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Posts posted by Weekdiertje

  1. It might come down to who can stay awake the longest at this point...

    Elias is going for 30+ hrs then sleeping 6-7, but sleep won't be the deciding factor


    Dragonseance oops I mean Elias #1


    Are you friends/talk with more top 15 players ? Do you have any more info on other players plans ? :D

    Also +1 for the dragonseance oops i mean elias.

  2. Any idea what Telmo is doing now that he got 200m hunter? By the looks of his track he was playing castle wars games and having fun barraging, but I am not 100% on that. And now it looks like he is doing livid farm, so my guess is he wants the completionist cape.


    Yea completionist cape would be a good guess, it's awesome for slayer, which he might do next?

  3. TG is going pretty slowly.


    He got almost hacked, all of his data (facebook, rs etc.) was keylogged or something, that's why his adv log was f2p for a while (he cancelled memb immediately) and now it's private.

    Dunno if he lost a lot of cash, probably he did.


    Btw A13d told me this, who posts here often too.

  4. I wont be getting the last 17m xp like I said. I dropped my entire bank, deleted my house, deleted my friends list, and just canceled membership yesterday. I wont ever be coming back. If anyone wants to remove me from their list then feel free. I did all this for my own good. Now I have to live with the fact I wasted those 4 years of my life on a failed goal...


    Nice step, try to find some other things to do, like facebooking, youtubing, watching movies, watching series i dunno. Really helps with not thinking about rs.

    And you did not waste those 4 years, you had fun.


    Now go prove lemar wrong!

  5. Prices will almost definitly go down because of all the bots. Smithing addy plates isn't far off break even nowadays. With all the avansie bots making bars go down and addy plates being profitable to alch already it's unlikely it will get more expensive (just an example, I realise suomi isn't planning on smithing any time soon).


    Change that any time soon in never, he has 200m smithing :P

  6. Thanks suo :) if anyones interested in some of the methods i use i have new youtube; rskingduffy


    Thanks for the info, I see you got many nice vids already :)


    Just curious Suomi, do you keep your slayer drops in a bank tab or do you sell them as you get them? If so it would be interesting to see what 100m slayer xp gives in total drops. Similar to what Telmo did with his 58m slayer xp tab.


    Yea i'm really curious about that too, i think he keeps them all, because it's a lot slower to go ge everytime and sell the drops. And he does not like xp waste :D

    I'm also curious if you have a lot of rare drops, since you said you were always unlucky haha. Got any visages yet? And how's the cashflow going!

  7. By the way I've found something that actually is wrong with the spreadsheet :P


    If someone has an effigy pair blocked then there will be a -ve number of lamps used for the second skill. This means that the player will generate effigy lamps from nowhere, which are then used on the next skill that isnt maxed.


    For example S U O M I generates 1375.8 lamps from having mine/smith blocked, which he then dumps on firemaking, saving him 66m fm xp. Telmomarques generates 2341 effigy lamps in this way, saving 56m farm and prayer xp.

    Thankyou for pointing that out, I think it's fixed now.


    Telmo seems to have stopped before 200m. He's probably saving space for effigies :P Or maybe he wants to pass drumgun's title in 1 day instead of staying equal with him for months.


    I think he stopped because he wants to have a party, judging by his videos he has held quite a lot of 200m partys. And a party takes a little planning ofcourse

  8. He could also beat Jebrim's agility record if he changed his mind.

    1 effigy is 138k xp so 453 would be 62.5M which is only 4.4M off beating drumgun's daily record so idk what you're talking about 19m summoning for.

    He is also planning on getting 500 before using them i'm pretty sure.


    How can you get 500 effigies? 438 Bankspace + 28 inventory spaces?


    Members have 438 spaces + the 78 (not 28) for free players.

    That makes 516 spaces. So he would have very little space for other items, he'd probably hold some effigys or other stuff in his inv, and always wield his gear etc.

  9. I think they'll change it back tbh... meh atleast we got one good thing today (dat left click)


    Don't know about that, they did it with prayer too 2 years ago. Never got changed back.

    Well but if they encourage emergent gameplay they should change this back, how emergent is it to combine 2 skills with eachother at the same time. (Fletch/wc)


    Edit: Good thing drumgun got 165m fletch xp at the right time, or would he like this new relaxed way... lol


    Oh and what if this doesn't ruin the fletch/wc combo, maybe you can just speed click make all and then a tree again, someone should test this :D

  10. Does anybody know if the brawler wilderness cooking method is nerfed? And/or,, how many exp/hour is it at the moment?


    Yes that got nerfed, it is no better then regular wines now, especially since brawlers take forever to get.

    You can now do 1000 wines with one pair, that's like nothing compared to before.


    I'm pretty sure Jd is a girl I saw her at dungeoneering once and she had a girl avatar


    makeover mage


    exactly, you can't assume a girl is a girl just because of their avatar.


