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Everything posted by PurpleCrayon

  1. Am I interupting a special moment?
  2. LMFAO ^ This thread is full of the best random pictures. Love it. Damit! I don't know..I'm not that fond of my videos thyre pretty bad compared to some of the quality you see people do but I'm learning and I want to do in game stuff and get better. But aslong as I make people laugh/cheer them up with my awkwardness my job is done. :)
  3. Sorry for linking I just really hate that video you linked so I had to do it. X_X I'm currently doing conquest getting a reflector! :)
  4. God dammit. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=255132&id=703828891&l=453497ed66 Anyways, whats everyone doing on scape?
  5. LOL edited hoped no1 would see. Damit.
  6. Runescape came before my job and it is what it is, just a job. It takes all sorts to play this game. >.>
  7. Posting for who's benefit. X_X I am not a man!
  8. Hello Ben.:) I would just like to say before I go to bed.. Aussies ftw!
  9. Damn you go- No. No matter how tried, I don't think I could ever get 321 to think he loves me. *doesn't follow*
  10. They're essentially people obsessed with japan and japanese stuff. Usually characterized by loving manga, anime and cosplay. Also they like to say kawaii. mfw Miss Liddles keeps a chicken. Yeah! Im getting two new baby yellow fluffy ones next week too. So fluffy...maybe they will make an appearance in vids. I'll start them young. They'll be wearing p hats in no time.
  11. Oh and they do stuff like this at the end of their posts? ^.- = = ^.^ U.U' Ahhh, not one of them. Watch the ocassional sci fi anime but that's as far as I'll slide into the weeboobs.
  12. I just google imaged weeboo to try find out what the hell that is and it comes up with stuff like an alpaca and some hideously customised croc shoes...as if they weren't already manky enough.
  13. You are an acceptable person. Welcome to /FG/. Why thankyou Sir. :)
  14. XD thanks! I'm sorry to disapoint but my cooking fails irl. :L I'm one of those wierd science experiment wimiminz who loves to play video games, drink beer but is also rather girly and likes to dress up and has a large ammount of shoes.
  15. Hello everyone! :) How are you all today? Yep...Sean, bought a hot spaking new logitech HD 1080 webcam and mic today. No more ghettoness. :3
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