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Everything posted by SDK

  1. I see a lot of people complaining about autoers and scammers and n00bs. Heh, if you think that their preponderance is new you should think again. They have always existed and will alsway exist. Now, there used to be a thing called duping, where via a glitch in the system you could duplicate items. The 30 second sccount transfer thing that exists now is a fix for that. Duping was a big problem when I played. when death runes were the highest and people had 60k of em. Heh I'm pretty sure I traded one of the first rune b-axes ever to a duper, he gave me 32k in assorted new runes. New runes used to me chaos, law, and nature. Rune B-Axes were 2500 stell bars at that time i believe.
  2. Wow thanks for all the positive feedback. Runescape was different back in the day. To those talking about only being able to put a certain amount of cash in the bank at a time, that was even before my day, i never knew that. Anyone remember irc.jurai.org? the official runescape chat. HAHA. I do miss the bit of community from the old days but now its easier to raise levels. Back then I never wanted to train, it was too hard. I can mine all day on the new system. Got my first frog prince rendom today while training. Woo!
  3. I left just as they announced they were going to do the new greaphics thing. It is very cool. What is the pin thing for?? I haven't gotten one I just use my bank like the old days right now.
  4. And what are these (t) (g) things in reference to armor?
  5. I just started back playing after a brief 4 year or so siesta. I have logged in occasionally since I "quit" but this is my first extended time back. So for some info here goes. I started playing runescape shortly after it first came out. Back in this time they had just expanded to four servers. We were lucky to have a few thousand people playing, and the runescape website had forums. P2p was unheard of and rune armor was non-existant. The website even had a time couter that displayed how long each player had been logged in for. Now this isn't exact but I believe at this timet he highest person had something like 120 days. There weren't item banks... wow that sucked, eveyone used "mules" to hold their items (so much for the no drop trade rule). There was no such thing as a cert and items stacked to 65535 (the magical number). This included cash, and let me tell you to have two or three stacks of money meant you owned the universe. I remember the day rune armor came out, that tealish armor looked amazing. I quit 6-12 months after p2p came out. Blurose13x traded me 20k runes for some rune bars. Dragon armor had just come out and Skone751 and I sold R2H for 1.3Mil a pop, I couldn't get them fast enough. In order to trade them I had to stand for 15 minutes while some poor kid held down his mouse button while his gp accumulated in the trade window. So after all this oldtimer talk I do have a point. Had runescape gotten lots easier? My 7.5 Mil in the bank is hardly exclusive, in fact I might be considered poor. You click once to mine an ore... the rock overtly changes color? Is it the same for all skills? I can trade X gp!?!?!?! All these new runes my god. Sara armor? What is zammy and obby? This new combat system confuses me, my magic is as good as your sword? I see an awful lot of people at level 99 for a skill. And this one crazy guy has level 99 EVERYTHING?!?! So is it easier? Or is it the expanded number of skills? The need for better ways to do things that forced the new systems? I wanted these things to happen, the new trade system is great, the new mining system so easy, the random events very cool. But is it all just a little to easy? One last question what happens if you use the genie on a skill you have lvl 99 in? And I guess one more, what is the name of god do you do with a 190Mil hat? Please tell me you just really like the way it looks.
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