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Vinyl DjPon3

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Posts posted by Vinyl DjPon3

  1. If you can lure jad to be right along west side of Itally rock, or the south side of north outcrop, you should be able to hit all the healers, without them even being able to come attack you, because they'll be stuck on jad.


    When I did it, one of them managed to get around to me and attack me, so I just killed the one.

    He didn't respawn, but I'm not really sure what mechanics there are on that.

  2. Most don't understand the point of rares and just want a situation where everyone gets one.



    Or maybe this time around, people don't WANT 'rares' to be the same they were, and they just want them for fun.


    The amount of yes votes the NPC Shop ones are getting kind of worry me.

    edit: wait no....the Results answers are FLIPPED from when you actually vote...why are the No votes on top?

    • Like 1
  3. It won't effect the outcome as 75% is not needed.


    The one with the bigger % will win, 75% was needed to introduce rares.


    If anything tradable would be the default and would need 75% untradable to make them untradeable.


    Where did jagex say this?

    The second poll option should have been done differently, but it would be a very bad idea for them to NOT do what they said they would in the polls.

    They said all polls need a 75% yes to happen. Since the poll asks if people want them to be tradable, if it doesn't reach 75%, then they shouldn't be made tradable.


    At this point, the best case scenario is they run a re-worded poll like they did with the F2P pking worlds.

  4. That's probably because not many people have a lot of money yet, so they can't expect much more.

    Despite how fast money enters the game...the really wealth players are a pretty small group, and they already have the big items.

    So for now, 13m is the best people can pay, so it's all that can asked of.


    Given time (and assuming enough people are still playing) the "big" items will start to raise in price when people are able to realistically offer more for it.

    Pre-GE, 30m was cheap for a DFS


    Phats were worth more on the Real World market than a cash stack of the same In-Game value

    I know there were a few well known stakers who staked items like Partyhats....so they could sell them for Cash.

  5. Rares have only a positive impact on the game, there are literally no reasons to not want them other than crying about them not fulfilling their original purpose (a pointless argument, they should fulfill their 2007, and most useful purpose ), or just plain mad that you don't have access to them.


    Getting a bit pretentious are we?

    They don't HAVE A PURPOSE

    What actual difference does it make to the game itself, if you're able to have an item that's worth 2bil.....vs just having 2bil in coins? Or 2bil in whips...robins...ranger boots...infinity sets....

    It won't impact me, it won't impact that bot in the mining guild, it won't impact that guy who's trying to kill the KQ. It really impacts NOTHING as far as gameplay goes.

    When it comes to economic use....Since when is a useless item being on top a good thing? In what economy does that make sense in?


    I have no quarry with it's original 'use'....which there was NONE

    And I'm most definitely not mad about being able to have one, they never appealed to me.


    But I don't want a useless item to be the top of the market. I want items that deserve to be on the top...to be on the top. Items that are useful, hard to obtain physically yourself....not some paper hat a few people kept for 10 years because you couldn't get them again later.

    • Like 2
  6. Just fine, heh, right.


    Point remains, some people will want the rune ore.

    I'd guess it will steady somewhere around 10-12k for awhile. Not everyone who starts mining runite, will have the patience to stick with it, so I can't see it going much lower than that, especially to the point where making any rune item gains profit if you buy the ore to smith.

  7. Well not everyone in RS runs on efficiency, some people are bound to be wanting the ore.

    In a 'perfect' efficient game world, we'd all be at the exact same spot trying to make money....then it wouldn't be good money.


    Rune ore was always about 15-20k if I remember right each, and that was before summoning (rune minotaurs) was out.

    If you were lucky enough to find a cycle of worlds to yourself, it was very good money. The competition is often what ruined it.

    • Like 3
  8. Are they going to distribute them the way they originally did? If so they will be completely worthless for a long, long time.


    Either way, voted no multiple times.


    The way they will be distributed into the game will be voted on after this poll is over (assuming the Yes stays at 75+)

  9. iron in the goblin mine in the lumb cellar. you can either bank it at the nearby lumb chest or sell it to the goblin NPC for like 14gp ea.

    if he chooses to BANK the ore, wouldn't Yannile be the best spot then?


    As far as making money from mining goes, you'd be better of power mining to Rune, and then doing that for money.

  10. I don't see why you would not vote for tradeable rares...

    Don't like the fact that they are not just used for fun? Don't buy one, pretty simple, if anything it stops the high end equipment like whips getting too expensive for you.


    I don't like Useless items being at the top of the market.

    And good, Whips SHOULD be expensive.

    • Like 1
  11. Arctic pines give 30xp (or was it 20?) per cut, so no, they're not the best method.

    Oh, was it buffed since 2007? My bad. Teaks should be almost as good, maybe 80k-ish.


    I believe arctic pines, as well as those splitting stumps, were updated at the same time Ivy and the Sawmill training area was added, some time in 2008.

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