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Everything posted by Aten

  1. going home March 11th until early April, might not rly do updates in that timeframe :C
  2. 350m debt paid off + Tenacity finally obtained @ 2882 KC... man towards the end I really really started to hate that boss, I'm so glad it's finally over lol. I'm not sure what I'll do next but it'll probably be a lot of ROTS, AOD, rago and solak learning, and pushing for EDG KC and log items. My goal is to get comfortable duoing solak/rago and getting some consistent times on the three dungeons.
  3. 1. Still need virtus boots for tenacity >_< at 2450 kc now... 2. been doing a lot of AOD 7 mans, about 170 kc this week alone and 7 splits 3. Clan recently started a competition where we have to progress through a specific order of bosses and collect a specific item for them before we can move on. Here's the progression + my own progress https://puu.sh/CIWrZ/7be41595b7.png I managed to get a Praesul wand and imp core in the last week, working on saving for SOS or SGB next (either way I'll need to pool at least 1b... then we'll see how I feel :P)
  4. busy week, been making a decent amount of money and getting into AOD slowly but surely. trying to finish my first khopesh at Magister but of course I'm 400 kc with like 150 scraps sooooo... bosses where you have to spend a lot of money to get into them are a huge trap for me but I need to get pet for IFB anyways so I guess it's not really a huge loss :/
  5. dunno why I never screenied my Nex drops before, but ye gonna start now XD 2100 kc and 19/21 for log so let's see how long it takes to get the last 2 items... torva plate and virtus boots
  6. PvM for a whole week and the only drop I got was a leg piece haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  7. Lots of PVM this week, also I finally finished trimming!!! It has been my goal since the inception of this blog and I am very happy to have finally finished. Onto the next RS goals for me :)
  8. The journey I started out on 6 years ago is finally over. What a trip it's been man...
  9. Finished vindicta title @ 575 KC, pretty lucky. Been Nexing most of this week, going back to spider though as I'm starting to run out of refreshes for Reckless and am largely leaving Berserker unused. Exams are done this Thursday so the plan is to start spamming AOD and trying to make as much money as I can before the new semester starts again.
  10. uneventful week, spent most of it skilling and clearing chompies + KBD req. ~1108 KC for last riders Just 500k distance left for trim and MQC!!
  11. Made my first Ascension bow in 536 kc eeeek... pretty normal week, just a bunch of PVM, raiding, skilling, and being lazy about trimmed. My goal was to do 200 chompies a night to minimize the grind but honestly, most days I am way too lazy to bother. I'll try to stick more to it this week (by next week I should clear 3k)
  12. P much spent the whole week practicing Telos, doing a little spider, and perking my tools out with much better perks than what I had previously (settling in for the big 200m grind... Tinderbox has Pyro4Rapid2 + Tinker 3, finally got Refined 3 for my Hatchet, and just need to work on a Rapid 3 for my Hammer now). got 2 trim reqs checked off which is a huge push, I'm now 64/66 with ~1M distance remaining on ports and about 2500 chompies left as the final frontier (as well as KBD book for MQC). I'm aiming to do about 400 chompies each night now which should have me done the requirement in around a week, then I'll slowly camp KBD and just keep pvming for $ + afk skilling whenever I'm studying.
  13. didn't rly do anything this DXP, got zerk auras and just PVMed and did some non-buyables and cleared out my protean stack T99 ranged prayer unlocked though, Nex gonna be much more hittable now! Next big item I'm going for is ZGS and probably SGB after that.
  14. When I first did 100 enr telos My most recent kill, after spending 4 hours in the morning just getting insanely frustrated in practice mode trying to figure out how I can build a consistent approach to each phase as well as rotations/positioning/food usage etc. At the end of the day after talking with lots of Telos streakers and watching vids/getting advice I decided to just give it a new go and somehow got this (previously I was struggling with having any food left over, yet as the pic shows I have a bunch of brews left + decent hp + cade and imort still available). I know this isn't anything impressive at all, but the point of a blog is to track progress. It isn't much of an achievement but honestly I put in a ton of effort to get this small improvement, I'm not a very good player or talented or whatever but I try to really learn and improve and sometimes it's tilting but sometimes it's just rewarding to see progress. Maybe one day I'll be a regular 0-999 streaker and look back and laugh at what a noobie I was XD
  15. was in a hurry after that raid where I got yaka pet, just taking screenshot of 19 kc log.
  16. Actually got title at 617, just forgot to take screenshot when I got Mallory since I was focused on just finishing the hour.
  17. Another pretty busy week, lots of MQC clearing and Rax while slowly chipping away at ports. I'm up to 200 / 203 for MQC now, just need KBD, Ports, and 30 chompies to close out. I'm currently 70% into terracotta region atm and 7/12 on trio voyages. Anyways spider FINALLY put out. I was 231 kills dry on bot path after endlessly spamming on last week's 1/3 and then doing about 6 hours of bot on 2/3 today finally finished my 3rd scythe, which was also enough to get me to my first "endgame" gear upgrade! T99 Mage prayer unlocked for 501m :D Next goals coming up will be clearing more statues regularly, afking KBD when I'm studying, raiding whenever on-loot, and then raxing on the side to get Desolation.
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