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Posts posted by DownToFletch

  1. Kridershot probably isn't all that good anymore anyway. I have one (Ancient) and i really haven't used it much. I find that a decently rolled Crossbow is better. I've been messing around with a few different builds the past week or two trying to figure out what i want to work on a bit more seriously and push higher Greater Rifts but i'm struggling to really stick to on class. I find that i do best with a WoL Monk, Condemn Crusader, and Furious Charge Barb managing to do 48 with all 3 of those, but for some reason i don't really enjoy the playstyle of any of them too much.

    Do a pony build.


    Also kridershot is still gr8, people still want them.

  2. Apparently 100% magic find is only a 10% legendary drop rate increase. Which means it's borderline useless lol


    I still don't have a Kridershot for my DH or an SMK for my WD, or a Furance for my sader, or anything. fml y0

  3. foBgV.png


    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


    What gave you the urge to get 2 aesthetically different panels? Are they at least mostly the same in regards to refresh rate, colors and whatnot? My buddy has a tri-monitor setup and all 3 panels have different colors. Looks weird AF. Also, that mousepad looks used to shit. Lastly as has been mentioned, why aren't your keyboard and mouse next to each other?

  4. not sure about console but on PC, MF is next to useless in my experience. 2.1.2 bought higher 'rare leg' rates as well. I'd rather having the old rate, the feeling of a leg drop used to be great; now it's like 'oh great..more mats', then it gets decon straight away.


    2.1.2 is does fairly well to rectify some existing problems with D3. The end game is still very dull and barring maybe high 40s GR not very challenging. If you are at that stage, I highly recommend moving to PoE if you haven't already done so. It's the more hardcore and darker alternative in the ARPG genre; the end-game is much less monotonous, the community is much more vibrant and the skill tree is..well see for yourself.

    Magic find is very good, get leorics crown and throw a topaz in there. I get far more drops than those without magic find. 


    Otherwise, I suppose I could agree with switching to PoE, which I've played. It's a bit more complex when it comes to putting gems in things, as well as a lot of other things.


    have u tried getting good at english.

    I think I am quite good at English already, but I constantly learn new weird things. For example, I didn't know that "debt" is actually pronounced "det" (and doubt = "dout") until last year. That makes no sense at all.


    Why don't you try learning Finnish? You can begin with the fifteen different noun cases :P


    llama ; have you been prouncing both "L's?" lol


  6. Got a SMK and DoD the other day (both ancient). Kinda crapped my pants. Also found 4 Ancient Furnaces so far. 2 of them rolled Dex cause i got them on a Monk so they ended up being fairly useless, but 2 of them rolled Str, so they're pretty damn good. Can't even remember how many Ancients i have by now but i think ive pretty much replaced all my old gear by now.

    What's your magic find?

  7. m8 english my third language go ez

    what are your other ones


    I dunno I feel pretty lazy with this game but no new content? Sounds kind of lame, kind of like doing the same thing over and over (grinding) ie: 2007 :s

    Uh i might be misunderstanding you but are you saying that 07 has no updates? They have a lot of updates. A lot of them are player voted and original. Some are imitations of rs3, most recently the dragon defender which was a 2k10 update.


    ohh I thought it had ver minor-->no updates



    Ragequit Dragon Age Inquisition. Turns out the Dragon Age Keep thing, to transfer choices from older games over, didn't work for me. (So Keep is connected to Origins, some guy logged onto my origins account years ago and mucked with it, I didn't care at the time. Make a new origins account. Whoops the old account is the one connected to my PS3 for some strange reason. The site isn't user friendly in regards to figuring any of that out or changing it.)


    Anyways I think I solved the problem, but only for new game files. Can't change the file I spent 70 hours on, the file I started after I deleted the account I spent 20 hours on because it didn't transfer over.

    20 hours in a game isn't a lot though


    On my PS3 and xbox I've put easily 700 hours into stuff. 300 of that alone was Mercenaries 2 world in flames. Then BFBC2, as well as others



    Actually, if you read my complaining carefully, the file I can't change is one I'm 70 hours into. One I started after deleting a file I got 20 hours into I quit for the same reason.


    To be fair, as much as I'm annoyed at the system not working, I really should've paid more attention after the Dragon Age keep didn't work right on my first file.


    Anyways, I have it fixed now after a chat with customer service, but that fix only means the Dragon Age Keep works for new files. So I've still got an account I'm 70 hours into that I don't wanna play because the story didn't work. (And despite all the time I spend optimizing, the biggest pull of Dragon Age is the story.)


