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Vinyl DjPon3

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Posts posted by Vinyl DjPon3

  1. I think it's kind of weird that people who want to play a game without convenient methods of gaining xp want more convenient methods of gaining xp.


    I think it's kind of weird that people seem to know what kind of game everyone else wants to play.

    the 07 backup was the only option we got, a lot of people voted yes only to get away from EoC, not to go back to grinding.


    In the mean time, they'll deal with the grinding and lack of Convenience to stay away from EoC, but that doesn't mean they want it.


    You aren't entitled to the version of Runescape that you want to play.


    Neither are you, people are allowed to suggest updates and conveniences they want/think other people would want.

  2. Because there's a community of people that hang out together and train Agility. During my race to 99, I added almost everyone in the top page of Agility and got them using my chat. After I closed it and left, they went off and formed their own chat. I'm happy with them and visit sometimes and sell them energies too. :) I've always been big on having an Agility community and knowing everyone that does it and having them get to know each other too. :)


    I remember there being a world where there was always 10+ people at the ape atoll course (and I'm talking even late into the night, when there's the least amount of people on)

    Is that still a thing?

  3. I think the lower population is due more to bots being banned than people actually quitting 07.


    it's a mix of both

    There's still a ton of bots everywhere, namely at Yew Trees (the place I've noticed most), though last night I noticed a lack of Goblin Killing bots

    People are definitely quitting though too, there's less votes in the polls, the forums are less active, and most of said forums is people complaining about the same thing...Bots

  4. Void melee best for w6 bandos ffa. Now you're ready to camp when gwd comes.

    Not even true because if you were doing that you'd rely on spec weapons (that are better in every way with strength gear) or range anyway.


    Not necessarily, since in W6 bandos, you had time for 1 hit...that's it.

    That's all you had. Accuracy was much more important as a result.


    No one ranging got any bandos kills in w6

  5. I'd say currently I melee as much as I mage in f2p. Doing dungeons solo though, I don't see many monsters high enough level to worry about switching styles for, save the few random high level forgotten Warriors in a room on their own.



    Got my bow to complete my teir 5 set, so now I'm ready for all. Thanks for the help guys

  6. You say it's pointless to have a higher HP cap, yet you bound a fractite plate.


    Bryll top is still the better choice because magic > melee. Unless you are making full fractite armor... but shouldn't you have the GP to make full bryll too?


    Because I haven't found a bow.

    I was asking because I wanted to know the advantage of the Bryll top over the Fractite Top.

    I've noticed robes don't give a magic attack bonus, and the fractite body only lowers my magic attacking by about 10 points, so it's unnoticeable So I guess until I can get my hands on a Spinebeam short bow, I just need to know which top is more beneficial.


    That's a good idea on getting someone to spawn one for me.



    Or did they fix catalytic staff to provide runes? Sounds like they did.


    yes they did, I have a catalytic staff now.

  7. Replace the bow with a bryll top. If you are 90 dging bind bryll bottom too, extra HP is OP.


    Magic should be your primary style with melee as your secondary.


    You shouldn't be skilling in dungeons. Open all doors and ignore all monsters not in guardian doors, and finish the boss. But if you really insist on skilling, add a fractite pickaxe and hatchet to your toolbelt.


    Why a Bryll Top?

    What's good about having a higher Life Point cap, I still have to eat to it don't I? Food doesn't heal more either. Armor in general sure doesn't seem useful right now other than for the the 2 hardest bosses I can fight, which I'll have the resources to make the armor by the time I get there. So why the Bryll top?

    I'm skilling in dungeons, that's the point of this account, to skill in the dungeons and see what kind of levels I get ONLY IN DUNGEONEERING. Already got the fractite as a result.

    If it helps at all, here's my stats


    All of these levels have been gotten while dungeoneering, no over world play has been done except for walking to damonhiem on account creation.

    I will not spend time outside of dungeoneering to level up stats.


