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    Moepasaurus Valley

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  1. I stood by the sapplings grown from the seeds I had brought. If the spirits have entrusted me with Rusco then they obviously don't want me starving to death. Settling into the ground beside them I saw their roots slipping through the soil towards the marshy sides of the lake. Slowly they reached, centimeters mighty distances for them. As they reached I lapsed into thought. Of the words imparted I remember, "We stop them." Them. Others. I bolted upright. Others! I was not stranded alone! But how would I know where they are? Do they know of me? Where would they be? The stream I encountered earlier was flowing in that direction and I'm further south than that now so it must meet up with a tributaries of sorts. Running water is the obvious place for others to congregate, food and water and waste disposal within meters from each other. I clacked my beak and claws in thought, "I'll leave a mark, an indication of my position in case others happen upon this site." My talons moved through the dirt easily, a single circle with an arrow to the northeast. I checked my pockets of the jumpsuit. At least three weeks in food if I ration it carefully, enough time to let the sapplings start producing by the time I return. I grab a nearby branch and begin my treck anew. Black is current position and sapplings Red is destination
  2. We need a new roll call. With enough people we may restart some of the old favourites or make new ones to fit that of changed tastes. Without active members known we can't draw in new members. Assemble ye of the Library! Let your voices be heard!
  3. I traveled south to where I was trecking. I stopped by a small brook to drink, I knew I was close to my destination. I opened up the map and stared at it, trying to get my bearings as I searched the surrounding landscape. Suddenly as I looked to what I assume was West a great bright light scalded me. It felt as if the worst of radiation posioning passed through me in mere seconds. My gums burst into blooded pulp and gushed from every open spot in my beak as I collapsed from the energetic protons. Cells destroyed in all of my organs gave way and I fell unconscious, soon I was dead. But what strangeness I encountered off the mortal coil. A figure of death approached and shifted and grew. It appeared in the form of the mighty Gorawoods, surrounding me on all sides and reaching for the heavens with their canopies. In their slow speach, if you call it that, words resounded in me. "This world was stricken clean of the diseased, the forgotten, the robber barons of worldly goods. Rusco has long been a cross-roads of places and those that stumbled upon it have been thrice cleansed. Once a simple white cottage with a lone occupant but taken in a swarm of newcomers. The second those newcomers who colonised the river and found it disappointing. They abandoned Rusco so Rusco abandoned them. A new generation came in greater numbers, yet none knew how to respond. Mutual distrust and fearful of the unknown they retreated. They have now been cleansed. A fourth generation of Rusco has now to be the caretakers of the land." It stopped briefly to let it sink into my mind before continuing. "We have been poor in our discipline though. The newest and best of Rusco in the past were eradicated from their caretaking with the rest. We stop them on the road to honors to ask if they'd return. We come now to you. Return to Rusco and uphold it in our spirit or return to the arms of the Gorawoods in eternal bliss." They stopped talking. I waited until I was sure that they had no more to say. Returning to the roots and soil of the Gorawoods was the natural end of all Malowes. But life had too strong a draw. I accepted their generous offer. The forest retreated as quickly as they appeared and I awoke with no bodily harm; the wounds of radiation seemed never present, even the brusies sustained before reaching this land had disappeared. I looked around to my surprise and found myself at my destination of the lake. My map open on a rock in front of me and three saplings growing from the banks. OOC: I know that it said that I came the day after but I liked this idea better after thinking about it a bit. I hope that doesn't hurt.
  4. Maybe we should all get together someplace in Rusco? Start a little colony?
  5. Hello everyone. Some of you old timers will remember me under a different name: Falcon Bomba. Gonna put my foot in the door with Aderyn Araea and pay a visit to Rusco after all this time.
  6. I groaned loudly, beak clicking after every utterance. That last impact finally separated the Warp Trooper from the mortal coil, leaving me behind in a foreign land. Sitting up I felt drained, remembering the thousand worlds Id briefly visited during the most terrifying seconds of my life. Worlds of dark rock that screeched loudly as it warped and twisted to consume the two interlopers before they cut through the multiverse again, lush landscapes that were filled with fungus and shadowy teleporting creatures getting quickly towards us with razor sharp appendages, and many more that had the improbability to exist except in the tortured dreams of the demented. Slowly I look around, my flight armor crumpled and dented. How the ceramic composite bent without him bending inside of it was a testament to its construction. A pity, I clacked out loud to myself knowing that it was no longer usable and would hamper my movement through the environment. Stripping down to the flexible jumpsuit I stretched and ran my talons over the system- jump rockets expended, jet scoop utterly and totally wrecked, the interior fans twisted and abraded, and the fuel tanks slashed open and empty but for a few drops. Then, it dissolved away as if knowing that it was no longer needed. I turned my attention to the gauss rifle next. A little scratched but still usable. A miracle I thought until I checked the capacitor- burnt out with no charge. Soon it dissolved away too. Aaaragh. Useless! All of it! I screeched out of frustration. It was unbefitting of a Jugidae to be without his flight suit or weapon. Especially in what could be hostile territory. I have no idea where I was dropped. The atmosphere seems suitable, gravity a little heavier than what Im used to but I can adjust, and plant life was growing. I reached for a pocket to grab a ration pack, its succulent juices from a Gorawood back on his home planet. Ill have to find somewhere to start growing a Gorawood or two if Im going survive, I muttered, reaching for some seeds I kept for good luck, Better get to somewhere where these can grow too. I reach into another pocket of the jumpsuit with my talons groping and reach a crude map. Huh? I look around and compare it to the map. It seemed as if I was in northern Cavensburg County. I picked myself up from the dusty pit where I lay. I keep to the trees under suspicion I could be on a DFS occupied world as I make my way towards the lake noted on the map to the south.
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