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Everything posted by Led-Zeppelin

  1. It's just a text based game inspired by runescape. It was fan made. Train your character and get different ranks according to what attributed you train more.
  2. Haven't been here for aaaaaaaages, was just going to check in on my AS account.. Anyone here still mod it? Forgot my login info.. And the forums appear to have disappeared.. Cheers.
  3. Starting to cut now, so I have weights to do then 20 minutes of HIIT in about 10 minutes once my SP250 kicks in, haha.
  4. Note to Mitch Johnson; headbutting a person whilst they are wearing a helmet = not the brightest of moves, haha.
  5. Yeap, planning on getting one very shortly. Have to make an appointment with a tattooist and get something drawn up first, looking to get a small sleeve, only want it to go to halfway down my bicep though, and over to my chest. Something that can be covered over by a t-shirt if need be as I intend on becomming a cop.
  6. try smoking all your tobacco through billies for a night, you will probably feel the same way :thumbdown: I've ran out of filters before and smoked my tobacco without, I was fine. Vonomai, why should I need to delve through the internet to get some facts for you. I often smoke 15 - 20 smokes a day, can you smoke 20 joints a day? Didn't think so, whys that, too harsh? Might cough up a lung? Must be something in that huh?
  7. I love Smashing Pumpkins, I got into them when I was about 14, they got me out of all the RnB crap I used to listen to. James Iha is in APC now aye?
  8. Weed is not "healthy". On a 1 on 1 basis, I'd say a hand rolled ciggy is less harmful. You can tell by the taste and the potency. If I have a big sesh with some mates, my lungs are stuffed when I get up in the morning. I smoke maybe a 30gram pouch of tobacco a week and it's no way near as harsh. In saying that though, I only smoke weed every two weeks to a month. So my ciggies are actually far worse to my health. A guy from work was telling me about a quit smoking book, by an english guy, he didn't know the name. It apparently has a 90% success rate, the dude also does seminars, does anyone have any idea what I'm talking about? Would like to give it a try.
  9. Who cares, you know they'll do it in Africa, and who cares about them anyway.
  10. Think of all the unwanted kids for the sake of ice-cream.
  11. I'm a smoker, seriously don't start. You may think it reduces stress, but it is very stressful in itself. If I go without a ciggie for a while, I get.. Drum roll please.. STRESSED. Don't start man, I've tried to quit a few time, went without a ciggie for three weeks recently, and have never felt better, but I started again. :( If you want to reduce stress, buy a boxing bag, or smoke a cone once a week, haha.
  12. I was kind of like that when I first heard them, but when I first heard them I was watching their live performance. I wad thinking to myself wtf is this? Thier live stuff catered to those tripping out of their head on acid, so it was over the top lighting huge tv screen playing music videos behind them, just, over the top sort of show. But now I love them, one of my favourite bands, specially their live music, so awesome.
  13. Care to explain a bit? Just wondering. Nightwish: They've written some excellent songs, however, the majority of their work lacks feeling and doesn't really go anywhere. Opeth: Their music is dull, repetitive and sometimes pretentious. My opinion, of course. Pink Floyd: Undoubtedly a great band, but there were many other great bands in their time that were overlooked. Also, I wouldn't say Dark Side of the Moon is one of their best albums, yet everyone seems to praise it. I'm not very good at getting my feelings/thoughts onto paper (or in this case a message board) but I hope I've made things clear. Then you think the album itself is overrated, not the band?
  14. Hey guys... SWAT Cats! And I think they should bring back Captain Planet, never has he been needed more!
  15. You need to realize that while there ARE good people in the world, they are alarmingly few. Hey, I'm a pessimist too man, but going that far is amazingly arrogant and foolish, and, albeit, typical for a recluse. Don't get my wrong, I'd be the first to say humans are stupid, but to both generalize the human race and to assume you are in the top 10% morally and intellectually [unless you wish to be a victim of this mass murder which you so disturbingly desire] are not wise things to do my friend. There's a phrase I remember hearing once or twice, what was it.... ah, yes, "high horse". Get off it. Haha, kudos. I was thinking the exact same thing. "I wish for the 90% of the population to be wiped out, I'm a really good guy too".
  16. A kiss on each cheek is fine, but on the lips, brings problems. All of which you have already stated.
  17. This is the song that never ends Yes it goes on and on my Friend Some people, started signing it not knowing what it was And they'll continue signing it forever just cause... x3249153465384574821903357345983275815 Haha, Lamb Chops!
  18. The fact that he is a mod he shouldn't be bringing 4chan rudeness here. If you want to be arrogant, go to 4chan, cause guess what, it's ANONYMOUS! If you want one liner topic starters, you became the mod of the wrong forums mate. I mean, hey, I'm all for being rude, thats why I frequent 4chan, but keep them seperate aye? Oh because I'm the only one who EVER did anything like that on here. Possibly not, but you're the first one I saw. :thumbup:
  19. Go be an [wagon] somewhere else. Your weekend sounds fuuuuuuuuun. Yeah go say that to a mod =D> The fact that he is a mod he shouldn't be bringing 4chan rudeness here. If you want to be arrogant, go to 4chan, cause guess what, it's ANONYMOUS! If you want one liner topic starters, you became the mod of the wrong forums mate. I mean, hey, I'm all for being rude, thats why I frequent 4chan, but keep them seperate aye?
  20. Animorphs!!!!! Hahahaha, damn man, I'm getting far too excited reminissing.
  21. Ah, us kiwis sure do know how to have a good time eh? ;)
  22. The Rolling Stones. Hahahaha, there may be a reason why STH is the most played song on radio ever. Definately not my favourite song of theirs, not by a long shot, but it's still gold. They played alot into the media? Led Zepp were very reclusive in the media, doing very few interviews and releasing very few singles. Care to explain a bit? Just wondering. I've changed my mind about Pink Floyd after listening to The Wall, which was great. Instructions: Go to YouTube. Type in "Dark Side of the Rainbow". Be blown away. Haha, who ever decided to listen to Dark Side of the Moon whilst watching Wizard of Oz must of been fried out of their head. And on a serious note, whats going on with tif? I haven't been on here for a few months, and I come back and alot of people have turned into /b/tards?
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