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Posts posted by Knoxtane

  1. Flipping is probably the best way..I'm fairly new to it..but I bought Flax for 14 GP sold it for 16GP...I'm pretty sure that's how it works..but before you buy, buy that item in ONE for highest price (Click +5% 5 - 10 times) then buy it. it will only buy for the maximum amount the item is actually going for.


    [Example: Flax Max GE Price: 16GP if I hit +5% 20 times..it would still only buy for 16GP.] Once that said item has bought, sell it for the lowest price.

    [Example: Sell your one Flax for it's lowest price by -5% 5-10 times] and find the margin.


    So..flax lowest is 14GP and Highest is 16GP you want to buy it at 14GP and sell it for 16GP if they don't buy within a day try buying for 15GP and selling for 16GP. Also, keep in mind prices fluctuate so you will have to keep finding the margins of the items you wish to buy/sell, or find a website that provides such services. A website I find really helpful is "http://merchz.com/" however, keep in mind they only provide live graphs and prices service for RS3.


    Basically buy cheap, sell high.


    Hope this helps, I also might be wrong. Feel free to look up a guide.



  2. Hello, everyone. My name is Psyker..well my real name is Chad..Runescape name is Psyker. So a little bit about me? I'm a gamer and love RPGS and FPS.


    My favorite RPGS:



    1. Runescape
    2. Skyrim
    3. Diablo 2
    4. The Elder Scrolls Online

    My favorite FPS:

    1. Halo Series (1 through 5, including Reach, Spartan Strike, Spartan Assault and Halo Wars)
    2. Medal of Honor (2010) Developed by Danger Close Games (R.I.P)
    3. Counter-Strike: Source

    I've been a gamer since I was 6 years old on a N64, playing Sarges Heroes. (I'm 21 now) I recently became an Assistant Community Manager for a Game Development Studio by the name of PixelBeam Studios. The story behind that is I was a regular person following the development of "Storm United" PixelBeam's Futuristic MMOFPS. I came in contact with the C.E.O & Developer David. He approached me asking if I wanted to test the Dev build of the game, I of course said yes. (in a girly voice I heard in my head) Then about 2 weeks of testing it and helping out with finding errors and bugs he approched me again offering me a spot on the team. I was honored that he wanted me to helpout the community side of things and help grow the company with our fans.


    As for Runescape, I was first introduced to RuneScape back in 2007 I went over to a friends house and seeing him play this amazing graphical game in his browser. I proceeded to ask him about the game and sure enough I started playing. However, like a fool I gave my username and password to what I thought was one of my friends...he ended up stealing the account (level 8 with iron and about 5k) so I never really went back into playing RuneScape..until 2010 I started over again..and now I've been playing since. I'm now only on Oldschool RuneScape.


    With me playing oldschool and trying to achieve things I've never done in runescape I have decided to start my own Social, Casual Community for RS3 and OSRS.


    So that's a litte backstory of me as a gamer.


    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.


    Thanks, Psyker a.k.a Chad.

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  3. I've been playing Eldevin since Beta in 2013. It's an amazing game. However, I've put too much time into RS to let it all go to waste for Eldevin. However, I highly recommend this game!


    8/10 - Tons of content, Gameplay is fun!

  4. Hiya,


    Glad you like SwiftKit!


    I think you'll want to change the URL for the download link, the reason we push it via our site is not only for stats, but to protect our end users, they know what site they are on and they know where they are downloading the file from.


    As for the stats, I'm afraid the yare not available over a public API as of right now.


    I have replaced the link on the download button to just the swiftkit homepage. Hope all is well with SK!


    Following the update all of my screenshots post 17/07/14 have disappeared, any idea how i can find them/restore them?

    Does anyone know how i can fix this?


    As others have stated, it could be because of a spaced username. Stidor said he will be testing it. Have you tried with a different account with no spacing in it's name? Try that, with a screenshot and hopefully it worksout.

  6. So I've been using SwiftKit since the newest update. I love it! I went a head and made my own download button for the client (Has the file instantly download without going to swiftkit site) P.S I can change that so the link only leads to the official download page. I also have the link to the official swiftkit website of course. However, I wanted to know or ask if I could get the live feed of online users from swiftkits website, just like how it displays on the official homepage with "Users Online 1,332"


    If it helps any, I am an Assistant Community Manager for PixelBeam Studios. :)


    Thanks, Psyker.





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