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Posts posted by Galasrin

  1. I have Windows 8 and 8 GB RAM. I wonder what I should do. :(


    And the lobby freezes are back for me. :(


    Did you ever try updating the file as suggested previously? I get the impression that the line "If you are running a Windows 7 or 8 machine with 4gig of RAM then you should be safe to make the change I’m about to suggest." should say "AT LEAST 4gig of RAM" the reason being that it gives you a larger amount of RAM to allocate as you want. Since you have 8gig then you should also be safe to try it(if you haven't yet)

  2. When trying out revolution I noticed that half the time during a kill I am using auto-attacks while I have two or three basics ready to use. When I tried it out on beta I noticed the same issue, voted no on it being ready to launch, but obviously didn't make much difference. Is this the expected behaviour, and has anyone else encountered this?


    If this is just glitchy, I would have assumed these kinds of things would be fixed before launching since it required a player vote to launch.

  3. Actually, you can get 5 small XP lamps, one each for your 5 lowest skills, once you get 2 of each chocolate. So there's minimal XP to be gained, but you need at least 600(6 chocolates * 2 each) notes to get the XP. If you're incredibly lucky.


    Otherwise, destroy them. I've been destroying all of mine now that I have all of the rewards.

  4. "Is RS still as popular as before ?"


    Short answer is No.


    Runescape has seen it's glory days, most likely due to the fact that the technology moves forward, its cheaper and easier to buy a decent gaming computer nowdays, so why would you play a java game, when you can easily play most of the games on the todays market with a computer for around only around 500 - 600$?


    I mean the essence of Runescape is that: It is a very easily accessable games, its quite relaxing and somewhat rewarding (do nothing and win - basicly), its not a very player skill based-game per-se (who doesn't like that? - however the problem is that people matured from that, and they demand more challengeing stuff with awesomegraphics to go with it.


    All in all - I think the three single main attractions towards kids and new gamers this decade is that, people are looking for either "mainstream" games such as; World of Warcraft, Leauge of Legends, etc. and they are also interested in the whole 'E-sport prestige' that is Lan tournaments aswell as the whole 'Streaming' thing (make $$$ while &%#¤¤# off afk) type of things.


    And lets face it, Runescape has NON of the forementioned attractive things, plus! it's got shitty graphics too.. so that's not very attractive to newcomers uh?


    I believe that there are quite a few people that are coming back (thx to Old-RS being re-introduced and the continously bot-sweeps!) - These are however likely to be nothing more than a few OLD-players that has come back to try it out once again or resume their RS career.

    (I myself has came back recently, but I am also playing more popular games too, and spend my time in Runescape when I have nothing to do in the other games). On the overall picture however, I think that there is a steady decline in the population of Runescape, it's not like on the glory days when there were ALOT of players around - but you must not forget that the times were different back then, than they are now.


    Times change, people move on - the gaming industry is a industry of ever constant change and Runescape will probably not in the end be able to keep up with the changes due to its limitations.



    Enjoy it while you can.


    You forgot one attraction for games "Having fun".  ;)


    The only real difference I've noticed is emptier worlds. Years ago I remember the worlds always being 500+ pop. It's not too hard to find a 200 pop world these days, though that may be due to the lack of bots. I still enjoy it though. I'd suggest giving coming back a shot.


    "Their range of attack has increased to six squares."


    THAT would explain why i thought asc's ranged were reduced when I was at QBD with OH darts...


    About frigging time updates:


    • Using stun abilities on the Queen Black Dragon now deal damage to her.
    • There is now an option to allow servants in a Player-Owned House to take payments automatically.
    • Players will now receive a message when they reach 100% respect in the Artisans' Workshop. (I am about to start artisan's lol)


     You forgot an "About frigging time update":


    • Pets and familiars can no longer be taken into the Falador Party Room.
    • Like 3
  6. They are sitll useable. You click on the item you want to use and select a skill just like before. Pendants will transform into the pendant of your choice, then you click on it again to apply the BXP. Recharge gems will apply the BXP to the skill as soon as you select the skill you want. By defualt I believe it uses one recharge gem at a time, but you can right click to use many at a time and it will ask how many you want to use.


    I lot of people have been confused with my op, I feel that I should clear up a few things....


    So first off I posted :


    I lowered the mining rate to 225k p/hr, just so it was in your advantage. I got this rate because mining was a multi-skill before wbs. So 1hr of mining also included ~75k smith & ~75k mage. Don't discount mage because you view it as "worthless" as this is your opinion. Fact is 200m mining also ='ed 200mage/200smith at the same time so you have to take that into account.


