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Posts posted by Licert1


    Sooooo Drumgun...Gonna be the "second" first to 200M all. Although when the new skill comes out I bet Forsberg888 will get 5.4B first.

    In an interview with drumgun the other day he said he doesn't plan to be first to 200m in the next skill. But he also said he wasn't getting 200m all at one point I think so who knows. with all the spins forsberg will hoard i don't see how drumgun could beat him. so your right, forsberg888 or geel will win. Will be fun to see who can spin more, GEEL or FORSBERG888. Will be epic. (sarcasm) 


    Where is this interview




    Drumgun is a different player than SUOMI, he will not burn out, and he wouldn't stop short. He is not quite as upset with Jagex as Suomi was. 


    Also, looks as though Geel is closing in on 200m slayer and strength which we can expect late this week. It seems like he has been left out of the conversation as of late for 200m all, but realistically I can see him being the 3rd person to reach 200m all, behind Drumgun and Forsberg888 respectively. 


    Another guy out there who can seriously challenge for a top 5 spot to 200m all is Roger Al, it seems as though he does have gp in the bank. We can expect 200m prayer soon and surely if he has the means, some other 200m buyables. 


    I would love to see some guys like no xpwaste or Bizarrely crack the front page sometime soon, those guys deserve a little recognition and are in the same boat as Roger Al with big exps in slower skills. Surely some GP would do their ranks some good :)

    Fair warning about Roger Al, he's only going to be at 100m-ish farming xp when he maxes every other skill.


    Edit: here are the xp rates I use in my calculator. I'm sure a lot of them are outdated so please leave feedback.


    Also it looks like I hacked together a solution for curly roots. It seems pretty accurate but it made everything a little messy. I'll have to make a newer, cleaner version at some point.

    skill		xp rate		daily xp rate	daily xp
    attack		440000		0		0
    defense		600000		0		0
    strength	440000		0		0
    ranged		400000		0		0
    prayer		1100000		0		0
    magic		600000		0		0
    cooking		804000		0		0
    woodcutting	170000		240000		40000
    fletching	700000		0		0
    fishing		140000		0		0
    firemaking	350000		2418461.5	1310000
    crafting	700000		0		0
    mining		110000		1400000		363862.5
    smithing	246000		1400000		363863.5
    herblore	740000		1400000		363864.5
    agility		200000000	0		0
    thieving	300000		0		0
    slayer		130000		0		0
    farming		64000		1400000		363864.5
    runecrafting	130000		0		0
    hunter		350000		0		0
    construction	850000		1400000		363864.5
    summoning	5000000		0		0
    dungeoneering	600000		2400000		200000
    divination	95000		0		0

    unless something changed since I did con in august last year, it's at least 880k xp/h without any bonuses


    not that it'll actually affect times much at all



    880k is basically maximum tryhard speed... at least it was in 2011 when I did it: 


    so 850k is pretty fair imo


    those mousekeys tho

    • Like 2
  3. @ Guy0ne106 


    Forsberg888 and Geel do matter. It's you who doesn't. 




    @ Licert1


    I actually doubt that Forsberg888 has the bonus in mining. I feel that would have been a last priority for him as well as most top players. But, he can surprise us at any time really. Also, the mining method you speak of is  over 240k/hr average, upwards to 300k/hr if lucky. Forrberg's fishing rate was a little inflated I believe because he was trying to set a new weekly record, not sure if he can keep that up for 40 days. 




    I totally missed Roger Al's farming exp, that really is the defining skill if he wants to achieve 200m all in a timely manner. 


    Also for your calculators, you can probably change the mining exp/hr (non warbands to 240k from Geysers unless I am missing something and people go LRC). Also, smithing is bordering 400k/hr with forges ATM. Considering you used wines for your cooking rate, I'm sure you can use the forges rate? If not, smithing R2Hs is roughly 275k/hr. Putting Farming at a rate of 64,000 exp/hr is quite low, I am not familiar with what is possible in an hour of just tree runs but I have seen numbers ranging around 1.5m/hr (don't quote me on that).

    Hmm... alright, but still, the point is he is extremely close anyway, whether he has mining bonus or not won't matter much at all.

  4. Past 9 days Drumgun has gotten -

    21,514,982 Slayer Experience

    10,355,924 Farming Experience



    1,150,658 Farming Experience/day

    2,390,553 Slayer Experience/day


    So, he should be finished slayer in 12-13 days & farming in 16-18 days, assuming he keeps his rate.


    Might be finished by end of month?


    Also, Forsberg888:


    Not going to bother calculating his smithing, most likely 3 days till 200m.


    When he did fishing, he averaged 3,252,947 fishing experience daily for 9 days, assuming he can keep that pace, when he does it, it will take 40 days.


    Assuming he has done all his other 200ms by then except mining, he will have 167,827,516 experience in mining with 32,172,484 experience remaining, I've been told there's a quick 250k/h mining method so I will go off of that.


    Assuming he has bonus experience, and I doubt he doesn't (it's forsberg), that's 500k/h, at a rate of 17 hours per day (8,500,000/day) would only take him 4 days for that 200m, sorry if these rates are wrong, I'm going off of what I have been told.


