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Everything posted by glaurung

  1. the irc client is hardly any reason for me useing SS. i use it more for a few of the links(prices, and calculators is pretty much it) and the conveniance of clicking F12 to take a screenshot and have it automaticly save you know what i think would make things much simpler? jagex could just maker their own client. it would have links to things in their knowlage base as well as to their forums and highscores. they could have their own chat client moderated by jagex so no keyloggers or whatever could be sent through that. although with the new chat system comming up i dont think this will be completly necicery. as long as it would have handy links to the knolage base, a high score checker and simpler screenshot saving i would be really happy with it and would much rather use that than SS or somthing else like that. come to think of it, i wish jagex would provice clan support in much of the same way. have another section of their site that links to a page with a clan dirrectory of sorts. just select the clan your in and it could take you to your clans section of the website. each clan leader(s) would be given some admin powers over their forum and event calander and things like that but jagex would be able to edit anything they wanted at will. this would eliminate the need for people to break the rules about advertising sites to people so they know about your clan site. there could also be a clan highscores added. could have things like total members, average combat lvls or average total lvls. that is as far as i have thought the idea out but more may come. i wouldent be surprised if this has already been sugjested though.
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