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Everything posted by Comical

  1. We are all unworthy through the lens of the almighty Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  2. I poke the wall. I proceed to laugh. 78 HP.
  3. The wall changes his mind and decides to like your signature. After all, it has pretty Korean women in it. 73 HP.
  4. I found a bunch of nifty stuff in Terraria, then I died, but I was playing on the equivalent of peaceful in minecraft, so I only lost some money. It was exciting. I think I'm almost ready to take on the easiest boss. I don't see how that relates to my post. It doesn't I added a bunch of space in between to show they were two separate thoughts. Guys, should I study for my History test? Shouldn't be too hard, but hey. I was quoting him because I was going to say the same thing as him. You're just making yourself look like a doofus. You have no credible source. :ohnoes:
  5. I found a bunch of nifty stuff in Terraria, then I died, but I was playing on the equivalent of peaceful in minecraft, so I only lost some money. It was exciting. I think I'm almost ready to take on the easiest boss. I don't see how that relates to my post. It doesn't I added a bunch of space in between to show they were two separate thoughts. Guys, should I study for my History test? Shouldn't be too hard, but hey.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYTnzNeTWmE
  7. The wall gets humped by joy. 64 HP.
  8. Renamed thread. Why you do this.
  9. His wife moves to Greenland and refuses to take the wall with her. 64 HP.
  10. I introduce the wall to a girl. 64 HP.
  11. I teach the wall Morse Code. 56 HP
  12. It would be mine too if it weren't for the fact that I get RDM'd on half my traitor rounds.
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