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Posts posted by speakoN

  1. Wow, assassin, you've completely blown me back!


    Given a whole different perspective of working out and re-focused my original goal, even in the early stages I've already become side tracked by weights which was evident in my trip to the gym today!


    I doubt I will follow that regime to a T. But I will definitely be taking from it, although it won't give me the best results I will adapt it to my situation.


    Going to pick up some filler sports in the mean time, most likely football due to the variety in work outs that you get but mainly for the sprints.


    I think I'm set.


    Really cannot fully thank you guys for your effort and collaboration of information all in one thread. Really helped, definitely taking all of your thoughts for the ultimate workout regime!


    Time to see if i've still got it I guess! :)


    Thanks again! I will post results when I've seen a difference!

  2. Lol FMJ on a pumpgun.


    Pretty evident you've never used it..

    Pretty evident I have, or else I wouldn't be telling you of it's pointlessness.



    It's been nothing but useful for me, the amount of hit markers I've had in collateral situations drove me to use it. So far I've yet to even have a hit marker on triples.


    So I'll be sticking to FMJ/Ex. Mags. Or Bling Pro.

  3. 9th Prestige - PC

    4th Prestige - Xbox


    Want a nuke?:


    Harrier (7) > Chopper Gunner > (11) > Nuke (25)




    SCAR/Tar/ACR with Silencer.

    Secondary: Personal choice; USP/M9 Akimbo. The amount of times they've saved a nuke for me is unbelievable, they're very quick to pull out and incredibly powerful.

    Perk 1: Scavenger

    Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro

    Perk 3: Ninja Pro

    Equipment: Claymore & Stun Grenades.


    With this setup it's impossible to fail unless there are variables out of your control - Lag, people consistently shooting down air support etc.


    KDR Setup:


    Predator Missile (5) > Harrier Strike (7) > Pave Low (9)


    Weapon: UMP45 | Silencer/FMJ |

    Secondary: Personal choice; SPAS12 | Extended Mags/FMJ | this or PP2000 | FMJ/Silencer|

    Perk 1: Marathon Pro

    Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro

    Perk 3: Ninja Pro

    Equipment: Semtex & Stun Grenades.


    Ultimate Kill Death Ratio setup, very very hard not to do well with this setup. Alternatively; Tar21/Silencer with Slight of Hand Pro.



    Pretty generic information, but there are still people out there who are unaware.


    Edit: Play Headquarters Pro. It's literally.. words cannot describe. Just do it.

  4. Eggs, beans and milk products are superior for proteins


    Personally I stick to water


    I change my routine every 3-4 weeks


    This is where my problem comes.. I'm not much of a fussy eater but.. I cannot in words explain how much I detest Eggs, Beans and Milk. All three of them just make me feel violently ill upon consumption. The closest I come to milk is generally cheese, which is why I am having such a hard time finding another source that can compete with them, is it time to just suck it up and just... eat/drink them? I know I can't force it, but surely I will acquire a taste for it? As I am yet to find an alternative that can compete.


    Water it is, after having one just then I realised how full they make you feel as well, which considering the nature of what I am trying to achieve should be avoided :P


    Routine switch up, god knows why that didn't come to mind :S Simple yet effective! Thanks a lot!

  5. What I reccomend you to do is to make a food log for one whole day. Then go to nutritiondata.com and see how many calories you are actually used to eating. If you write down the times you eat, and post the log here, I can help you create a strategy to help you gain some bulk.

    Really? That would be incredible! Thanks, I will start tomorrow! Need to start having proper full meals instead of snacking on crisps and chocolate when ever I feel hungry, which is going to be the biggest contributing factor in my opinion


    So correct me if I am wrong; You're saying I need to have these protein shakes and other such products, but also maintain a +3,000 calorie day diet separate to that intake? What type of food would you suggest? There's such a variety, a starting block would be nice!


    Also, what I am struggling with at the moment is what food to eat before and after sessions, there must be a food type, or a certain product that is superior for before and after? Thoughts?



  6. Hey! Thanks a lot :)


    Those Get Ripped In 24 hour adverts are hilarious!


    You covered a lot of points in the diet section and even answered future questions unknowingly :P I don't know if you're from the UK so this is a just incase; If you do live in the UK could you maybe suggest some of these high calorie foods? In the shops there are so many I don't even know what I'm looking for, as my main priority is to try and achieve the impossible and get some weight on me! The diet won't be an issue, my parents are going to be over the moon when I ask for some vegetables :)! So I hope that'll slowly but surely make a change.


    Secondly - Drinks? There are so many of them the main one being Lucozade, would you recommend these? I've stuck to the traditional water.. Have you or anyone you known used it with their work outs and seen a difference in performance, out of curiosity.


