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Everything posted by Sockem

  1. What are you talking about? In the past month he broke the weekly crafting record and then the following week broke the weekly attack record and then went straight into having ridiculous RC gains. He definitely hasn't been playing 7 hours a day anytime recently. Also, keep in mind that the calc shows how much someone playing at maximum efficiency plays. No player, including Suomi, is able to constantly maintain maximum rates, so the calc will always show less than actual playing time. Edit: I just realized you're probably talking about back when he was collecting charms. At that time he was training monsters that give far less attack xp/hr than what the calc uses, so he was actually playing many more hours that what the calc was reflecting at the time.
  2. I tested it when it came out for a few mins. Even though I did not mastered it or anything of that kind, I understood you don't lose any tick from Woodcutting if you are fast enough. I wonder if anyone would actually be "able" to do it for the entire 200m Woodcutting. Also, I got another idea few weeks ago but didn't ever share. Here is it: Bonfire while Wc teaks: I remember Zarfot saying that he got 95k Woodcutting XP/hr. Now it's 95k Woodcutting xp = 1090 logs (87.1 XP/log) You gain 105 Firemaking XP each log you burn. So, for 200m Firemaking XP, you will only need to burn 1,904,761 logs. That's 165.9m Woddcutting XP. 165.9m/114k= 1455 hours Then you move to woodcutting while splitting at artic pines with dragon hatchet: 200m-165.9m=34.1m Woodcutting XP left. 34.1m/140k=244 hours. 1455+244= 1698 hours. With 1698 hours you do 200m Woodcutting and 200m Firemaking. That's 1844-1698= 146 hours saved and this all is 0 cost. Zarfot quit pre-urns, so teaks should be over 100k xp/hr now. You're also forgetting flame gloves/ring of fire.
  3. 3578 hours at the time of this post. You should C2 Fm. It's 774.3k xp/hr due to the fact that you burn a log each 2 ticks @dung instead of the normal 4 ticks. We already proved that Wc and Fishing is worth it so.... I don't use this in my calculator because I want to calc time left with the methods that top players use nowadays. But anyway: Wc splitting with Adze and use "Drowns method" for the rest of Fm XP: You gain around 38.5m Fm XP from 200m Wc Leaves you with 161.5m Fm XP to do. 161.5m/535k= 302 hours 200m/130k=1538 hours Total of 1840 hours (round numbers) Wc splitting with Dragon Hatchet and use "Drowns method" for the rest of Fm XP: You gain 0 Fm XP from 200m Wc Leaves you with 200m Fm XP to do. 200m/535k= 374 hours 200m/140k= 1428 hours (higher XP rate because you can split more logs) Total of 1802 hours (round numbers) Bonfire while Wc and use "Drowns method" for the rest of Fm XP: You gain 176m Fm XP from 200m Wc Leaves you with 14m Fm XP to do 14m/535k= 26 hours 200m/130k= 1538 hours Total of 1564 hours (round numbers) Bonfire while Wcing is like 85-90k Xp/hr... You can't split so you lose Xp. By using Gemeos' number of 130k while splitting it comes out to 104.295k xp/hr when not splitting. This actually seems a bit low. I leveled WC without splitting last year and was averaging slightly under 110k. Keep in mind I wasn't even 99 at the time and I'm sure I missed ticks here and there, so I'd suggest using 110k as the rate without splitting. But to keep it consistent with gemeos' calculations I'll use 104.3k 14m/545k = 26 hours 200m/104.3k = 1918 hours For a total of 1944 hours. So, bonfiring is actually the slowest method by far if this is correct.
  4. Congratulations Suomi on 200m Attack along with maxed combat!
  5. It's because Runetracker and the Runescape Highscores can both be a bit buggy and used to ones advantage. Basically, after Suomi's first autologout session the highscores didn't update, so he was able to play for >12 hours before it updated. During the time when the highscores weren't updating it passed the 1 day inactivity mark, which means that Runetracker could be updated even though Suomi hadn't gained exp. Then two hours after that Suomi logged out again and the highscores were finally updated. Thus, it shows Suomi gaining 2.1 mil attack exp in a 2 hour period, which is clearly impossible. Regardless of all that, and to answer your question Ape Atoll skeletons are fastest at about 200k xp/hr.
