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Everything posted by Lemar

  1. Btw Zarfot v2 just got 200m Dg http://gyazo.com/875a5098dace2c9115a51f912455d67b.png
  2. Who cares about respect. It's a game.
  3. It might come down to who can stay awake the longest at this point... As it should be. RS is a game of time. The person with the most freetime usually always comes out on top. (See my prayer records)
  4. Just set the prayer daily/weekly record :)
  5. http://gyazo.com/a9434f1a00411b5ffa53ab123ed7c460.png 200m all skills or no
  6. i am selling my 47 crackers for blues and whites then doing demonic thrones to 200m cya
  7. Jebrim knows everything. Failure to comply means you have to pay him 5m to stfu.
  8. I have every single 200m buyable banked now. Except for Agility which I can buy from the barbarian assualt tutor for 6.9b gf
  9. No one cares, no one at all. I will be getting the most xp in June in a month and I don't really care about xp.
  10. People in the top 15 clearly all AFK train
  11. People like him can't just quit.
  12. http://gyazo.com/b791b37fb510acfec5a8c85d5cf59391 Hi Paper
  13. To join 3bo you need 110+ Dungeoneering to join, or for a Provisional rank, submit 3 pictures of yourself keying a large dungeon in under 18 minutes. These floors cannot be abandoned floors. The world is 105+ if you want to join 3bo teams.
  14. Hi, I am Lemar, cool thread.
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