    I calculated that 90k is a solid average rate of mine xp p/hr(factoring in banking, qh'ing, etc). The total for smith/mage/mine is 600m. So 200/90= ~2.2 hrs. So 2.2/3 (mage,mine,smith) is ~733hrs per 1 skill . The original post I was only discussing MINING in comparison. For 200m mining it takes ~200hrs via wbs so it is roughly an increase of 5 times the original method not the "14" times Meredith claimed. (Original post was slight difference in hrs)


    With the magic xp I was told that 0 time is spent on magic. However this is not the case as 200m slayer only nets you 200m str, ~150-200m att and 100m def (using mage). (Roughly) It is also a common method to use def (mage) for charms as the slayer ratio is ~0.5:1 We all know that mage slay was nerfed around 4mths ago, and may not return in the future :(


    So in conclusion I was only discussing MINING and wasn't stating that super heating was more efficient then wbs, rather stating there was only a 5 times increase from the most efficient method before warbands not "14".


    I sorry to all those who were confused, hopefully this will help clarify what I stated in my original post.


    @Meredith I think you didn't understand what I meant when I wrote that mining took 888hrs. This is because the most efficient before was superheating @ lrc which included smith/mage/mine xp p/hr. You seemed to think that mining took 1700hrs which is not the case as you also get mage/smith. I also can understand your view on mage but I differ on this after the mage slay nerf.


    But you still need to be @ lrc for 1700 hours to even achieve dat 200m mining =3!


    As far as I can see in your calculations, you are moving mage and smith exp gains to mining magically (get the pun?), which cannot be done.


    If you say about 90k pure mining exp/h (during superheating/dropping/qh and whatnot):

    (200m-13m) / 90k = 2077.


    So you need to be in LRC for 2077 hours according to those calculations.


    I think thats your mistake there o.O But don't take it from me as I am a girl =)


    @Lioness, I came up with the same calculations.


    @Warband Prod

    Reading all the math "facts" that have been spewed has left my mind reeling, as I'm not sure how such calculations such as how is "200/90 = 2.2" the same as "200,000,000/90,000 = 2,222.2". Obviously those numbers are assuming the same rate for the first 13m which is inaccurate. When you remove trailing zeroes while doing math, you have to remove the same number of zeroes for each number e.g. remove 3 zeroes from "90,000" then remove 3 from "200,000,000" which is actually "200,000/90"


    So using the numbers you have provided of 90k mining xp/hr 75k magic xp/hr and 75k smithing xp/hr.



    200,000,000-13,000,000 = 187,000,000

    187,000,000 / 90,000 = 2077 hours.


    Smithing AND Magic:

    In the time it takes to get 200m mining you get:

    2077 * 75,000 = 155,775,000.


    So you don't even get 200m smith/magic as you are claiming, you would still need to spend time training these skills doing other things(assuming you started all of this when all 3 were at 13m)



    CONCLUSION: reading wrong math spewed as "fact" makes my head hurt.


    My big question is how people are going to powertrain this skill. I mean, are there going to be certain things you can make that will give a lot of experience, making the skill 100% linear? Personally, I'd like to see something that can't be meta'd, but I know that won't happen.


    They said that despite being a 'buyable' skill, it will be very slow.



    They also said they intend on the 'buyable' part of the skill only contributing a small percentage bonus to XP rates.

  9. I do not think the skill will be a buyable like the skills we have today. It's a complimentary skill to Divination, I foresee some kind of gathering involved other than divine energies. 


    It would make it out of reach for many players and quite unfair to release pure "buyable" at this point. 



    If the new skill is buyable, it could end up costing 20-30b+ for first person to get it. Maybe nobody at the top will be #1 unless they have a massive cash pile set aside.



    FWIW(which isn't really much at this point) in the Question/Answer thread for the invention skill, when asked about whether or not the skill will be buyable the response was something along the lines of "The XP increase for the 'buyable' portion should only be around 5% better" Obviously the skill is still in planning, and they don't have XP rates, or really anything, planned. So that could change, but a 5% increase isn't a drastic increase.


    I believe it was also stated that the XP rates are currently planned to be around the same rate as smithing XP. FWIW.

  10. I voted for Invention, primarily because I want the missing component for Divination. Plus I don't truly like any of the pocket slot items available, and am hoping that better options will arrive with Invention.


    I wouldn't truly mind if the Elf City wins, because that's been a long time coming. My hope is that the Invention skill isn't put off until 2015.