    Regarding the work out, it was more because I find them so... boring. It's my least favourite bit of working out and cannot bring myself to create a regime and was wandering if there is a universal one, or an online guide to them? Just for floor excersises such as; Push Ups, Crunches, Sit Ups, etc, etc.


    Those videos, especially the first one look very interesting and may spice things up a bit!


    Thanks a lot for your input so far :)

  7. Hello everyone,


    I have a vast sporting background, ranging from Gymnastics for 4-5 years (In one of Britain's leading gyms), high jump, track running events, long jump, football, rugby - You name it I've competed in it. Now, I've always been lucky in that aspect I manage to pick up sports easily and compete to a decent standard. Then I found Runescape, then WoW etc, the stereotypical sob story. Now, I'm still in good physical shape and have been leeching off my younger years active lifestyle but I can start to see the inevitable decline. This is the only time I can remember not having ab definition and I never see my veins as frequently as I did.


    Now, my physique has been kind enough to stick around for these gruelling 4 years of pretty much.. abuse. High fat intake (God bless ludicrously high metabolism saving my [wagon]), my main activity being walking up stairs for long periods of time, lack of sunshine, the whole package that gaming comes with. I used to be able to run a 11.8 second 100m sprint. Now I'm scared I will collapse :P


    I fully intend on playing Rugby, I've been blessed with agility and finesse and have always been told so. I'm just sad that I've wasted all this potential as I am now 17 there leaves a very small window of opportunity to enjoy sport to it's maximum.


    Now, I see everywhere 'beginner guides' 'get ripped in 4 weeks'. But I'm struggling to find a guide that accommodates someone with an existing athletic physique upon which they can build and grow etc.


    First off, diet. Does anyone else have very high metabolism? I cannot put on weight if my life depended on it, would protein shakes be the way forward - Also, on this note. What healthy food can you suggest? I usually get my 3/5 a day on average but this is because I despise Bananas and numerous vegetables. Not my fault I just cannot stomach them, can you by any chance suggest alternatives that can compete with their nutritious value? Any other dietary information you could suggest would be welcomed.


    Lastly, work out. I'm a member of my local gym, have equipment at home. The gym sides of things are taken care of as I will just have to renew my plan to accommodate the changes. But what can I do at home? I've got one of those all inclusive weight machines which have already started to make a difference. But when it comes to push up/crunch routines I am lost!


    TL;DR - I want to improve on my physique to accommodate my lust for Rugby in the quickest form, money is not an issue nor is time. Cardio isn't an issue, I'm very quick and agile but that means [cabbage] when I have poor strength, the players I will be competing against have been training in the weight rooms for years etc, speed can only get me so far.


    Thanks a lot for reading! Look forward to your comments.

  8. One thing I forgot to mention, as did everyone else i think, is that runecrafting had an update so that now the close you are to the lvl of a double craft, the higher percent chance you have of making 2 of the runes. (it only becomes 100% at the lvl obviously) This is why im still doing natures, because at my lvl i get on average about 73 runes per full inventory with pouches, so out of 49 runes per trip, im getting 73ish natures back. So feel free to keep on doing natures and it will be an increasing profit as you lvl, as opposed to how it used to be with 49 natures back until you were lvl 91.


    Hey, thanks a lot! It's these types of things that are going to catch me out. Think I am going to give my old method of:


    Cutting 2k Yews, Fletching, Stringing them myself.


    Then purchasing the nature runes (but now I could potentially craft these myself for the top profit).


    Speaking of which, do Yew Long's (S) Still High Alch for 765gp or so? That'll get me into a familiar situation and a steady income to help aid the payment of all this gear! Not to mention that little boost on the way to some 99's.


    Thanks again!

  9. :) Brilliant!


    Thank you very much for all your useful information, definitely going to make life easier when I finally get my computer back (All praise iPhone's with 3G access :P)


    There's so much to do I had to compile a list :P Really though, thanks a lot! Can't wait!


    See you in-game!

  10. Thank you very much Geesch!


    Going to go with your suggestion, adapting to gold restrictions (i.e fury for glory)


    I will be using the whip on controlled as you advised.


    Sadly I have 37 Runecrafting not allowing me to make anywhere close to 1million an hour :D, and neither can any of my other skills make a better effort.


    I think I will train combat for a while, get into the swings of things again as I can't learn much running Fish Spot > Bank > Fish Spot > Bank : ).


    If there's anything else you'd like to add, feel free!

  11. For Slayer (I'm assuming you'll be meleeing), I think the 'classic' whip and rune defender combo is one of the best.

    You can get defenders from the Warrior's Guild, in Burthorpe (you can use a combat bracelet - enchanted dstone - to tele there). You have to first collect tokens, from the various activities there, which allow you to spend time on the top floor, which is full of Cyclopes.


