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Posts posted by Leaf

  1. I know there probably isn't too much data out there about it right now, but does anyone have an idea of the drop rate of boots?


    Any sample size above 100 kills is fine, and counting by shards is fine.


    I do hope the droprate is higher than the 1/650 I'm getting right now :wall: :wall: :wall:

  2. In the long run even if I were to get a divine drop wouldn't solo Bandos be better since I only need 42 BCP/Tasset drops to break even?

    Wat. You said 6 man team... so divide it by 6?


    Probably Bandos, it's easier to kill, less supplies needed, and faster kills.

  3. ^title. I'm too tired to do the calculations properly :mellow:


    Assuming 2k bows per hour, Magic longs is 183kxp/h.

    Broad bolts are slightly slower xp.


    What about Broad arrows? How many can be made with each "make-x" click? What's the GP/XP?


    Assuming Magic longs are 0 loss/profit, how much would I have to value time at to make Broad arrows more efficient?





    Ugh I hate how Jagex ruined fletching by adding make-x to bolts :wall:

  4. You've left out the very important information that the jadinkos attracted on the surface affect the rewards obtained at the altar. The seed drops you get depend on the seeds that are dropped by the jadinkos hanging out up top. If you attract draconic or carrion jadinkos and pay striped vines to ward off the common jadinkos, you're guaranteed to get vine herb seeds. IIRC, the full 2k favor gives you 50 seeds? I think? That's quite good.

    Does the Juju hunter potion need to be in effect to attract draconics for this?


    Does it increase chances if you have multiple types of herb-seed dropping jadinkos attracted?

  5. 1. Is there a way to check charges left while wielded?

    2. Is there a way to remove runes put into it?

    3. Can it be charged with Storm of Arma (I'm guessing no on this one)

    4. How effective is the special at Glacors?


    I'm considering buying one just for Glacors. Too bad I lost 216k tokens due to losing CR, so it's gonna take a fair bit of time :(

  6. Don't spend effigies on summoning.

    Why on earth not? It's the most difficult useful skill to train.


    Only don't use effigies on summoning if you care about things like agility, slayer and runecrafting and want to max.

    I agree. I used over 20 effigies on Summoning, plus every quest lamp I could get my hands on.


    Glacors are definitely the best Blue charm droppers right now.


    Too bad you need to already have 99 Summon for Steel Titan to kill them at maximum speed.

  7. I plant my personal gatestone somewhere far away from the boss room (usually home), and wait a couple minutes until the special stops, then return and continue fighting. Just have to remember to make another gatestone.


    So there's no way to beat the gravecreeper quickly without suiciding until the glitch is fixed?

  8. Any way to overcome the lag when it does the purple blob special? At least until Jagex fixes it.


    It never used to be a problem, but due to some update it gets my FPS to 1 or 2 every time now.

  9. I find that I can kill the 3 Glacytes (Unstable last) before the Unstable regenerates health after its first explosion, about half the time, depending on luck with hits. I use Cr, Ddef, Steel titan, Barrows gloves, Ahrims, and Neit helm, praying Turm and using Ovl. My Attack is not 99, so I believe that killing the Glacytes before the Unstable regenerates might be easier/faster with 99. Also, melee probably would be even more effective if bringing Dragon Claws, which I did not. However I find that more often than not, the cause of not killing the Unstable before it regenerates is my Titan missing with its scrolls on the Sapping - something that unfortunately cannot be influenced by equipment/stats.


    I've heard that Storm of Arma works very well in killing the Glacytes quickly. However, I am unsure whether it would be worth using, considering its relatively high price (~3k per rune at this time). I bought 100 runes and tried using it instead of Cr for the Glacytes, and didn't get noticably better results. Although, maybe it was simply because I'm not used to it.


    How much GP/hr would it take to make SoA more cost effective than Cr, and does the current GP/hr at Glacors already exceed that number?

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