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Posts posted by Alduron

  1. Thanks a lot Errdoth for all your hard work and efforts! =D>




    I also want to thank you on behalf of the community for your great efforts!




    It looks great and we will update with the buttons as soon as we can.






    Tip.It Forum Administrator





    Well, Laikrob, I don't have quite enough creative talent to do it... But may I suggest a calm 'Wood Background' on the some of the more apparent buttons on the Tip.It theme? I do think that would make it look a lot nicer. :-s




    ~D. V. Devnull






    Anyway, the current buttons look like crap, so I redid them very simply..







  2. The image quality on the last one posted is better, but in my opinion the background is not balanced. The left side looks rather messy to me where the right looks too plain with the lines of the structure being so stark.




    Overall nice work keep it up.





  3. I have found the Varrock Diary fun... been a while since I have done a few of the things listed, others I had never tried... I think it is a good way to get us to explore a bit...




    I suggest doing things for the fun of it and not always looking for major rewards (although I think the reward is pretty good and I think my Karamja reward was awesome :mrgreen: )




    Have fun everyone!





  4. FIne then, I was just making a request. You don't have to make me look [bleep] [developmentally delayed] in front of many people, you freaking jerk.




    If you expect to have folks help you I would suggest treating them politely and with respect. Please refrain from this behavior in the future as it violates our forum rules.








    Tip.it Forum Administrator

  5. Light,




    Thanks for all you have done to help make these forums what they are today. I know you have put in countless hours over the years and the results of your hard work have been dearly appreciated by a lot of people.




    Take good care of yourself and your kids and best wishes for your future.





  6. Hi,




    If you are wanting to Introduce yourself please use this thread.




    Randomly posting information is considered spam ;) if you have any questions please take a few minutes to review forum rules. Should you have additional questions do not hesitate to ask a forum Moderator.




    Thanks and happy posting.







  7. Thank you for taking the time and posting your suggestion. At this time I do not see a need for such additions as others have mentioned we are an English speaking community and would have to fill staff requirements etc.








    German students are required to take English courses and should have no problem reading and responding on our forums. It gives them extra time and opportunities to use a skill they have learned and to further develop it.








    I see however no problem for a private group/clan to contact us if they wish to have a German clan/group on our forums. It would certainly be something we would review.








    Keep the ideas flowing and Happy Posting.









  8. In an effort to continue improving Tip.It forums and increase ease of use for member browsing the Art Bazaar has been placed as a Gallery subforum.








    Happy Browsing and creating everyone \'
















    Unstickyd ~misterxman

  9. In an effort to continue improving Tip.It forums and increase ease of use for member browsing the Art Bazaar has been placed as a Gallery subforum.








    Happy Browsing and creating everyone \'
















    Unstickyd ~misterxman

  10. You are getting even better all the time, very nicely done.








    The only thoughts I had were already mentioned, so I will just leave ya with a good job as always. :thumbsup:









  11. Locking this shop as it does not reflect the type of spirit we want to bring forward within our community.








    There are several postings by the author and others that are negative toward other users and/or shop owners.








    A community member cannot "ban" a fellow user from interacting on the forum, such activity does not reflect community spirit. If there is an issue with a user causing trouble it should have been brought to the attention of a forum moderator or an administrator.








    If anyone has any questions feel free to pm me. This shop owner may only open a new shop if the above mentioned actions seize. Further violations will not only result in the posting being locked but may end up with temporary or permanent bans.









  12. You guys know the rules... if you don't have c/c to offer do not post. I have been tied up with other activities lately but I have noticed quite a few threads being spammy... do not make us take down names and hand out punishments.








    No further warnings will be issued, our rules are clear.









  13. When a person posts an image it is not automatically constituted as a rip unless they clearly state that they made the image and did not...Please do not spam these postings with flames.








    This unfortunately does not belong here as this area is for sharing of images that you created and getting them evaluated.

















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