    47 days till 200m all? Possibly next month.


    (Sorry if some of these calculations are wrong.

       Can do other players if anyone wants, I don't mind)

    • Like 1


    Too bad paperbag has every slow skill in runescape left l0l gl

    C'moon man, what do you gain from this trolling ?


    How is it trolling when paperbag does in fact have every slow skill left except agility? just stating facts that he isn't even close to 200m all yet.


    why does that matter lol? 
  6. Thank guys :)


    And @ guy0ne: Yes, I know that almost no one in the entire world will care what rank I finish at. But there are still enough people that will care that keeps me going, plus the pride of me doing it too.


    Anyway, I may take a few days break just because I feel burned out atm. I think I over did it the first few days I was playing 07. It's a rare occurrence but it can happen to people, even top players.

    Nothing wrong with taking a break

  7. I stopped caring about ranks when I realized people with no work/schooling/other responsibilities are by default "better" at RS than those who can't play as much. Yes, efficiency does play a large and very significant role in how quickly you progress in RS - just look at people who do bonfire firemaking or curly roots instead of daily book of char, they are wasting hundreds of hours - but overall it is definitely more about how much time you can sink into it. And having the time to play as much as Drumgun does does not equal skill and, in my opinion, is not admirable. Neither is buying spins oops I mean keys. 


    TL;DR: Any conception of Runescape "competition" is laughable.


    Nevertheless, the relentless dedication exhibited by the top players in different ways (buying keys, refusing to buy keys, having 10 warband alts, having one or more 07rs accounts to camp abby demons on and transfer GP to RS3, refusing to play more than one account at a time, etc.) is pretty interesting and fun to watch. 


    Personally, back when I still enjoyed RS3, I played OSRS and RS3 at the same time but never transferred any GP.

    Well ya if you have more time to put in obviously you might get ahead 




    Looks like Forsberg888 is onto the smithing train...


    Should be semi relaxing if he intends to do Artisans. Though I imagine he's going to use forges instead, seems to be the best way to go now.


    Forges? I only just returned to RS3 last night so, forgive my ignorance :P



    Was some squeal item for a while. You can set them up anywhere you can set a fire and use it as an anvil for +10% exp + chances of saving bars.




    Kngkyle did a breakdown of the math on HLF using rune bars to make 2hs / legs which gives 350 - 400k exp per hr. The main points were:


    (This is not including the cost of the forge itself, which is 70-90k per it seems, lasting 5 minutes each)


    Rune Bars @ 13.2k Each - The Old Price


    Total Rune Bar Cost: 4,276,800 (per forge)

    Value of Saved Bars: 554,400

    Return From Selling R2H: 4,028,400


    306K Profit Per Forge

    3672K Profit Per Hour

    10.5 Gp/Xp Profit




    Rune Bars @ 14.0k Each


    Total Rune Bar Cost: 4,536,000 (per forge)

    Value of Saved Bars: 588,000

    Return From Selling R2H: 4,028,400


    80.4K Profit Per Forge

    965K Profit Per Hour

    2.8 Gp/Xp Profit




    Rune Bars @ 14.5k Each


    Total Rune Bar Cost: 4,698,000 (per forge)

    Value of Saved Bars: 609,000

    Return From Selling R2H: 4,028,400


    60.6K Loss Per Forge

    727K Loss Per Hour

    2.1 Gp/Xp Loss




    Rune Bars @ 15.0k Each


    Total Rune Bar Cost: 4,860,000 (per forge)

    Value of Saved Bars: 630,000

    Return From Selling R2H: 4,028,400


    201.6K Loss Per Forge

    2419K Loss Per Hour

    6.9 Gp/Xp Loss



    sounds op





    It seems to matter to the ppl I talk to about it irl.


    And if you really want to know why I love agility so much is because it reminds me of my childhood. Each summer growing up, from sunrise to sunset, I'd jump on my trampoline & listen to a tape of classical music on my Walkman, while making up "movies" and pretending I was a film director. I had nothing better to do and the nearest neighbors were miles away on the next mountaintop. Agility on RS reminds me so much of that. I listen to music while training agility and the jerky movements of my character reminds me of jumping on a trampoline. It is basically reliving my childhood.


    Then along comes a bunch of ppl wanting to destroy the skill & wanting to destroy that feeling....and ppl wonder why I flip out on forums...

    why not go relive it... you know, outside?


    Looks like Forsberg888 is onto the smithing train...


    Should be semi relaxing if he intends to do Artisans. Though I imagine he's going to use forges instead, seems to be the best way to go now.


    Forges? I only just returned to RS3 last night so, forgive my ignorance :P






    crystalfarm- conor known skinny newb nolifer, killerjv- newb from latvia barliukas in ee clan :D



    WHAT???  I have no clue what you are trying to say????  Please, you do not have to give Racist explanations and hateful reasons why some people suck.  Take your hate and go away.  Fact is, these people are better than you.  So do not post hateful comments about them.  Deal with it, your not as good.


    Look, I can do the same thing.


