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Lose No Hope

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Posts posted by Lose No Hope

  1. This happened a long time ago, but it went like this:


    Noob: Hey, ur the person who hacked me and took all my stuff!!!


    Me: ?


    Noob: Dont lie to me, you know you took my stuff. Give my full rune back or ill report you!!!


    Me: Wtf are u talking about???


    Noob started following me, threatening to report me, until i logged and world hopped.


    Needless to say that they went on my :angry: list

  2. They moved the shortcut of Farming from "F" to "Q" to put Dungeoneering in "F".

    I like my Farming level so I'm not happy. Plus it's not logical.



    Its JaGex, they threw logic out a long time ago >.>

    Yes, yes they did.

  3. I can see the problem and how spam filled it is to find a random team. These should be fixed. The only similar problem i had was when i would lag out becauses of my bad connection. But i now only do dungeoneering with friends or i solo so it is no longer a problem for me. Maybe jagex will oneday decide to listen to our problems with some parts of the game and actually fix it... (only time they really listen to us it seems is when there is a huge bug or the entire rs forums is filled with the same idea/complaint.)

  4. I agree with every problem you stated. I looked at my rune defender the other day, and just stared at it for a minute... trying to figure out why it looked so deformed... #-o I can barely tell which skill cape is which... if i didnt recognize the colors, and somehow made out the vague shape of the symbol, id have no clue...

    Jagex needs to get the 5 year olds and chimpanzees out of there and fix these obvious and annoying problems.

  5. I hate when people flame me for having an untrimmed fletching cape... Most of the people that would flame me dont even have a 99 cape. :wall: A 99 is a 99, it take time and dedication to get. Just because a cape isn't viewed as the hardest cape to get, doesnt mean that its a bad thing to get it... Im proud of my 99 and I could care less if a bunch of losers call me a noob for having it...

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