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Posts posted by ikzelf100

  1. You can canoe




    The 100th Quest was released




    Another Quest was released








    People are sleeping in Varrock Church...




    i liek the man that is sleeping he is that guy fomr topgear wathc his name it is almost the same as irl

  2. end was the only hard part (besides maybe the monkey cooking req.) The gloves are really good for what you have to do, but they're really awesome because you can't buy them.




    i agree with the gloves are a sufficient reward(ok, deja vu right now..) but the monkey bit can be done with about 66 cookin(i had 68) but you need to make some chef's delights for the boost




    i took form all2 so if i burne dmine snake i could make another 1 burned the second snake too :(




    i had to get alls tuff another time

  3. Man, I feel kinda torn between loving this and hating this. N0valyfe started around the same time I did (maybe a month before me) and is now 550 lvls and 250M xp ahead of me. That is an amazing achievement and I look up to that in some way.







    he also started same time asme and i am only 90 cb en 16 mil total xp




    but no worries i congratz him any way congratzz novalyfe :D

  4. Err, nope RSC can't be played anymore, its a shame, I only wish I made an account before they outlawed new members.




    Uhh chielekop maybe he doesn't want to cheat, maybe he wants to play the original as he wants to remember the Classic days. It some ways it was better some worse, though your cheating point is just stupid and badly based. After all nobody ever cheats in RS2, no thats impossible... :roll: Never seen a autoer in my life in RS2.




    go f2p wrodl rune ess mines adn wqatch poeple with same names ecept the last nuymer they all do auto i think :D

  5. I doubt it will still be around...




    It might be, but either... everything will be ridiculously over priced because people have accumulated so much money... or.. the world will be pretty much empty, very very few players, and everyone will have to work for their own items.


    I believe there will always be people who want to play the game, so it all depends on if the creators wants to see this through


    there are new players being created all the timr, and no1 has ever (and probably wont for many years) reached the highest possible exp (4,200,000,000!) when someone has reached that, then the challenge will be loast and we will lose the game.




    oh, and rs itself is like 5 or 6 years old.. so that's lasted




    tipit is fomr 1999 the year rs started so atelast 7 years

  6. If theres one thing I despise it's people talking about the drop rates, there are no official drop rates for anything in rs, there are people that have gotten a chain on their first one and then there are people that have killed tons and tons To the person saying 50k till a chain, has anyone killed 50k of them? All in all, there is no official drop rate so people just need to stop trying to sound smart in saying that they know.






    well there arent any offical drop rates, but jagex must have a system to determen the drops. So if there is a system then there is also a drop chance




    no it is just luck and nothing more then big luck like the wheel of fortune there is no way you know whast number comes out because u should always win then

  7. Getting sick of Leo's event? Then lets have some fun with him, just to get another (or more) full set zombie. Sounds impossible right? Since Leo always give us 500g after full zombie and emotes.




    Anyway, there r some hints:




    1. We r able to see an item we dropped in 3 mins on the ground.


    2. Leo only comes out when burying the bones.


    3. Usually we need about 2 mins to pass that event.


    4. Leo will give u a replacement if u lost one.


    5. The gap between 2 random events mostly in 25-30 mins.




    Now, u may already knew how to get the 2nd zombie item or more.




    Here is the pic:






    I KNOW seems like no point to do that since zombie item give none stats bonus and looks ugly, also I may throw them all away finally for small f2p bank size. BUT, we play games just for fun right? And I got some fun from it during boring combat training. Its also a good news to anyone who likes those zombie items and wants to keep a slot in bank when wearing one.




    So anyone wanna challenge the 3rd set or more? Just have fun. :wink:




    i buried bonews for 2 hours with no leo :(

  8. not when your going up or down the ladders when your on the rope bridge? i been up there long amounts of time and never got hit till today




    another note, the staff charges let you bind the vampire advocates for a long while they cant move and they are flaoting in the air, they have to be down to about 1/4 life thou, also you can add garlic to a restore potion i m trying to figure out how to make silver dust atm pestal and mortar not working








    it isn an sort of saespot but if they come form right aside they hit you

  9. People do moan about the payment systems a bit with mail and phone which is fair enough.




    But i'll give it to Jagex that Card ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã3 a month is SERIOUSLY good. I pay less than that for a return ticket to town on a bus.




    People say they would rather spend cash on real life but ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã3 is like 1 beer in some places!




    ur completely right adn the blance of cash and hours fun of it play long engouh adn it costs less then 10 cents an hour

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