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  1. I would personally use an urn.
  2. I would hardly consider myself a dungeoneering purist. If making a small sacrifice (a few tokens) to better myself and my team makes me a "dungeoneering purist", so be it. I honestly think that you don't even read what I'm writing. Efficiency and fun are not polar opposites. They CAN co-exist together. DGS is about teaching and bettering the community by making better dungeoneers, and, yes, it is a fun atmosphere. Whatever you seem to be arguing, just think about why DGS was created. For one, I never stated that to my knowledge. If you have the spare tokens/the ability to earn tokens quickly (which you should at higher levels anyways) you should use them on your RoK. I understand that you want to use Dungeoneering rewards in the overworld for Nex, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that. What is wrong is that you were trying to bypass DGS guidelines regarding the RoK because you didn't want to give up a little bit of your time for the sake of everyone that you dungeoneer with. Like I said, I don't think you're reading my posts. I specifically stated that I've been following the DGS thread since the beginning and that I've been doing dungeons with members of DGS for the past few months (I think since about January?) If I'm "disrespecting" you, please forgive me. I'm simply trying to help. I do empathize for your loss, as I have stated before, but sometimes things need to be put in a less pleasant way to be understood. Regarding a rank, I simply want a recruit rank so that I can stay in the Clan Chat while I'm in the lobby. As you stated yourself, this is a game, and I can't be logged in to the game at every moment waiting for a team. There are times in which that I would rather take a break and just periodically check the CC. Granted, I will earn my rank, whether it be through research or whether it be through I'm sorry that you don't have "faith" in my actions, so I'm afraid that I'll just have to be more active. I'll take the "sounding smart" as a compliment, seeing that I've been trying to improve my writing. Thanks! I'm not going to respond to anything you reply with, it would just be a waste of both of our time. If you still disagree with me, that's fine. @Litterbug I managed to purchase several rewards before I got my tier eight ring. I still got my ring to that level before 75 dungeoneering. Considering how few tokens I could obtain per hour compared to higher level dungeoneers, there's no excuse for those dungeoneers to not have at least tier 8. There is a certain point at which it is fine to wait until later levels to upgrade rings (and in that case, purchase overworld rewards (I.E. 82 Dn-87/88 Dn)), but upgrading the RoK should always have some consideration. Also, some food for thought. Upgrading from tier 7 to tier 8 is 18,750 tokens. That's really only about 4 dungeons, or about two hours or less. It's not some ungodly amount of time or tokens. Sure, it's 1/10 of a chaotic, but if you continue to dungeoneer, that's barely anything.
  3. You seem to be under the impression that DGS exists only as a tool for you to obtain chaotics with. DGS is not about overworld rewards, it is about creating better dungeoneers and making floors fast, efficient, and a learning experience. If that extra 2% DPS from 4/5 people is needed to be more efficient (especially when the token cost isn't that high for someone at your level), everyone should strive to upgrade his or her ring. It isn't unreasonable to ask for one to better their skills if the levels they are at are in fact detrimental to the team (i.e. sub 60s in all door skills). However, you seem to have misinterpreted and bastardized my argument. Please don't put words into my mouth for me. If you're going for 300k tokens, wouldn't it make sense to upgrade your ring first so that you can get those 300k tokens faster? I don't know about you, but saving time is good. In fact, you can even use that extra time to go do some Nex, if that's what you desire. I will agree that DG tactics are far more important that an additional 1-2% DPS increase from the RoK, but really, it's not like that extra DPS is hard to get (actually, it doesn't take anymore effort. Think of it as free, additional DPS). Tokens are not hard to obtain once you are at a higher Dungeoneering level. Are there any numbers for an approximate number of Lifepoints for the sum of all monsters in all guardian doors for an average dungeon? I feel that that number could give a rough graph on how much time can be saved per floor by upgrading the RoK.
  4. Hmm, I think it's finally time to introduce myself to DGS. I've been watching this thread since it was created (and read every post, too). I've been in quite a few dungeons with DGS members over the past few months. I haven't introduced myself, as I didn't want to use my old Tip.it account (with a rather embarrassing username). Yesterday I finally created a new account with my actual username. I'll hopefully be posting frequently. I'll also be frequenting the CC (I'd like a rank, I'll get to that eventually :P (Going to be doing some research probably). Hope to see you all ingame and I hope to do some (more) dungeons with you all! If someone ranked wants to correct me on the DGS stance on this, go ahead. I'd just like to state my own opinion. Overworld rewards are not the focus of DGS. If you intend to use DGS, you should better yourself in every possible way to aid your team. Spending your tokens on Chaotics and neglecting your RoK is quite selfish. I've had a tier eight berserker ring since I was about 75 dungeoneering. Not to sound like a [puncture], but only having tier 7 at your dungeoneering level is kind of pathetic (for lack of a better word). If anything, should you have more chaotics, you should be expected to have a higher tier ring. Yes, it does suck to be hacked, and I sympathize, but bettering your RoK speeds up your dungeons which helps both your teammates and yourself.
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