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Vinyl DjPon3

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Posts posted by Vinyl DjPon3

  1. It wouldn't be as big of an issue I think for some people if the people using them didn't set it to say Long messages, with the shake function, flash, and set at less than 1 second intervals


    Why people even set it that high I never understand...it makes it physically hard to even read their text because it's shaking everywhere.

  2. I am very worried how the community will react to things like GWD, GWD is intended for high level players that wish to PVM (instead of those that strictly skill/merch/pk - or just don't play enough to be high level), Probably 10% or fewer of the player base, these top players being able to GWD and bring powerful expensive items into the game would be seen as a negative by the common player that does not intend to use it and doesn't want richer more dedicated players to have better equipment than they do, so it's very unlikely such an update would ever reach 75% vote...


    Unless the Swords and Armor from GWD were altered in some way, the GWD would be a BAD thing for the 07 game.

    The BGS and the AGS had a HUGE impact on pvp. If you weren't using either of these, then you might as well not have been in the wilderness (unless you were a void Dark Bow rusher)

    And Bandos armor completely devalued Barrows and Dragon Armor, especially when combined with the SGS for conventional monster training.

    You didn't need the extra defense barrows provided anymore because you could heal it off with the SGS, and drag armor became useless other than for Aesthetic because now there was a better Non-Degrading armor to use.


    It's understandable that you would want GOOD rewards from the Bosses, to make them worthwhile. But these were too good fort he 07 setting to the point where if you weren't using them, you were playing wrong.

    • Like 2
  3. Voted no every time and will continue to do so even if in vain.

    It's amazing that even after 6 years people still haven't got a clue what they are doing.

    If you can't figure out how to rotate your camera to make roofs disappear or manipulate your character to move to where you want him then please go back to easy EOC.

    It's got all your conveniences and it's 100 times easier.

    07 is not your EOC alternative.


    So what's your reason for voting no on the F2p Pking and the Easter Event?

    The same reason people chose not to vote for RS07.

    I won't use them.


    If they had a "don't care" option (instead of forcing you with a pure YES/NO vote), would you have picked that instead?

    • Like 2
  4. It falls under the macroing rule.

    The reason it doesn't seem to be enforced is because USUALLY, it's not used in a way that most people care about...or people would rather report the Auto-typer under a different rule


    For example...the bots that are advertising Gold Selling websites...clearly they're using Auto-Typers, they write whole phrases in less than a second and spam the entire chat.

    Most people report them for Website Advertising though, rather than for botting.


    People usually won't report people using them for Selling/Buying items because...well...they're just selling/buying items, not really bothersome to anyone (unless they're not in world 1,2 or 5, and are in some random bank, than it's annoying Bot or not when someone just sits there spamming a sell and buy message)


    I personally find it useless for Jagex to even classify Auto-Typers as Macroing, and instead should take action against those using it to spam, under the spamming rule (which in the 07 servers is reported under Offensive Language) Since that's the only time it hurts other players, when it's being used in a spam-like fashion.

  5. Voted no every time and will continue to do so even if in vain.

    It's amazing that even after 6 years people still haven't got a clue what they are doing.

    If you can't figure out how to rotate your camera to make roofs disappear or manipulate your character to move to where you want him then please go back to easy EOC.

    It's got all your conveniences and it's 100 times easier.

    07 is not your EOC alternative.


    So what's your reason for voting no on the F2p Pking and the Easter Event?

  6. These aren't "F2P WORLDS"

    They're F2p PKING Worlds


    It's so Pkers can have a world or two to fight in that DOESN'T have Special Attacks, Super potions, Sharks, Brews, Crossbows, Ancient Magics, etc.


    This would make Food such as Lobsters, Swordfish, and Pizzas raise in price, create an actual demand for rune KOing weapons such as Baxes and 2hs, and provide a use for Adamant/Mithril arrows

  7. No across the board as well. Judging by the results it seems im a minority

    Voting No everytime.

    This is RS07.

    Not RS07 with love from EOC.


    Please, both of you.

    cancel your memberships, and leave.


