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Posts posted by _Douglas

  1. I've checked out this area before but I had no idea the experience rates were so high. I'll definitely be going back there now, and if the xp adds up as you say it will then I think I've found how I'll be raising my hunter skill from now on!

  2. I'm pretty sure when you leave the dungeon, you drop all but one Ring... : \

    Yes, that is what happens. Plus when you're in the dungeon, you can't drop or destroy the ring in your inventory so you're pretty much just wasting a space by even picking it up to begin with.

  3. If you want to humidify without banking, you can use two fishbowls and if you're creative you can get pretty good speeds with it.

    For my magic training I prefer the string amulet spell, which basically means grab a mud staff and a stack of astrals and fill your inventory with unstrung regular gold amulets. Click once on the spell icon and it does your inventory by itself one amulet after the other. Although expensive it requires the least clicking and least attention.


    High alch+stun combo is the fastest you'll get with the regular spellbook and it involves a lot of clicking, although I hear ice strykewyrms are beautiful to fire surge if you've got the slayer level. Don't forget about the mage training arena north of duel arena, it can be a nice distraction for you while still getting your magic up.


    Ancients is expensive but if you choose to go that way I hear it's very fast. You could barrage at soul wars (at the enemy base) for some nice experience, plus the minigame point boost at the end. Also if you want charms you could burst/barrage rock lobsters.

  4. What Lizard mentioned is probably the best way to go about that. I know that they sell cards of that sort at Wal-Mart; just bring the card to the register and you can pay cash to charge it up. Then just go to runescape.com and you can probably just use it as if it were a credit card without even having to get paypal involved.

  5. Yes, fletching, cooking, woodcutting, and thieving are probably still the fastest/easiest. Of particular note to you would be cutting ivy, which is a very fast way to get woodcutting experience that doesn't give any logs, so it's great if you're at the computer but have things to do in another window.


    To get caught up to speed, I'd honestly start by looking at the news archive on Runescape.com. Go back to the last update you can remember when you left, and work towards the present. If you're interested in further information on something you see there, there's articles on tip.it that can help you out.


    As far as making money, I'm a big fan of slayer although there's always GWD if you want to monster hunt, and your production skill of choice for skilling.

  6. Well, obviously when you think of the Gladiatorz and then the word "rivalry", the clan that springs to mind is BK. But that rivalry has been pretty much over for years, and although there is a little residual flaming on both sides, most people in both clans weren't there for the events that sparked it. Currently though we don't have any heated rivalries or anything, we're just fighting a variety of clans and it's great fun to be on positive or neutral terms with almost everybody. We're continuing to regain strength and we've won the vast majority of the fights we've had in the last few months. Undefeated in TWR so far, too, if I remember correctly.. And with summer coming we're only going to continue to improve.

  7. Dw came late, was like a 5 min prep for us before we walked up.


    Gj anyway guys.

    To be fair, we had 4, maybe 5 'THE' members with us when our fight began. Their prep began once the fight started, while we had already been out PKing for 3+ hours.

    Eh, it was more like ~2 hours but regardless that's a fairly long day for a clan that's dead. :(

    "The Gladiatorz - been 'dying' for longer than your clan has existed"




    It was a great fight BK and DW, nice and clean. 4 kills over the span of the evening out, got koed horribly 3 times but whatever.


  8. Hm, Now I see why you were asking Gladz to ac after our war. Congrats Coll/LGZ.



    Yeah sorry about that guys



    Looks like you had a good game of scape after our fight ended, it's nice to see a great time being had by everyone and congrats on your victory

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