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  1. Ah, how I love to remember these times. Yeah I remembered how amazingly fun pking was thats why I was on this list. Also noted, just for the record, I had an AMAZING catching ability, dozens of pks stolen from me, only meleed at the time so i was primary fighting (never could basically steal a kill), and was basically solo. My RL friend hurkules was always helping me transfer shit and restock because so many people wanted me dead it was relentless LOL. seriously back then, war was war. How fun it was just walking through the game and seeing someone ANYWHERE and I could murk them (except lumbridge). anyone else BEER BEER BEER for 10s? I still play runescape under the name Byebyetrash. Sadly I own none of my old party hats, santa hats, etc etc. SO IM A BROKE NOOB but it's ok the games for fun. Pking went downhill bad though.....
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