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Posts posted by Led-Zeppelin

  1. Do you guys stick close together? I'm assuming not if you're cousin killed one and you didn't hear the shot.. Isn't that pretty dangerous? Do you make sure you have visual all the time before you fire?




    Had a few cases over here where hunters have killed their friend mistaking it for a deer. :wall:

  2. Yea, and local underground metal band would really fit as opener for a stadium concert held by one the greatest pop-bands to ever walk this earth. Come on.




    I'm sure Aussie has some nice bands around with a good old sound that would do The Police more justice then some girl riding her 20 minutes of fame.

  3. Ok, I always remember this movie I saw when I was little, and I am always reminded of it when I watch the Wizard of Oz or The Neverending Story for some reason. When ever I ask people I know, and describe it to them, they look at me as if I am on something. I don't know if it was a dream I had when I was little, or a movie, but I'm positive it's the latter.




    Ok, the things I remember;


    The main baddie was some witch or sorceress type lady, and she could change her head, she had this room full of different heads in glass cabinets, and they could all talk and stuff even when they weren't on her neck. And she could take off the old and change around as she pleased.




    I remember another part and the hero (have no idea if it was a boy or a girl) was being chased by a big group of guys, that had wheels for hands and feet, around some old ruins.




    I also remember someone was locked in a room and they made a flying sleigh type thing, and at the helm was a mounted moose head that could talk.




    Could someone give me any info on this at all, and let me know that I'm not crazy and remembering some dream from my childhood?

  4. I don't follow cricket too much, if it's on the telly, I will check up on the score every half hour, but won't sit and watch the whole thing. Now going to the cricket is another thing, again, I don't go to watch the game. The terraces is where it's at! Get drunk in the hot sun, and see how many streakers get out on the field, most I've seen at one game is three, haha.

  5. Fiji. You can't get any further away before you start coming back.




    Eww, I'd hold off from Fiji for a while, they're having alot of political unrest, they always are.




    I'd go to South America, probably Brazil. Also the South Island of my own country, haven't even properly explored that before lol.

  6. Don't think we get it here, we get Deep Heat, Tiger Balm and others, but have never heard of Icy Hot. Quite a few years back, some high school kids put Vicks on the end of a broom stick and cornered some guy everyone picked on and stuck it up his [wagon]. It was all over the news, the dude was in hospital for ages. The kids got some sort of punishment, but nothing to fit the crime.




    When I was little my cousin and I used to put Vicks on our fingers and see how close we could get it to our eye before we had to pull away from the pain, lol, good times. Also in college we used to get deoderant, the anti-persperant stuff, not the wet one, and spray the same spot on our hand for as long as we could, who could hold longest would win. I've still got the scar from it, and it would be eight years ago.

  7. Still haven't been yet, it's on 19th Jan, will post here for the mega bump once I have seen it. I have the Big Day Out the day before too, Rage Against the Machine will be there!

  8. I have to say, Fgyguguguyg, I have a massive amount of respect for you for managing to stay so pragmatic over it all. I know I couldn't and probably wouldn't.




    But dude, get the car, drive to the airport and come over here. I'll refuge you, it'll be kosher. In the words of the Beastie Boys:




    YOU GOTTA FIGHT!! (dun dun) FOR YOUR RIGHT!! (dun dun)






    Aye, wheres the "Hey, cool story Hansel", or the "Don't beleive his story, it's probably fake" (like the poor guy with the suicidal cat..)




    Is it because this user has a high post count, so he must be right? Double standards ftl.

  9. Bro, rebel, also this is your second topic about your super-duper over-protective parents and you haven't done anything about it yet? Honestly, if you haven't done anything about in half a year, why should we help you?




    Think about it this way, if you tell your parents to naff off, and stay out passed 7, what is the worst they can do? Not let you go on the computer? Sweet, you'd rather be out socialising anyway. Ground you? Whats the worst they can do if you go out when you're grounded? Really, parents these days can't to [bleep] all to stop you from doing what you want.




    Also, if anyone is going to flame me saying "OPh 3m geeh! their youre parentzs respcta them!!1", they sound like they're asking for it, respect is a two way street, just because they're you're parents doesn't enable instant respect. Grow a backbone and rebel mate, or sit down and have a serious talk with them that you're sick of it. Unless you're secretly 10, they have no reason to treat you that way.

  10. Queen rocks. I wouldn't rate Bohemian as my favourite song, but it is a great song. I still like Led Zepp more. :P




    I Want it All, Radio Ga Ga, The Show Must go On and We Are the Champions would be my favourite Queen songs.




    led, psh, haha, nah, im just not a fan of them.




    Listen to these then let me know if they still don't do it for you;




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