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Posts posted by Taltin

  1. I mostly played the game for the quests before, but now that I've had a quest cape for a while and Jagex hasn't released to many quests recently so I started bossing a lot and farming to get better gear and got up to around a 830m bank but I staked that away just 2 days ago and now I pretty much play to pk.

  2. More recently I've started pking alot because the game has gotten boring for me and I even staked my entire bank away in boredom. After 2 days of pking I've about 20m starting from a small amount of supplies and a set of gear that my friend gave me. I can't really be bothered to go to godwars now that I can't get a drop above 25m which doesn't even seem like much when I once owned 830m. Same thing with Dagannoth kings with berserker rings being under 2m. I'm probably going to sell everything I have pked put the money from my coin pouch in my bank and start a from scratch and before that do Runeshark's make it back from your hack challenge.

  3. My friend had the same problem he showed it too me screensharing and on lowest graphics settings you can't really see the patch. You might need to turn on ground detail or something like that, but I think its to the east of the livid farm and it does dissapear after one use.

  4. Tirannwn, as I use teleport crystals for emergency teleports and on slayer. The quest series have been alot of fun and I'd love to see jagex finsh them morytania has been fun more recently with the task set trying things like shades of morton for the first time and doing even more temple trekking.

  5. Got all the tasks complete up to hard, and this task set is actually motivating me to train fishing for freminik elite which I've wanted to complete for so long. I've got 528/594 total on temple trekking and I'm actually kinda looking forward to finishing it. Also, I got full lumberjack yesterday now if I could be bothered to get full golden mining armour to go with it lol.

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