for a third time around, as well.

  3. What are your views about clans who reopen under the same name - should they? Shouldn't they?

    If it's a few members getting back together who were once in the clan which closed, more power to 'em. However, of course hijacking a name by someone who was never a part of the original would be looked down upon. The fact of the matter is that no clan is 'the same as they once were', and there's no way for them to be like that ever again, even for clans that have not closed. People come, people go, nothing is ever just the way they were. If that's what you're looking for, to relive the good ol' days, when you join a reopen clan, then you are going to be disappointed no matter what.


    How would you react if, in the future, your current clan closed but then reopened?

    Gotta go back home.


    Have you seen any examples of clans reopening and being successful? Or opening under a different name and being successful?

    RsD and TMRD are the only ones that have done so successfully over the long term that I am aware of who have officially closed and made a big return, although SE/solace is pushing the boundary. I guess it depends on what your clan aims for. Is your sole purpose to be the best there ever was at PKRI/warring/P2p, or is it to be competitive and have fun in the game yet also provide a healthy long-term community, or is it "just get teh l00t"? 'Success' is subject to what the clan sets out to do. "Tarnishing the name/image" is hater talk for "I don't want you to come back/I want you to close". Simply go out, set some goals, and do your damnedest to achieve them.

  4. Isn't there something you can do in cw (eg. humidify) ?

    Nope, they routinely stop you from doing anything else besides castle wars while you do your castle wars in castle wars. You're not allowed to do anything for these ~90 days besides castle wars.


    While I understand that there is a reward at 5000 games, and therefore is needed for "completion", perhaps the reward is set too high to begin with.

  5. not a complete write off seeing as RsD, TT and Gladz have signed up. Think a TT x RsD final would be great to watch.... if you could watch it....which you can't. Mah clans signed up, but I frankly despise RCW; will see how it goes I suppose :P

    We can just declare the top 3 right now and save everyone the effort if Jagex is cool with that. :shrug:

  6. We approached TCL for a day prep pkri yesterday and they gladly accepted. We were unsure of what our pull would be like but we were hopeful for something decent.


    It was sure to be a very good close fight and we prepared for a large pull from TCL. Fortunately we both pulled about the same starting and it started off really well for us. Thanks to our excellent tanking and great styles we quickly gained an upper hand. There was some confusion about DG rules but we decided halfway through to just allow them, sorry if we brought them first I'm not sure who did to be honest. Anyway the fight had a bit of a come back from TCL but we fought off the barrage of snipers etc and maintained the upper hand until the end of the fight. Excellent fight TCL and thanks for it <3.



    Gladiatorz [117]


    TCL: ~110 confirmed by `good.





    Random pictures:













    Thanks for the AC RBH <3

  7. Have Jagex been successful in showing more integration with clans with the recent update?


    More "integration"? You mean finally acknowledging the existence of clans via an ingame update after ten years? Yeah they've shown more "integration".


    Jagex has always known about clans, but there's more to RuneScape than clans and therefore several updates/changes in the game has revolved around the whole base of players. There's no doubt that with the recent updates, Jagex are thinking about clans a lot more - whether it's for personal gain or whether it's for the community. The question itself asks how successful have they been integrating with us and clans in general with the last update, not about the last 10 years.


    What are your thoughts on the argument concerning clan member's privacy? Should a clan member be allowed to leave the clan channel and be entitled to their own privacy or should they always be in there?


    What a [cabbage]tily worded question. Anyway, the problem isn't related to 'privacy', it's related to peoples' feeling of guilt when they ignore their friends. They would rather just think that because their name can't be seen on the list that no one knows that they are online. However, everyone that passes them in the runescape world can clearly see them, everyone who has an xp tracker can see exactly what skill or minigame or quest that they've been doing (and exactly how much), and they don't have to see what is said in the clan channel if they don't want to - just set the display to 'off'. Get. Over. It. If someone wants to know if you're online, they will know one way or the other. I'd rather Jagex not waste their time trying to fix yet another thing that isn't broken and get to releasing more highlevel/clan content, instead of working to appease a sliver of individuals who think that they have some sort of guaranteed invisibility.


    It's completely related to privacy. Lots of members from RSB clans are complaining that they'll never be allowed to leave the clan channel, therefore having no privacy to other members of their clan. I agree that for us off-site clanners, there are plenty of ways to see if somebody is skipping an event. Please feel free to re-word the question if you feel the need to slate it.