    I think I'd best let RSWiki explain the rest, as the page on defenders (http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Defender) is very good. It may take some time to get up to Rune - it took me about 200 tokens, I think (but I'm low combat and so killing the Cyclopes wasn't that quick) - but it's definitely worth it.


    As for armour, I use Torag's, simply because it has high defence bonuses, and you can easily recoup the repair costs with a few tasks. My suggested setup would be:


    Head: Black Mask/Slayer Helm (the only option, really)

    Cape: Skill Cape/Obsidian Cape/Legends Cape (in order of best to worst)

    Neck: Amulet of Fury (if you can afford one - they've skyrocketed recently)/Amulet of Glory/Salve Amulet (for undead - once you can, enchant it too by completing Tarn's Lair, a miniquest)

    Body: Torag's

    Legs: Torag's

    Boots: Dragon

    Gloves: 'Barrows' Gloves (from RFD)

    Ring: Warrior/Berserker/Ring of Life

    Weapon: Whip/Drag Scimitar (for strength)/Saradomin Sword (a great alternative - speed of whip, and can train strength - expensive though)

    Shield: Rune Defender


    The Fighter Torso is talked about a lot due to it's strength bonus, although it takes a few hours of a minigame (oops, activity - they've changed the name :P) to get. I could personally never be bothered, as it seems like a waste of time to me.


    I suggest you get your Summoning up as soon as possible - you'll get a headstart after finishing Wolf Whistle, but read Tip.It's guide (http://www.tip.it/runescape/?page=summoning_guide.htm) to find out more. In general, crimson charms are the best for levelling, with blues as a source of 'extra' XP or especially good familiars.


    The levels to aim for are 40 for a Bull Ant (Beast of Burden), 52 for a Spirit Terrorbird (again, beast of burden) and 68 for a Bunyip (heals you) - after that, you have the Titans (heal and are pretty good fighters), Unicorn Stallions (heal you by 15% of your max LP) and the Pack Yak - carries 30 items (!) and can bank items for you.


    I suggest you try your hand at a few quests, too. I don't know how many you've done, but they're a nice break from slayer/skilling and provide pretty good XP rewards sometimes.


    Oh, and remember to use Super Attack/Strength potions while slaying, too - speeds up tasks considerably :P


    Thank you very much! Cleared up all my questions and ones I had accumulating in my head as I read along :P


    Looks like I'll be leaving the Fighter Torso for those rainy days. Just on a side note of the mention of the Dragon Scimitar, is this the best weapon to train strength on? I know you mention a Saradomin sword but that'll probably be out of my price range.


    Can't wait to get my hands on Summoning, sounds incredibly beneficial! The first quest I'll be doing is Legends! It was my main priority before I quit :D

  12. Thank you for your replies, especially Greekskiller.


    From the looks of things, Slayer is the way to go! Which opens up a whole new branch of questions (Thank you for your extra information on Slaying Greekskiller - Big help)


    From my stats, what's the best slayer set I can afford within 33million? (Note; I have full barrows + 33million cash). I hear a lot about fighter torso's, rune defenders (They came out around the time I quit). A full character sheet would be appreciated a whole lot.!


    Thanks again!


    Time to hit the Runescape archives!

  13. Hello all,




    I started playing in 2006, until late 2008, but haven't played since then. I bought a membership today and am currently sitting at around 34million.



    Attack: 81

    Strength: 73

    Defence: 70

    HP: 77

    Ranged: 71

    Prayer: 52

    Magic: 75

    Cooking: 55

    Woodcutting: 75

    Fletching: 88

    Fishing: 56

    Firemaking: 64

    Crafting: 61

    Smithing: 50

    Mining: 60

    Herblore: 45

    Agility: 43

    Thieving: 53

    Slayer: 40

    Farming: 40

    Runecrafting: 37


    All New Stats are 1




    With so many new features I am pretty overwhelmed and have no idea where to go. But my first goal is to regain my previous wealth of 100m (I gave away 70% of my stuff to friends when I left).

    Now, I have 33million odd to invest, could someone please recommend the best action to take, taking into account my stats. (Please refrain from saying merchanting, not my forte)

    I've been hardened from obsessive abuse of WoW so I'm game for some mind-numbing grinds.


    I would also like to achieve some 99's. Can I assume that fletching, cooking, fishing and woodcutting are still the easiest and most cost effective?


    Lastly; I want to get up to speed as quickly as possible I can see there have been huge revamps to the world map! Is there any short course to getting to grips with the new features? A website, tutorials? etc.


    Thank you for your time, if there is anything related to this matter you would like to add. I'm all eyes.


    Thanks again.

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