    My current Binds are

    Fractite 2h

    Fractite Body

    Catalytic Staff

    Cosmic Runes

  8. So I'm kind of thinking that as a loadout, I would have a Fractite 2h, Spinebeam Shortbow, and Catalytic Staff. With fractite Arrows as a bind.


    Since I actually do skilling in the dungeons on this account, I can always make my own armor, but I've noticed armor is really unneeded regardless now, so I figure an all-out offense would be nice, and it allows me to take full advantage of the combat systems.

    I almost always get rune ess at the start, or I can just buy a small stack to make my own Cosmic runes for teles, so I don't see much use in binding those. But I'll keep those bound until I get lucky enough to get the bow.


    Only problem now...Getting the Staff and bow, since you can't make them on F2p


    Edit: Well that was fast....Now for the Bow.


    Forgotten Rangers are most common on Furnished Floors, correct?



  9. So I have a Non member account that I dungeoneer on, kind of a...Dungeoneering Pure I guess.

    It was just a fun account I made awhile ago, and what I do on it is Dungoneer, and exhaust all the resources to level up my skills. Just to see what kind of levels you get from dungoeneering while skilling.


    Now I'm using it to kind of get back into the game a bit, and all the new combat changes have kind of left me at a loss of what exactly is good to bind now.


    Things I've noticed, and would like clarification on...


    Do Robe Tops/Range Tops give you range accuracy anymore? It doesn't appear that they do.

    Does Wearing Melee Armor NOT give you a NEGATIVE accuracy when using Magic/Range anymore? (same question, but with other Armor vs Other combat styles)

    When I buy a tangle gum staff from the smuggler and equip it, it appears to give me unlimited of all Elemental Runes. Is this the same for any other Non-Elemental Staff in dungeoneering now? I'm assuming that Elemental Staffs usually give more accuracy/damage in exchange for this advantage?

    Due to abilities, the type of melee style you're using doesn't seem to matter much anymore. I've found that I've been just as successful in killing monsters with a Maul/Spear/2h. Which one is best, or does this really not matter since I'll be rarely using basic attacks with abilities?


    Aside from that, as a F2p account in dung, what are the best things to bind and use? What loadouts tend to be most effective?


    This to note.

    I CANNOT use the group gate stone teleport spell

    I CAN make up to chaos runes

    I CAN use any tier weapons/armor

    As well as craft any tier weapons/armor avaliable to F2p

  10. At this rate, all of them will have no trouble passing except for the F-Keys change.

    Certainly not surprised by this, I'm not even sure why people would want it changed, since currently the order of F-Keys actually matches the tabs, except for the Inventory one.

  11. Getting more than 1 fire cape at a time isn't any more, or less convenient than only being able to have 1 at a time.

    If anything, it's MORE convenient to have only 1....because by the time you need to get another, assuming you ever do need to get another one, your stats will be better, you'll have more money, or access to better money makers by that time, and you already know you can do it, so adding in the better stats and equipment you'll mentally be more prepared for it.


    The fight can can ONLY GET EASIER for a person...unless they move...and suddenly have bad internet, or something like that.


    The actual challenge of getting the cape is the same, the fight cave will still be the same. It isn't any more convenient for me to do it 5 times in one day, to get 5 capes to have, then if I just got one, and possibly died later and got another.


    What I find most odd about this though, at least in your case Crazy...

    Is that you're against being able to get more than one cape because it makes them "convenient"

    But you're all for speeding up, and making fairy rings easier and more convenient to use.

    I'd say the fairy ring update would have a lot more effect on a person's gameplay, than getting more than 1 fire cape.


    Most people won't even bother getting more than 1 cape, the only reason I ever did have more than 1 myself, was because of the Fight Cave task kuradal gave.

    Many people will never even loose a fire cape, so if they get more than 1, that was purely wasted time, making it less convenient for them to have gotten more.

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