    G0d vs D3vil -- 2nd grade intelligence that can't make a complete sentence and accuses everyone higher than him as failure and/or cheater.




    Jebrim -- thanks for the name.  ATM Atticusbird sits at 9480 hours, but I'll watch the account.


    i know that my self that my english skills rlly bad>.> and i call ppl cheaters only who buys keys:p and latvia "braliukas" means brother since im from lithuania :D and didnt said anything racist>.>


    They are cheaters because you don't use a method. and you freak out when people accuse sc abusers of being cheaters just because you use the method. So it's official, when gvd abuses a method its not cheating. but when he cant afford to use a method it is in fact cheating.


    i can aford for 200m div and rc spins :> but the question is why would i want to do that?


    for the exp obviously



    crystalfarm- conor known skinny newb nolifer, killerjv- newb from latvia barliukas in ee clan :D



    WHAT???  I have no clue what you are trying to say????  Please, you do not have to give Racist explanations and hateful reasons why some people suck.  Take your hate and go away.  Fact is, these people are better than you.  So do not post hateful comments about them.  Deal with it, your not as good.


    Look, I can do the same thing.


    G0d vs D3vil -- 2nd grade intelligence that can't make a complete sentence and accuses everyone higher than him as failure and/or cheater.




    Jebrim -- thanks for the name.  ATM Atticusbird sits at 9480 hours, but I'll watch the account.



    @gvd - #rekt

  12. Thanks Licert and Pingouin.  Yeah, thats the site I'm using.  Main reason I was interested in div and rc was those are the 2 biggest hour eaters.


    Anyways, here is a feeble attempt to get back on topic;


    I'm only listing those under 5k hours.  Why?  We're expecting a new skill by the end of the year.  7 months * 30 days / month * 18 hours / day = 3780 hours.  I'm interested in who will be at 5.2 when the new skill comes out.  If you want more names, click 'like this.'  10 clicks and I'll go 6k hours.  I've only checked the top 50 in xp.


    Credit for this concept goes to Gemeos (everyone say 'thank you Gemeos' so that his panties don't get in a bunch) as well as Merideth for the calculator.


    Hours left until maxed:

    Drumgun -- 833

    Forsberg888 -- 1456 (half of his fishing is 462 hours possible saved from sc.  Next weeks treasure hunter is a fishing pole skin that gives a 20% chance to catch 2 fish and stack double xp)

    S U O M I -- 1895

    Jake -- 1913

    Geel -- 2126

    Jdelacroix -- 2327

    Alkan -- 3007

    Crystalfarm -- 3426

    Dragonseance -- 3554

    Killerjv -- 3856

    My Kingz -- 3939

    Pieter -- 4084

    Scuzzy5 -- 4514

    Almostlost -- 4576

    Angerfist -- 4958


    Please don't ask me anything about the xp rates used.



    Interesting.. thanks for the list! (Also, thanks Gemeos!)

    Didn't think Jdelacroix had so few hours left.




    They remote controlled his computer, therefore they didn't need JAG. Password was keylogged. The question is if Jagex will return his items when the account only was accessed from his own IP?


    They shouldn't. No regular player would get their items back, top 15 players shouldn't get special privileges.


    Incase you wasn't aware, they tried out a thing where they refunded hijacked accounts items, for a while, but something went wrong and they put a few million too many archer rings on some guys acc and it made them crash. So it's not special privileges, just a new thing they have been trying out, if someone gets hijacked for all their shit they deserve to get it given back, regardless of if they're top 15 or top 150,000


    No they do not "deserve to get it given back". I'm sorry but keeping your account simple it very simple. I've been playing for 8 years or so and i've never had anyone access my account unless i allowed it. You can't try and say that it's because i'm not "known" enough because enough of the "wrong kind of people" knew who i was when staking was still big and stakers still sold a lot.

    It sucks that he got hacked, but if you're going to be careless (even though you're unaware that you're being so), then you have to expect that it's going to happen at some point. It's not that hard to keep things secure.



    • Like 3



    But your case depended entirely on Gunnar having easily cracked answers.

    if he lost acces of email they can easily remove jag via support, well it used to be, when they made jag>.> even they told they wont remove jags for ppl or something like that....



    I'm not certain this disables it but it says disable so idk, never clicked it lol


    if it does completely remove it tho, whats the point of even having it >.>


    if u want disable it u need to answer 3/5 ur questions :P

    lol shouldve thought of that, :D


    But your case depended entirely on Gunnar having easily cracked answers.

    if he lost acces of email they can easily remove jag via support, well it used to be, when they made jag>.> even they told they wont remove jags for ppl or something like that....



    I'm not certain this disables it but it says disable so idk, never clicked it lol


    if it does completely remove it tho, whats the point of even having it >.>







    HLF has a topic that says Dragonseance has been hacked, can anyone verify this?

    Yeah. They can't log in though so everything's good.





    ALL GOOD, lads.


    That's fake L




    Yea, he just changed his name to the name of one of the hackers for the lulz I guess.


    its for the attention


    People act like high profile recoveries don't happen. Chessy018 has something to say about that.


    idk who that is

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