    Well now you know what you need to be doing so you don't need to spend that much time to be efficient


    So I went to a reptile show today and got to hold some hedgehogs. They were pretty cute. I also got a new spider which needs to be named....


    I can't get a good picture of it since I don't have a decent camera, but it looks like this, except smaller.





    69 names this guys 8 legged thinger

    if the first 69 post stinks, then 71, 83, 87




    I wanted to be smart and say "name it [name of celebrity with nice legs]", but apparently I don't know any.

    Tim Tebow


    Don't jinx the poor thing





    Can't wait for 2.1.2... Why's this taking so long. I have a monk build i can't wait to try out.

    I've had it downloaded, played Space Engineers today lol. I'd be down to play if you're on PC.


    Im on Xbox :s


    Should have seen how some people were raging when they heard we got the patch before them, and it got even worse when they found out we already have Season 2 items.


    Yeah well we're followes of GabeN so they have a right to be mad. :P

    I'm kind of indifferent about the seasonal items, I've been thinking about making a seasonal character when the new season starts. I might do a monk now that monks are actually worth a damn


    I'm enjoying my Monk so far, have to admit. But i think i like the new Raekor Barb the most. It actually works on console now. I've managed to get up to GR44 now, with 35 being my highest before the patch (with the Barb). So i'm quite happy with it. The 44 i cleared was with something like 5 minutes left as well. Was a really good Rifts. I feel like i might be able to get to the higher 40's with it easily now.


    Have you had any luck with some Ancient shit yet?


    I get tons of ancient stuff, at least 20+ ancient drops by now (with some very decent rolls) but I got rid of most of it. I actually got an ancient version of 2 of gear I was already using so I swapped those out and got some gains... Otherwise I'm still on my hunt for SMK. 70 hours on this toon, and I think most of those are on T6 trying to farm this sucker.


    I've been thinking about starting a monk

  10. Ragequit Dragon Age Inquisition. Turns out the Dragon Age Keep thing, to transfer choices from older games over, didn't work for me. (So Keep is connected to Origins, some guy logged onto my origins account years ago and mucked with it, I didn't care at the time. Make a new origins account. Whoops the old account is the one connected to my PS3 for some strange reason. The site isn't user friendly in regards to figuring any of that out or changing it.)


    Anyways I think I solved the problem, but only for new game files. Can't change the file I spent 70 hours on, the file I started after I deleted the account I spent 20 hours on because it didn't transfer over.

    20 hours in a game isn't a lot though


    On my PS3 and xbox I've put easily 700 hours into stuff. 300 of that alone was Mercenaries 2 world in flames. Then BFBC2, as well as others



    Can't wait for 2.1.2... Why's this taking so long. I have a monk build i can't wait to try out.

    I've had it downloaded, played Space Engineers today lol. I'd be down to play if you're on PC.


    Im on Xbox :s


    Should have seen how some people were raging when they heard we got the patch before them, and it got even worse when they found out we already have Season 2 items.


    Yeah well we're followes of GabeN so they have a right to be mad. :P

    I'm kind of indifferent about the seasonal items, I've been thinking about making a seasonal character when the new season starts. I might do a monk now that monks are actually worth a damn

  12. Can't wait for 2.1.2... Why's this taking so long. I have a monk build i can't wait to try out.

    I've had it downloaded, played Space Engineers today lol. I'd be down to play if you're on PC.

  13. ^They never said that the rework will be coming, I think they even hinted at that the rework won't come at all :(



    > this is not a complete construction rework

    > there is room for more skills to be added in the future

    > implying no rework will happen, even over time


  14. Greenhouse or Hotel imo - they actually add some new functional purpose to using the house.


    I'd be interested to see what the resource dungeon thing would function like in greater detail before voting for it.

    I voted for the aquarium because I need fishing xp, and because they said that there would then be access to more fish?


    But I agree- is this just 1 fish, or 5, will they be useful? Will any of it be useful?


    I think they should just add the treasure to the throne room so you can sit next to your giant heaps of money

    This. Would save an entire room from being designed from the ground up.


    Or even better, a real rework of the skill! :D

    Can't comprehend they want to spend time on a system that's completely out of time, instead of reworking the skill.


    I'll vote Hotel, I love MTK.

    They said in the poll that this isn't the rework, the rework is still to come

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