  6. Zarfot would have caught him in hours left. At the pace with which Zafort was going though slayer (If someone wants to look up Suomi's slayer gains and Zarfot's and then call me out saying "Suomi was going like 45% faster than Zarfot" Keep in mind that Zarfot was using his effigies on Runecrafting). He would have benefited much more than Suomi in hours saved by effigies since he had all effigy combos open with the slower skill open as well. This isn't really an advantage in itself since that means that Suomi had these slower skills already done, but Zarfot would have been done with slayer and all combat before the effigy nerf so he could have exploited crawlers to their fullest extent. He also quit with a 36m base, that means that would have had like a 80m base by the time he was done with crawlers. I am confident Zarfot would have caught Suomi in hours left to 200m by now. I would like to say that it would be close though. We would be having a battle right now for the last 1b xp. You're definitely overestimating Zarfot. Suomi's slaying rate wasn't 45% faster, it was 200% faster. His rate on just about every other skill is faster than Zarfot's as well. My point being that whatever advantages Zarfot may have had, he simply didn't play enough to ever overtake Suomi.
  7. Suomi gained a few effigies today, so it looks like he's killing something with charm drops now.
  8. Yes, I am also curious to know. With 60M summoning xp to go, it seems you'll likely need at least all your remaining attack xp to get the rest of your charms. He said he'll be barraging rock lobsters for the rest of the charms in one of his videos.
  9. Oh, then maybe he isn't camping crawlers anymore? Definite possibility, I'd say it's pretty likely considering his gains are even higher than I thought. It's a small sample size, but over a 23.73 hour session from 6:09 AM to 5:53 AM on Runetracker he gained 131.9k/hr. Edit: About switching to the rapier, that could still be the case, but as I said in that earlier post he was only gaining about 106k/hr at that point, over the past few days it's been much higher. And could simply switching weapons really give a 50k/hr boost? Seems a little extreme.
  10. It should be said that Suomi is gaining much more than 100k attack xp now. For the past week it's been around 120k/hr, maybe even a little more than that.
  11. Vyrewatch don't drop charms though, do they? So, Suomi would have to train on something else. Speaking of charms, looks like Suomi has decided to do some summoning after all.
  12. If you read his post, he said he would still be cave crawling to 200m att. I know what his post said, but the xp gains just don't match up. If he is still at crawlers then he started doing something very differently yesterday, the increase is too big to just be a lucky day.
  13. It looks like Suomi may have already started grinding on a different monster. Yesterday he averaged around 106k xp/hr for attack over a period of 13 1/2 hours. That's significantly faster than the usual 80k/hr he gains at crawlers.
  14. Hmm.. interesting, Suomi just gained a little over a million crafting xp. Let's see if he continues with that.
  15. Good call, Langer And thanks for letting us know, Makaveli, not being able to figure out what he was doing was really eating at me. I'm glad to know he'll be going back to crawlers, watching his crazy experience gains while doing them is so much fun :thumbsup:
  16. Oops, well then maybe I'm wrong. I've just always preferred RuneTracker because of the graphs it offers. Anyway, I'm probably just be looking too much into it. Elias could have just been playing a mini game to relax after crawlering for so long.
  17. From the top of Runetrack: Sorry for starting a pointless argument as soon as I got here. :unsure:
  18. He is slaying normally now. Cave crawlers are brain killing and difficult to do for long periods of time. I'm surprised he got 15m slayer xp there although I was hoping for more :P Did you not see, "He also hasn't been gaining slayer exp either so he must not have gone back to normal slaying either"? Or is Sockem missing something? He is missing something. If you look at his runetrack he has been gaining slayer xp I recommend using RuneTracker instead, it provides constant updates instead of once a day. http://runetracker.org/chart-elias,1 http://runetracker.org/chart-elias,19 By looking at the graphs since yesterday morning he's gained about a million and a half attack xp plus some ranged xp, but the only slayer xp is from random events.
  19. Hey all, I'm another long time lurker here who has finally decided to start posting. I've been stalking Elias on Runetracker and noticed for the past day and a half or so he has been gaining more attack exp than ranged exp. So, he's probably been doing something other than crawlers. He also hasn't been gaining slayer exp either so he must not have gone back to normal slaying either. I'm basically stumped as to what he's up to and was hoping someone who knows him could provide some insight if possible.
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