    Unless he's stupid, pretty sure he's just trolling


    I presumed she was a girl. And I thought he was French/Canadian? Any sources that confirm she's Dutch, weekdiertje?


    Her youtube channel says dutch:

    RSxJdelacroix is her channel i thought. Don't know for sure it is the real one, but i thought it was.

  12. From the day suomi started slaying (feb 21) intensively, he averaged 934k xp a day.


    Max slaying rate including using effigys on slayer is about 60k xp/hour i believe.

    That means suomi plays 15,5 hours a day. Which is about correct since he stated he does 16 hours a day.

    The other half hour is probably used for farm runs + assist giving in rc. Nothing more nothing less, he doesn't like to waste xp by banksitting and stuff.

    Remember this is all on average and in the end 60k slayer xp/hour would be reasonable with no decreases in effigy droprates.


    I don't know where the 18 hours a day come from, that is what drumgun plays (though he does 17 atm for a while). Props to both btw


    So he has 8 more hours in a day, plenty for sleep (6-7 hours) + exercise (1-2 hours).

    And that's hopefully it for our weekly no-life discussion.

  13. Jdelacroix took back rank 2 in xp from telmomarques, with 3,3m dung xp gained today he is only 1m away from his 8th 200m skill, 200m dungeoneering.

    Doubt his rank 2 in xp will last long, since telmo will keep hunting at a very nice pace.


    I saw her Thieving today, she's close to 200m Thieving too (roughly 40m xp?)



    Jdela is a guy.


    Yes he certainly is, and he is dutch.

    I doubt he will get 200m dungeoneering soon because i thought he wanted to achieve 4 200m skills at the same time, like he did previously with 3 (herb, construction and firemaking) and with 2 (fletching and prayer).

    So now he might go for dung, thieving, farming and ranging. The last 2 skills in this list could be changed into some other.

  14. Jdelacroix took back rank 2 in xp from telmomarques, with 3,3m dung xp gained today he is only 1m away from his 8th 200m skill, 200m dungeoneering.

    Doubt his rank 2 in xp will last long, since telmo will keep hunting at a very nice pace.

  15. PS:




    This made my day, epic black guy who makes point and intimadtes me into not saying anything stupid past this post.


    I'll stay on topic now Mr. Michael Jordan.



    (excuse that I'm on topic)

    Has anyone calculated how many hours it takes roughly to obtain 200m in all skills? I really don't feel like reading through 350 pages.


    Edit: LOL at the accidental /b/ that found it's way into there.

    That's what this thread reminds me of in the first place.


    Yes i believe someone did that, i don't remember it but i do remember this:


    A person with all 99's (incl dung) needs about 13,5k hours to max to 200m in all skills

    The person closest to this is suomi with about 8k hours left, he has a 2k hours lead on allar.

  16. This topic is made because the old one got locked because of all the spam..

    Hopefully people won't spam this thread.


    If you are interested in the race to 200m in all skills, thus what the top 15 players are up to, come join us in this thread.

    Langer provides us with his top 15 updates on sunday along with a milestone chart of players with the most skills at 50m, 100m and 200m xp!


    Hopefully he still will in this new thread, i thank you for all your previous updates langer.

    Some other notable people who contributed a lot to the old 200m all skills thread:

    Xensure & Thai thong (for all the calculations, mini-updates and a wonderful spreadsheet which reflects the time every top 15 player still needs to play to get 5b)

    Nearly all maxed players in the top 15

    Many others which i don't remember by name but did post often.

  17. Allar has reached 50M prayer for his 19th skill over 50M tying him with Zarfot and Elias at rank 1 in this category.


    I wonder langer, how do you keep so up to date, i like to track the top players, but i can't keep up with your awesomeness.

    Keep up the good work man!


    And @ suomi if you read this, how is your 'interview' going? Nearly done :D?

    And not getting bored/tired of slayer yet?


    And btw, anyone else glad this emre guy probably got banned again, i sure don't miss him.

  18. You are assuming the team has the levels to open all the doors before the skiller makes them higher


    The lvl 3 "skiller" will most likely have lower stats than a decent main


    lvl 3 skillers are kinda offtopic unless one of them plans on just completely doing combat right now =p which yea some do....




    yes they add time to the floor how much time depends on how good the team is at gathering the potions and how good the keyer is - u also lose a gatestone if u have a skiller.


    but then again 200m dg is accually a small part of all 200ms - timewise even with randoms and lots of deaths its easy to get a decent exp/day.....even if you hate the skill...

    and at 200m dg your 200m dg and never have to dg again so goes for maxed players too green098 was known as being not so good while other players on that list like telmo, elias, skiller703, elvis were accually good and they achieved the same result of 200m dg =p...also jd is 200m soon to add to the pro 200m dgers list =)


    green098 is actually a very good dger btw...


    As good as Mintella? Trolololol


    What's with mintella? She got banned or something? For what?

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