    You're seriously going to vote No for things like the Roof Option and F2p pking? WHICH WE HAD BACK IN 2007, in fact....we've had it SINCE RS2 WAS RELEASED

    You want "Authentic 2007 servers"

    Then start by voting YES for the stuff it's literally missing from 2007.

    • Like 1
  8. I can understand being against the Bank Left Click (hell even I voted no for that...I'm not even sure why it's a voting option, did anyone honestly ask for this?)

    Grimy definitely isn't coming back at this rate.


    As for things like the Tab-Reply, I honestly can't think of any reason this is bad.

    GAMEPLAY shouldn't be easier, I agree....but SOCIAL INTERACTION should. It's a Multiplayer game that (especially without the GE now) relies very heavily on interacting with one another to get anywhere in this game.


    Yeah sure...it makes it 'easier' to talk to your friends.....isn't that a good thing though?

    • Like 1
  9. Hiya,


    The first poll is now live. If you've got a skill total level of 100+ in OldScape, you canlog in and vote now.


    We'll be developing the features that get 75% support in the poll. They may come out over a period of weeks, depending on how long they take to develop, so your patience is appreciated as always blk.gif


    We intend to keep running polls like this periodically, so if your request hasn't made it into this poll, keep posting and we'll consider it for a future poll. Please let us know your thoughts about the polling process too; for example, would you like future polls to have an "abstain" option?



    Mod Ash


    What do you guys think? For me it just seems like the start of easyscape...

    How are these things 'the start of easyscape'? Sure, things like one-click banking do make it a little bit easier, but I don't see how anything else would affect the game in a negative way, apart from grimies.


    As I said, people only want things to be made easier these days. If they have to click twice it's already too much for them. We survived years and years with a two click system. I can see this being the start of everything becoming easier..


    So from the looks of it, you're only worried about the Bank Click one. Is that correct?

    Or are some of the other vote options concerning you too?

  10. I can't believe there's actually any NO votes for the roof removal one.

    I think some people are just voting no across the board because they have that "NO CHANGE LEAVE SAME 07 FTW" attitude (even though we could remove roofs back then....)

    • Like 1
  11. , in fact it wound up several times being a detriment to the victim of a luring attempt because it prevented them from being able to properly move until the window went away, allowing them to be bound and dogpiled while helpless. I also remember a string of exploits where players could force a player following them to run forward into the wilderness, thus killing them.


    Except for the fact that the pop up physically STOPS your character from moving 10 STEPS BEFORE you even reach the wilderness.

  12. This is an OS server rant, but I'm not sure if I should post it there....so yeah...you guys get to read it instead!!



    I frequently browse the OS forums because I like reading people's ideas on what they think should be added/removed as well as topics people make about the servers.


    For the past 2 days, I've been unable to enjoy this...

    Because the OS General Forum is filled with people asking for an open gilded altar.


    .....At the time of me writing this Rant, only 17 people have 67 Construction (with boosts to get to 75, you can make the altar)

    With nearly 300k active accounts on the OS servers.....a whole...17 people....even have the POSSIBILITY of owning this altar...

    I can't even tell you what % that is because my graphing calculator doesn't show decimal places that low...



    What is WRONG with these players!?

    There is an abysmal amount in existence, and people are posting asking for people to Pm them IN GAME to tell them their altar is open!



    seriously....? The people on the top of the construction board are going for rank, and people expect them to just drop that and open right up to let people train their prayer right now?

    Not only that....but they expect this person to seek THEM OUT to tell them they're open!?


    These people need to get off the forums until they grow a brain.

  13. but once you start making changes and tweaks to OSR then you're going to have to keep making changes


    Lol, he thinks there won't be changes to the game

    They're already going to be starting the polls they SAID THEY WOULD DO for adding/changing content next week.


    As for the ditch

    It's useless, get rid of it.

    You know what else stops luring? A brain, as well as....


    • Like 1
  14. No, it was too controlling on the market in the game. I like the way the game runs now, as it's more location and player based on what prices you buy and sell for.

    Now you're able to sell food for more in Edgeville because there's no price tag on the lobsters for people to follow.

    Or by ess for less in Varrock east because it's convenient for them to just do it quickly.

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