    Now, what I am unable to understand is this: Why are they only in the "planning stages" of invention? They promised us two skills at the beginning of last year, meaning they were planning on invention at that point. Then they pushed invention off to the "beginning of 2014 or (if lucky) December 2013" at this stage I had the impression they were working on it. Now they're saying they're only drafting ideas? I simply don't get it.


     Except from a lore perspective the grand exchange isn't some interface you can randomly search it is something you go to and say 


    I want x of y here's my money

    Or I want to sell these for x

    Then they contact you when it's done.

    Plus in lore terms it'd be highly unlikely for any sort of monster drop or rarer item to be within the grand exchange - it'd be a place where basic goods are trader much like the existing trader npcs who care about ores and herbs and logs and such. Uber rare items only discover by adventurers on their epic quests would likely not be something they'd be able to sell cause no-one would know about them or want them.


    You have to remember when it comes to lore no player other than you exists - it's not like theres hordes of adventurers all going around doing similar stuff there just a very small group consisting of Arianne, Ozan, Owen, Xeina, Raptor, Lynsa and yourself and possibly a few other unknowns (but obviously not many since all these people still have adventurer needs when we arrive). I mean Meg goes about adventuring too but she is useless, the Carnillean kid is implied to be rather bad at it as well and of course Cyrius died.


    If you have no prior knowledge of ascension shards you wouldn't come across them on the ge in a lore sense.


    Equally yes the scroll may be very descriptive we don't know but that still poses the issue of we don't really know a lot of what ascension is like other than it being crystal-like - there's plenty of other materials we know the same or more off in similar family (elf crystals etc.)

    Plus it would be kinda odd for the scroll to be highly descriptive of the material; it's instructions to make an item they tend to tell you materials and how to use em on the assumption you know what the materials are.


    I mean you don't buy a cookbook and find and description of the precise nature of flour it just says you need flour. So why should an instruction on how to make darts go beyond telling you to use a specific material? It's not like these scrolls were produced for outside eyes they are essential instructions the village/tribe/island w/e had to share their knowledge with new generations.


    Plus yes we have no proof other npcs (outside slayer masters) have never heard of it, but what we do have is the dialogue they do have in which none of them mention or talk about the dungeon so in terms of the lore of the game and our interactions that is as good as not knowing. If they haven't seen it in any known situation and do not talk about it at all there's no lore reason to assume they know about it, especially when lore suggests most of these people are quite static and it is unusual to travel between settlements let alone traipsing between kingdoms all over the world. 


    I'm by no means saying their reasoning CAN'T work just that is is extremely sloppy and lazy excuse for a design choice they made with probably no consideration of lore at all that when considered beyond face value has a number of flaws that can only be explain by complicated ideas and theories about instructional scrolls going in to excessive details about a material and reasons we might know about an obscure resource despite lacking reason to have been there and disocver it.



    I'm not too familiar with the lore so don't take this as me saying you're wrong. Is the above definition of lore for the GE actual fact as stated by Jagex? Or is it merely your interpretation of how to view the GE in regards to the lore?


    As far as the latter option I tend to view the GE more in the sense as a giant marketplace where our adventurer goes to buy things. In this view it is possible to imagine your adventurer perusing various goods and coming across the ascension shards. Having a good understanding of fletching you notice that they would provide great quality as ammo whether it's bolts arrows etc. So you purchase them as such.


    As far as the ports scroll goes, I agree with you that it wouldn't necessarily have an in depth description of what the different components are that are needed. Since you need a certain fletching level in order to decipher the scroll, it's safe to assume that you would be able to understand how the different components are put together. If there is one piece that you are unable to decipher due to it being a material you are un familiar with you would use a substitute. Since you understand how ranged weapons work and are put together, it is reasonable to assume that you can identify the purpose of this mysterious material and come up with an alternative, such as the ascension shard, that would fulfill the purpose diagrammed in the scroll.


    As far as my opinion is concerned, I think it's a completely reasonable.... reasoning, for lack of a better term.

    • Like 1
  12. The update as a whole and their responses to feedback really are incredibly frustrating. The original was probably my favourite update of the last 2 or 3 years as this just seems to be half arsed job (and that’s being generous).


    They seem to have done the same thing they did with Divination and several other updates recently: started hyping the update up many months before they even started work on it, and then rush it out with minimal work. This way of doing it means disappointment is the only possible outcome.


    And to say they did it because of development and graphics restrains, this was arguably the only big update this month, or if you include the mole one of only 2 ‘proper updates’. I’ve stuck by and had faith in Jagex through the past 12 months of meagre update quantities but now not only every month are we down to only 1 or 2 big updates a month, those updates are getting smaller and smaller each time. Surely something has to be happening internally with the number of people working on the game, or is it a managerial issue? But something definitely seems to have changed in the past 12 months and its really disconcerting.


