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Posts posted by Emaxganis

  1. I plan on having all untradables before even trying to sell anything.





    Why even bother selling anything in months when they will be worth nothing :P ?


    Unlocked Ox today, hopefully will be able to hire 2 on rerolls (passed barmaid tip and adventurer resource voyage with merchants :D ).


    Having lots of issues to load the game :S , anyone else having this issue?

  2. I am 55% through the Bowl and I only have 7 Scroll Pieces. I have failed several scroll attempts at over 80%, including the last 3, consecutively whilst other people keep getting theirs through suicide missions. WTF Jagex. This is getting to be rather annoying.

    Happened the same to me! 4 scroll missions failed until I succeded one :(
  3. Damn scroll voyages, starting to get very mad.. 4th one I fail at 85%+!!!

    I feel for you...


    Have you seen the wiki images of the sea singer hood? I'm really liking the coloring on them robes.


    after tetsu helm I'm going to be all over the sea singer scrolls! I think I'm going to hold off on the scrimshaws... Everything is so tantalizing, but the amour means the most.

    No I havent, been away from home for a week now, only logon remotely to do PoP lol :P


    I already have 33 plates but missing scroll to complete helm and sell it!!

  4. I did a Waterfiend task this morning and I tore through them with chaotic crossbow, broad bolts (royal bolts are better, but I had loads of broads left over) and momentum. Defensively I used Karil's and a unicorn and lasted the whole task without the need for food or prayer.


    Obviously I don't know your stats but the important things are:


    > High magic defence (Karil's top and body are good, costs about 1m for both)

    > Bolts + good crossbow (Chaotic, Royal or hand cannon)

    > Bunyip/Unicorn


    You're pretty close to a bank if you kill them in the Ancient Cavern so it's easy to get food/potions if you need them.


    After the defense buff using full armadyl, karil's xbow and extreme ranging potion I was missing +50% of my attacks (98 ranged). Switched to Magic and ripped them appart twice as fast despite them being only weak to Bolts ^^ . ABS + abilities ftw

  5. Judge's get pretty fanatastic in a hurry. I bought one early on and then worked on buying other crew first. I found i was lacking in moral so thats what I went for. Got lucky with a couple that had 150+ in traits/personal so they kick ass. They also level up quickly.


    EDIT: Also by buying the rudder and hitting the zone timmer I'm able to do 2 bowl and 1 scythe voyage a day. If you had access to a computer mid day you could probably do 3 bowl and 1 scythe but that requires a fair bit of timing.

    It is +24 hours anyways because scythe are 3:28 :P
  6. 1PJtM.jpeg


    Pincers special crew unlock - 10k in all stats adversity.


    E: 600 all stats (except speed) with Resurrects trait.


    Just what we wanted! It's Sea Witch's awful ability put on a crew with awful stats! Truly ingenious.

    To be honest, I am seriously bummed out by this. This is just pathetic, awful stat distribution and a broken ability. There's absolutely no reason to ever use this guy.

    Add into that that Lifeboats are permanent :P
  7. I'm having trouble sending out 3 80% voyages atm, mainly because a lot of the jade requirements are in stats i've already sent voyages out, which is a real (bleep). was forced to send out a 67% 6 chi voyage, which, knowing my luck, will fail >.<


    Reroll voyages, and get ones you like. If you want focus on jade of course. Its not good send low chance voyages in trade good missions as in case of fail it gona hurt.


    @Be Stinson


    I noticed that in Bowl region witches become uber useless. As better ( easier ) is to make single stats missions than double ones -well maybe for me.

    I am hitting the same % on all kinds, you lucky enough in not getting same stat voyages over and over :P
  8. You need 3450 speed to cap the trade goods/scroll voyages in the Pincers to 13:02, but you can get this with the steel rudder (1800), a steel hull (600), a decently levelled 10k captain (600), and a Judge of Dice (500). So yeah, speed crew have basically been pretty much useless throughout this whole game.


    However, you could consider using them temporarily just to cap out voyages before buying the hull/rudder, in the easier missions where you can afford the crew slot.


    EDIT : It is quickly becoming apparent that with four ships, sending out difficult voyages (360 jade) at good completion rates is extremely difficult. Probably going to have to invest in at least 6 of each specific crew member, and somehow squeeze in the more powerful/multistat units (Judges, Sea Witch, Golem) in that mess. Might have to forgo the merchant :\

    I have found Sea witches to be extremely usefull, not sure about jade golems dont have any so far. Judges are kickass haha



    Regarding the pincers having 1200 base stat crew, seems a little low doesnt it? I mean, at this rate crew will be lvl 10 by the time I hit the pincers and will outclass them by far :P


    That may be true, but the same has been true (to varying degrees) of every region. We always had to get new crew to lvl 3-4 to outclass high lvl prior crew but in the end its worth it as they trump people. Think it's just a case moving into pincer particularly to like get 1 of each (replacing the weakest you have) then once they have a few levels and outclass some more folks get another set and so on and so forth. That way you avoid denting your possible scores too heavily in 1 swoop, but equally future proof the crew.

    You are right that eventually pincer crew will outclass bowl crew, but we will reach pincers with 1.9-2k (?) stat against 1200.. its a huge difference..double of what it was when we reached the bowl (1300 at level 7 vs 1000 base) but yes, on pincers replacing all your crew fast will do more harm than good it seems heh.
  9. I'm having trouble sending out 3 80% voyages atm, mainly because a lot of the jade requirements are in stats i've already sent voyages out, which is a real (bleep). was forced to send out a 67% 6 chi voyage, which, knowing my luck, will fail >.<


    Am i better off upgrading all of my crew then getting 4th ship? and should i put in 1-2 gunpowder seers or w/e they are called to increase random chances or not?

    I would advice getting all jade crew as a first thing to do, at lvl 3 they already outclass previous region crew! and they will hit lvl 6-7 really fast so its a big bonus there


    I would only put random chance crew if you are already at 80-85+ :P

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