    Yes, Jagex knew that clans existed, but until this update they have generally let it be on its own, with the exception, of course, of how they've been babying their RSB clans. Yeah, in recent years they've run a couple of Jagex Cup competitions, and the winners of that have had their names mentioned on an almighty plaque at clan wars. Other than that, you'd have to go back to the release of the 'clan chat' system, which arguably did just as much damage to clans as it helped due to how horribly it was named - confusing years' worth of players into thinking that "join my clan" meant that they should join a chat channel, and that their chat channels were actually their "clan". And before that, what, I think you'd have to go back to when they flattened out spiders->gdz? Now I'm not saying that in all that time they haven't ever thought about how what they were doing affected clans, I'm saying that they did not target the clan community for "integration" into the game. So the answer to your question is "yes, Jagex have shown more integration with clans via the recent update". That's easy to accomplish because prior to this there had been zero integration. The history of RuneScape is brought into the picture when you start using the word "more". "More" than what? More than they have ever before.



    What is 'privacy'? The ability to not let your name show up if you don't want it to? You can turn all of your chat buttons to OFF and you won't ever see anything from anyone. The fact that you're online is not sensitive material, but the ability to send you messages is, and that is regulated by the user setting their chat to 'off', 'friends', or by using the ignore list.


    That this issue "is completely related to privacy" is your opinion. That's why it's a badly worded question. You put your opinion into the question and you are guiding the responses, whether you intended to or not.


    "What are your thoughts on the argument concerning clan member's privacy? Should a clan member be allowed to leave the clan channel and be entitled to their own privacy or should they always be in there?"

    -> Should a clan member be allowed to leave the clan channel?

  8. Have Jagex been successful in showing more integration with clans with the recent update?


    More "integration"? You mean finally acknowledging the existence of clans via an ingame update after ten years? Yeah they've shown more "integration".


    Has your clan been taking full advantage of the update? (Cape Customization, Rated Clan Wars, Wilderness Kill/Death Ratio, Placing your Vexillums, etc)


    We've been playing with the capes and the vexillums. Rated clan wars is a joke. Wildy k/d ratio is an interesting stat but not important.


    What are your thoughts on the argument concerning clan member's privacy? Should a clan member be allowed to leave the clan channel and be entitled to their own privacy or should they always be in there?


    What a [cabbage]tily worded question. Anyway, the problem isn't related to 'privacy', it's related to peoples' feeling of guilt when they ignore their friends. They would rather just think that because their name can't be seen on the list that no one knows that they are online. However, everyone that passes them in the runescape world can clearly see them, everyone who has an xp tracker can see exactly what skill or minigame or quest that they've been doing (and exactly how much), and they don't have to see what is said in the clan channel if they don't want to - just set the display to 'off'. Get. Over. It. If someone wants to know if you're online, they will know one way or the other. I'd rather Jagex not waste their time trying to fix yet another thing that isn't broken and get to releasing more highlevel/clan content, instead of working to appease a sliver of individuals who think that they have some sort of guaranteed invisibility.

  9. We approached Downfall last week for a PKRI. Both clans prepped hard and all that usually fancy stuff. Both clans met on w34 and the fight started about pretty even, with neither clan really losing much momentum due to good turnouts and a small sniper cap allowing both piles to be strong. Long story short it was a fun fight and very close. Cbf going into much detail i haven't slept.


    The Following Rules were agreed upon:


    -No Corrupt

    -No Dungeoneering

    -Team to Clear Crashers

    -5 Sniper Cap

    -No Cape Switch at all

    -Immediate Ending 7:30PM EST (12:30AM GMT)



    Gladz: 150 (Peaked 57)



    Downfall: 147 (A few more ran up - Peaked 55)



    Immediate Ending



    One of the closest fights we've had in the past few months, very enjoyable. Goodfight


    Thank you to THE for AC. Any Gladiatorz flamming will be severely punished.


    Oh and one for the boyzzz from the old days :wub: Mazz, Nolan & Taumata


  10. We approached Wilderland for a week prep PKRI and and they gladly accepted.


    The rules were set for:


    1. 5:00 PM EST Start
    2. 7:00 PM EST Ending
    3. All Styles
    4. NO Corrupt or DG Items
    5. Team to clear crashers
    7. 5 Sniper CAP


    We approached this with hope of a terrific and close fight despite our bad sign ups we didn't know what to expect, but we were not disappointed when we met up with WL and our options were:


    WL Starting:

    111 (confirm please?)


    Gladz Starting:




    We quickly koed our first target while their pile was dragged away from us, and we never looked back. We had multiple transitions thanks to our amazing styles and everyone who stood in our way was decimated. We forced them into multiple regroups west of spiders and various other locations. Our tanking was pretty good for the most part and we made it near impossible for them to tank.


    WL called off returning about and hour and twenty minutes into the fight.


    Thanks for the AC TR + TM(I think?)



