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Everything posted by Karniith

  1. Also, what is the most effective way of leveling dg these days? Solo floors? Group? Keep in mind i am 1 dung and haven't started it yet :P
  2. That makes sense. So would I be best off just using range in dg, at these low levels? Or should I be investing in berserker ring and using melee in dg? I am mostly worried about the low levels currently, and will not be investing in the ring, until I decide what I want to do at higher levels, which will most likely be range. I suppose I am a little stuck in my old mindset that magic was great in the overworld for the first few quests and combat levels.
  3. Thanks for the replies. About #1: I just started the account a couple days ago, and am using magic as my primary to bust out quests and get a few things done along the way. I do not have to worry about t90 weapons yet, or even close for that matter. I will only be slowly working toward imp and bonecrusher for the time being. Will mage be as efficient or more efficient than other style for low cb? Similar to how mage wrecks in the overworld early on in the game? Could I get info on portants? I have heard that they can bank items of something like that? I am not to interested in div atm anyways, based off what I hear. Anything else you can think of that I need to know? Thanks again guys!
  4. It's been a while. I have played a little bit in eoc, but not much. I just have a few questions about the general game and some specifics. Also, I am starting completely from scratch, just transferred funds from my old account. I figure a fresh start was needed. :) 1. What is the most efficient way for doing dg these days? In terms of fastest xp for low dg levels, best style, etc? -- I plan on using magic 2. What is divination used for and is it useful at the moment without the "inventor" skill? 3. Any skills that got really easy lately? Or maybe more useful? 4. What is more effective for general slaying or training - revolution or momentum? I realize that I will need to manually que abilities for max dps on harder monsters(i believe), but I am lost for easy tasks and just training. 5. Anything else that you think may be useful or i need to know is greatly appreiated! Thanks!
  5. I didn't really know how to word the title. What I mean; is OSRS growing and is jagex going to update the game with certain fixed/improvements? And how is EOC going at the moment? I am on a break and have been looking at getting rolling again, but I have been curious as to the state of the game at the moment. Any and ALL advice/input GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!
  6. Recently hit 80 attack and am curious what my best bets would be for weapons. Would it be in my best bet to solo dung until I hit 80 and 200k tokens for either dual claws, rapiers, or longswords? I have never been really into dung or very good at it. Let me know what you all think. I have been using godswords and other level 75 2h's but I feel like I am missing out on something when I am not dual weilding in some cases.
  7. I did not mean to insult you in any way. Just from reading your original post it seemed to me that you were a beginning player. I have no clue what is wrong with your account. I shall step aside and let people with more knowledge of the system answer your question. I believe the reason I cannot see the pictures is because of my internet. :P Good Luck!
  8. Sounds interesting and is definitely something I will look into. Any idea what kind of xp rates I can expect to achieve? Thanks for the reply!
  9. I am not seeing the pictures, but from what I gather you played Runescape a small amount back then and have not gained much on the account? If this is correct, I would say make a new account and start from scratch. This game has changed an INSANE amount since 2008 and you definitely will have a bunch of catching up to do. If you start a new account the new tutorial does a good job of teaching you and showing you around the various parts of the game. Starting a new account will also help with the account issues. Welcome to Runescape and enjoy your adventure!
  10. Just read through a lot of this blog. What you have done in DIY is seriously a huge accomplishment. Very motivated by your progress on there. I have recently started a DIY account to play around on and see how I like it. I always have been a self sufficient person and I wonder if that play style will fit me. I just want to thank you for taking the time to document your adventure and hope you continue to do so! Thanks again!
  11. I find it best to skill and knock out early quests to get a nice boost in combat stats. It really helps and from there on out I would be doing slayer for your killing purposes. The way I see DIY is absolutely no trading, apart from heroes and shield of arav, and getting the best use of your time possible, which includes not spending countless hours grinding at experiments just for the cb xp. Thats the way I see it. Hope it helped.
  12. I am currently trying to grind out 74 hunter for farming juju's. Have done a couple hours of red salamanders and I reminded myself why I quit hunting at level 60. Just wondering what the absolute best methods are for hunter as I may be a little outdated in the latest and greatest ideas. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks!
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