    Maybe they're spending all of their money on "hyping up" the update as opposed to developing it ;)

    • Like 1
  13. I think whether or not the new armour is embraced will probably be based on supply. If the drop rates of the scales is high enough, and the scales per armour piece isn't too high then it may leave it more affordable and more accepted by the community. If the right balance can be found between cost and supply then I think the degrade to dust can be an interesting mechanic. The reason I dislike degrade to dust on tectonic is because of the only method for getting tectonic: Vorago.


    I may have read the degradable items bit wrong. I get the impression everyone is deciphering that as meaning that degradeable items kept on death degrade by 20%? I originally read it as degradeable items in your gravestone only degrade by 20% vs. the normal full degrade(unless I'm confused which is quite possible :P)



    Can anyone post the patch notes?

  14. There are a lot of maxed Divination players because the community has declined in number and is now more disproportionately dominated by veterans and older players. The rate of newer players joining is abysmal, as is the number of free players and newbies. Also, the culture of efficiency above all has been firmly entrenched. Everyone is interested in getting levels and less interested in fun and 'time-wasting'. All of this adds up to lots of people getting 99 Divination very fast despite it being a slow skill, by means of probably fiercely grinding.


    How does "not getting new members" have anything to do with a higher number of maxed divination players? Your statement "the rate of newer players joining is abysmal" seems to be accurate, but doesn't actually have any bearing on how many people get 99 divination unless you're saying that new players joining the game would force old players to leave?


    So I think the most accurate answer to the high number of 99 divination players is that the game has been around so long that the knowledge of the mechanics of the game is at an all time high, and the obsession with efficiency likewise is at an all time high. Both of these work toegether in contributing to players with 99 divination. Also there were different motivating factors for getting 99 this time around. Before divination came out, there were so many players that were already maxed that "lost their cape" or lost their prestige or w/e. I believe that this would have added motivation for a number of players to grind to 99.




    Shame about the no update week gap though... At least GTA V is out next tuesday. So in reality. Who gives a damn.

    The expectation of an update every week is a little unfounded, and there is no reason for Jagex to even do so. They are highly unique in that regard and one might attribute some of the issues we've had with updates due to them being forced to cram it out all the time instead of proper testing.


    The expectation of an update 'every week' is totally unfounded...other than the precedent of nearly every month for the past 5+ years having 1 off week and the rest updates and the fact that jmods in various QAs and such have mentioned their official scheduling target to be 1 off week a month.


    More in relation to the video game industry as a whole then Jagex as a particular. Once a week updates are nice, but if they spent less time trying to develop small things so they can fill those gaps maybe they could produce higher quality content?



    That's making the assumption that reducing the updates/month would improve quality. I look at games like Neverwinter and SWTOR whose updates are much less frequent and usually only have bug fixes for weeks/months. The updates come out and still there are tons of bugs/game breaking glitches. The problem isn't the number of updates IMO as much as it is the inability to test how your update interacts with everything else in the game. The game is simply too big to test everything. I think they just try to find the huge bugs before release then rely on the community to do the majority of their testing.

  16. How do you use up so many chimes?

    Hire & fire in search of crew with the good traits.

    Oh I just wait til the right man for me comes along and then I make him my own.


    The problem is the Traits. If you get a captain with negative traits, and another 10k caption comes along, then you fire the negative traits and hire the new one in hopes that the RNG gods shine their blessing upon the new captain.



    EDIT: And you can't know the traits of the captain/crew until after you hire them.

  17. I don't think you're ever too old for video games.


    My kids have a different opinion though. :lol:


    Ahaaa, i have a feeling when i grow up i'll be on the computer playing games alot while my wife/fiance/girlfriend whatever it is would be doing the other stuff until im asked to do something ahaha. ;)

    Haha! This describes me! Gets me in plenty of trouble with the wife too :P


    I have several friends from High School who used to play but now consider themselves too old to play, there are even more firends from college who were too afraid to play in case their peers made fun of them for being too old to play the game. The way I see it, if I enjoy it I'll play it no matter what people think about being too old for the game. While obligations have increased as I've gotten older there still always needs to be time to relax and have fun.

  18. Things I would like to see, but I know I never will/will wait a while:


    Clicking off of the bank interface to exit&move again (JESUS CHRISTAJSGREKWADSFGADSGKARSDAGA) or ESC to close the bank interface


    ESC to close the bank interface was working for me yesterday.

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