    Wilderland: 0 (stopped returning)


    Gladiatorz: 138 options (had a level 3 in pile)



    Random pictures:








  11. I think the main problem is that, as far as I can tell, all of their 'highscores' / 'ratings' will only have to do with this 'rated clan wars' thing they're planning on. There are ten years of RuneScape clanning history and it's going to be extremely difficult for them to account for that. Which accounts they associate current clan names with will be crucial, and even more so to past clans. They should be very careful, and contact current RSC/TIP.IT/long term RSB clan leaders to ask what accounts their clan's name should be associated to, and on release of the update, it should already be set. RSB clans come second, except for the wellknown ones, because they tend to be small and short-lived. Historical and closed clan names should be permanently withheld or given to any remaining leadership that can be found.

    They need to be very careful how this new activity is crafted because they will be conditioning the newer clans to fight in the certain way that the 'rated clan wars' will work. Not to mention, there are typically always methods to get around the way that Jagex initially develops content to work - players will use any method that they can think of to get to the top, and if clans are to be rated by this new system, then this will be no different. Of great concern would be the 'mass-recruit', where one of these new 'clans' springing up would literally go around and ask just anyone into their ingame clan - thus being able to quickly recruit thousands of members. While it would be great to see clanning so popular, I think it's safe to say that clans of that magnitude would be problematic, not only for ingame activities but also on a technical level.

    Jagex needs to entrust users with the security of their own accounts. Allow URLs, screenshots, and clan banners, and encourage off-site clan creation. Come to an agreement with IPB or vBulletin and arrange for proper, secure forum software. Improve the chat box ingame - word wrap would be a great start. Rename 'clan chat' to 'group chat' or 'chat channel'- there's a huge difference between a clan and a clan chat, and you have been confusing people for years about what it means to "join a clan".


    And most of all, get every Jmod out there to apply to an RSC/TIP.IT clan on their private accounts. You guys do play your own game enough to meet the requirements... right? You can't pretend to know what clanning is like unless you have extensive experience in the big leagues. Sorry, your experience poking around RSB clans is not adequate.

  12. Approximately a week ago a pkri was scheduled for today against PH, although having a relatively bad sign up we managed to out pull PH which gave us the upper hand at the start. Felt like we were in control from start to finish without much stress on our main pile whilst PH were forced to regroup multiple times. Nothing much else to say other then a good performance on our part from start to finish, Goodjob Gladiatorz.




    -No Corrupt

    -No Dungeoneering

    -Team if Crashed

    -Higher Pull Attacks

    -5 Sniper Cap


    PH Starting: 90


    Gladz Starting 105



    Immediate Ending:



    Thanks for the fight PH :thumbsup:.

  13. I think they need to focus on their own product rather than attempting to emulate existing software. Teamspeak and Ventrilo already exist and perform their functions well. I'm sure that if Jagex really wanted to they could open up negotiations with the companies behind that software to reach an agreement that would satisfy both sides and provide the customers with this service at a high quality, without requiring hundreds of manhours only to produce software with fewer features and questionable user satisfaction.


    The fact of the matter is that the Ventrilo and Teamspeak teams have their focus on their voice software all of the time. That is their business and they do it well. Make that deal and save yourselves headache, heartache, and money.

  14. Thanks to everyone's feedback and suggestions. The clan staff is proud to present a few changes to how the TWR will operate:



    2. Enforce TWR activity (1 war per month)
    3. Clans that apply have to war within 1 month or they will need to re-apply
    4. Any fight between 2 TWR clans will count for TWR; clans no longer have to declare on another clan to earn points. If two TWR clans have an unplanned PKRI, matched opts, etc. and post it in Wars & Run-Ins then both clans will earn points. The option to declare is still open for clans who prefer that route. Please include TWR in the title or topic description so the staff can award points more quickly.



    Any comments, questions, concerns, feel free to ask myself or any of the clan staff.

    Thank you!


    1 and 3 pretty much go hand-in-hand considering how improbable it would be for any given clan to not run into another TWR clan in the Wilderness unless they simply don't go out.



    Anyway, please clarify what happens/who decides on the results of an undecided undeclared Wilderness fight in which there isn't a clear winner.


    Will length/opts/opt difference matter in the number of points received per fight? Will any encounter between two clans count or must the encounter encompass a significant portion of the trip?

  15. If you want a nice community, join a clan. You guys are looking at the pixelated equivalent of making a best friend on a busy sidewalk - everyone's got their own place to go and thing to do. They are busy and you're not part of their picture. They'll keep doing their own thing unless and until you get in the way, and then when they say something, it usually isn't terribly nice because again, you're in their way. Occasionally you'll come across people just chatting on the street corner, and those people are nice (standing around edgeville, Ge, etc) but other than that, people are busy and typically want to be left alone to get their 'work' done (accomplish their goals).


    In this 'sidewalk' comparison, a clan is your family. The right clan for you will make your experience so much better. Being around an extended group of close-knit friends like a clan provides is invaluable to enjoying the community of the game. Not just a cc channel, an actual clan. It is there where you will find your friendly, helpful and respectful community.

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