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  1. Ah, I see what you mean now. I suppose that's a loophole to the game. If you continue to double every time, you would make profit the first time you rolled your 40% chance victory. Odds say that you should at least win 4 in 10, so unless you are unlucky you would win by at least your 3rd or 4th try. (See in notes below). [hide=Math Stuffs] Starting at 1M the first bet and doubling each time. #1 = 1M bet (LOSE = 1M lost ) (WIN = 2M Total Profit) #2 = 2M bet (LOSE = 3M lost ) (WIN = 3M Total Profit) #3 = 4M bet (LOSE = 7M lost ) (WIN = 5M Total Profit) #4 = 8M bet (LOSE = 15M lost ) (WIN = 9M Total Profit) #5 = 16M bet (LOSE = 31M lost ) (WIN = 17M Total Profit) #6 = 32M bet (LOSE = 63M lost ) (WIN = 33M Total Profit) #7 = 64M bet (LOSE = 127M lost ) (WIN = 65M Total Profit) #8 = 128M bet (LOSE = 255M lost ) (WIN = 129M Total Profit) #9 = 256M bet (LOSE = 511M lost ) (WIN = 257M Total Profit) #10 = 512M bet (LOSE = 1023M lost = Ragequit ) (WIN = 513M Total Profit) [/hide] So your right that you can make a "guaranteed" profit on the game (Assuming you don't pull 0/10 odds). You wouldn't even have to stick with the same host as long as you can make sure you bid x2 the amount you bid last. As soon as you hit your victory, you simply restart back at the beginning and repeat the cycle. How much profit you made would depend on what point you rolled your winning score. The only problem is you have to have enough cash that you continue playing until you do win. I would imagine a lot of dice hosts require a high minimum bid or don't allow you to continue rolling to prevent against this method. It works as long as you don't pull a long losing streak. your calulations of profit are wrong you only profit 1m profit on any of the wins thats the whole theory behind martingale betting system to win a small amount each time or get completely wiped
  2. Divine > Elysian > DFS > Dragon Sq > Rune Kiteshield > Chaotic/Eagle Eye/Farseer Kiteshield Simply put that is how they rank from best to worst. Both Divine and Elysian can be used to get rid of junk and trade for rares. Divine is obviously the best because it reduces your max cash stack by the most which leaves room for your daily merch profits to continue to add up for the longest before more shields need to be bought. Guess how much Chaotic/Eagle Eye/Farseer Shields are worth, thats right NOTHING. You spend godforsaken amounts of time away from the grand exchange (possibly not even in world 2) only to get a shield that has no cash value. All in all Divine is the best for the obvious reasons, I am not sure who originally proposed the idea of the dungeoneering shields being better when they are clearly not. Also on a side note, I have heard rumors that shields are also quite useful in combat, however I haven't confirmed it.
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