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Posts posted by Knoxtane

  1. Why dont you buy the retail version its only $15 USD and blizzard clears the ladder every week for new competitive seasons. If you buy the retail version delete everything tied to your cracked version as you have a chance of being banned by blizzard

  2. When signing up for an Oldschool battlenet account on Diablo II's current version being v 1.13 you should be able to connect to battlenet with a new account. However, if you have a cracked version of the game or otherwise not retail. I cannot help you.

  3. Hello, Sir Alan H. I'm HonorTk founder and leader of TheKorrupt. We are a casual community with minimal requirements. 500+ total if you're a skiller or 60+ combat. I myself have leadership and admin experience. I am currently working as an Assistant Community Manager for a independent game development studio. We have noone in eu/uk and are hiring staff for divisions such as eu/uk areas. if you are interested then please visit us at TheKorrupt.com

  4. All images posted in this thread will only be in this first post just updated. I will reply to this topic when I have added more work.



    Founder and Leader of TheKorrupt a Multi-Gaming Community.

    For personal signature inquires e-mail me [email protected]. Any non-related e-mails will be deleted and reported.



    Userbar Example: eVQvMOQ.png



    Website Ranks Version 1.0 (Without Shadows)


    Founder No Shadow: 30MVGOp.png


    Member No Shadow: t4HIrzJ.png


    Donator No Shadow: wGM8WMg.png



    Website Ranks Version 2.0 (With Shadows)


    Founder Shadow: xXQYmNL.png


    Member Shadow: xXQYmNL.png


    Donator Shadow: PVVUqiM.png

  5. This guide applies only to OldSchool RuneScape.





    1 - 7 Craft Leather Gloves. | Amount to make: 49 | Requirements: Needle,thread and leather.


    7 - 9 Leather Boots. | Amount to make: 18 | Requirements: Needle,thread and leather.


    9 - 11 Leather Cowls. | Amount to make: 21 | Requirements: Needle,thread and leather.


    11 - 14 Leather Vambraces. | Amount to make: 35 | Requirements: Needle,thread and leather.


    14 - 18 Leather Bodies. | Amount to make: 57 | Requirements: Needle,thread and leather.


    18 - 28 Leather Chaps. | Amount to make: 271 | Requirements: Needle,thread and leather.


    28 - 57 Hard Leather Bodies. | Amount to make: 5,498 | Requirements: Needle,Thread and hard leather.


    57 - 66 Green D'hide vambraces | Amount to make Approximately: 4,384 | Requirements: Needle,thread and green dragon leather.


    66 - 99 Blue D'hide Vambraces | Amount to make Approximately: 179,117 | Requirements: Needle,thread and blue dragon leather.


    (Alternate way from 10 - 99)


    Bow String | Amount to make: 868,886 | Requirements: At least 10 Crafting and Flax.



    Hope this helps. Info from 2007 Runescape Wikia.

  6. Blaze, I'm new here. I'll tell you something. I've been playing Runescape since 2010..I've always wore Dragon armour and my def level is 75 or something on RS3. People tell me which armor is better. However, I don't care what they say. I wear and use what armor and weapons I want..It's my character not theirs. Don't let words over the internet impact who you are and how you do things. Simply take it with a grain of salt..don't let it make the wound fizz. Keep being yourself, you seem like a pretty likeable guy. Don't let other people dictate how you reply because they get under your skin or think they are better than you.


    Just be yourself Blaze, say, use, like and post what you want to.




    I hope to see you stay.

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