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Everything posted by Miss_Kozlov

  1. But they haven't done a huge amount of world events. Everything feels lazy and unfocused. And the concept of making a quest replayable and how they turned that into a feature for specific quests in lieu of interesting content is aggravating.
  2. Great idea! We'll get to work on that and have it out for Treasure Hunter by July!
  3. Perhaps they poll feedback to gauge backlash on options they've already decided to go with?
  4. So I had been thinking ever since what I considered the abysmal disappointment that was the 200th quest. Looking back they appeared to try and revisit the concept that was Recipe For Disaster. When I checked it out I noticed that RFD came out March of '06. So it took 5 years to reach 100 quests, but another 9 to do the next 100. Now it can be said that quests take longer to produce than they used to, but it's hard to deny that quests have fallen significantly in terms of quality. With the habit of repurposing things for quests and not having nearly as many I ask why? I always thought quests in Runescape were a huge selling point for the game being unique. The quests were compelling, had an actual story, weren't simply about a boss fight or killing a certain amount of animals (sorry WoW). So what is the reason for shabby treatment they get now? Were they starting to prove unpopular or did that happen after they were essentially put on that back burner in the update schedule? And on another note, but one I want to discuss, what is the need for very difficult boss fights in quests? They put an ungodly focus on combat and bossing lately, why must or bleed through into quests? Must Chris L seep into everything?
  5. runescape is like 4chan, its shit and has always been shit but its worse now than before definitely. Also everyone who started after me is new as hell It's hard because it's hard to define why the game was so compelling. So it's difficult to explain why it's not now. It's just something you have to know through personal experience with the game. The only thing I can say definitively is that the game had a type of depth to it. Updates now don't. The only thing that has real depth is combat, which they focus on too much now. This would be okay except so many other companies do that better to them. So much combat focus to be completely outdone in that regard by Blizzard is a shame.
  6. I wouldn't say unprofessional. It's legitimate, honest incompetence. :D Why else would they seriously forget to add a means to check which eggs you have collected when they have seriously made this mistake one or two dozen times?
  7. Playing Runescape is like eating at an Applebee's. It's just good enough to get you to come back and never so bad that you won't go back. Every now and again it will give you diarrhea though. Oh and the waiters don't know how the food is made, can only give you a vague idea of when it will be ready, and have no idea what's going on in the back.
  8. Why is anyone surprised by this? They have a history for terrible foresight. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think they are always blatantly lying. That Completion Cape document they created was completely honest and they had every intention of sticking to their guidelines. Right up until the point they don't. Now this is for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they have a good core idea and they just can't flesh it properly. Or perhaps they have only enough resources to produce a small update and they pad it. Maybe they simply take the easy route. Sadly I think far too much effort is put into giving compers something to do or finding some way of extending things for them, neither of which seem particularly successful. Completionists are so small, yet so vocal. And every update seems to hinge on something that has to do with them. Maybe that's because people on here tend to be mostly end game players? All around its very aggravating to watch.
  9. I think things like this are a good thing. They give us a full and unadulterated glimpse at Jagex and the way they operate. Sometimes we lack perspective and forget how truly ridiculous and asinine they are as a company. Remember: they knew better than you, whether this actually true or not is irrelevant to them.
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