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Posts posted by biox

  1. And I didn't even get what you were refering to once I was there =/





    Eh this is a WoW thread, so I'll keep it short; they've made it so they can practically control the economy any way they like, and large trades can't be made.








    Anywho, my first maintenance since returning.

  2. [hide]wowscrnshot121107014123ej5.jpg[/hide]




    I liked how you put your XP bar under your buttons, Nad, so I stole the idea. :lol:






    Atlasloot Enhanced








    Elkano's Buffbars


    FuBar DPS


    FuBar LocationFu


    FuBar PerformanceFu


    RuBar QuestsFu


    FuBar 3.0














    Trinity 2.0






    Running on around 12mb addon usage.. not too bad.




    Edit: oh yeah I meant to say; the buttons are messy because I don't have enough spells to fill them yet. :P

  3. Hey guys, I feel like a huge noob posting here since you guys know so much about the game, but I just started (on a trial version, going to get the full version very soon), and so far I have 3 characters. My best is a lv16 Night Elf Hunter, then I have a lv7 Troll Mage and a lv7 Tauren Druid. Mainly i'm playing on my night elf right now, and I was just wondering if anyone could give me some tips on what to do in the game as far as quests/ways to level up and get items/money and stuff. Also, any recommendations on custom UI's would be nice. :D




    If you just want to make money without gaining (as many) levels, you can just grind (kill the same things over and over), but find Humanoids - they drop the best loot (like Green-quality items, cloth which can be sold, and lots of coins). That's not always necessary because alot of the quests you get will involve doing exactly that anyway.




    With quests, just get all you can and when you are deciding which ones to do, remember this; the ones shown in gray in your quest log give no xp, the green ones give the least xp but will be easiest, the yellow will give a medium amount of xp but will be a bit harder, the orange ones will almost be impossible but you will be able to do them in a group with others (and will give you alot of xp), and red ones will be mostly impossible.




    Use thottbot.com or wow.allakazam.com to get info on how to beat the quests you get stuck on.




    Don't worry about feeling like a noob, WoW isn't like RS where people make fun of you for not having as much experience. Just have fun playing the game and once you get into the higher levels you will begin to understand the game mechanics to a finer point.




    Uldric is, I think, the most experienced Hunter among us, I'm sure he'd be happy to give you some tips on how to play one.

  4. I remember playing those when RSC servers were down. They were actually very fun and had hundreds of players to challenge online at any given time




    Those games are how I found RS. We used to have tournaments in an IRC channel I still idle in today.




    I recall having official ScapeBoard tourny's as well.

  5. tailoring & enchanting... looks like i'm farming lifes at the bog lords...




    on my realm. primal earth are 2-3g each. primal lifes are 20-30g each.

    Lol, which means any herbalist farming Skettis makes about 200-300g per hour.




    They're only worth 10g or less on my server =/ How about Primal Mana's? Farming those in Netherstorm is IMHO the easiest kind after Primal Life from Skettis. You can do Water in Skettis as well ofc, but the swimming takes longer. Better respawns in Netherstorm.




    I found either the small lake outside of Shattrath or the big one north of the Horde camp in Nagrand best for water.

  6. Yeah, they have issues. But I have no problem grouping with them, they're nice when played correctly. Quit the bashing, show some Paladin love!




    Can't agree with you more. A well-played Retribution Paladin is deadly.




    How do US time zones affect you, biox?




    Not too badly. We might have problems with Raiding but that's pie-in-the-sky stuff. We'd need to go Alliance on PM though, I have some good friends over there and would want to bring my rogue along to make things easier (Deadmines runs, wahey!).

  7. I'm pretty much the same way except by myself - no one to share in my madness. :P I've gone from faction to faction many times.. same with race.




    Right now, the conflict is: Draenei Shaman vs. Blood Elf Paladin for 2.3. I love the BE race/starting zones/capital city. At the same time, I enjoy some of the Alliance zones (Draenei areas are nice but not essential) like Elwynn, Darnassus, etc. As far as Outland goes, I far prefer the Draenei-style "bases" compared to the hut/troll/orc style that the Horde has. Telredor > every place else




    Bleh, so complicated. But yeah, I do a lot of rerolling. Working on a BE lock until 2.3 (at 60 now).




    As we spoke about recently, I wouldn't mind it either, but I'd be doing a transfer and bringing my main, along with the Warlock I started before I stopped playing (which is only level 20).

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