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Everything posted by Damea

  1. Damea


    AHHH!!! Stupid spam. Actually try and give good criticism not something worthless. I seriously could eat a bowl of alphabet cereal and have a more constructive post come out of well.. yeah. Don't hate me just cause I'm pretty. :wink:
  2. Christ, did you draw that? That's a fine piece of work!!
  3. Damea


    Ahhh! He's gonna stab you! Look out behind!!!
  4. Oldest person I know is Auntmidge. She's in her mid 60's I think and she's been helping me around RS since classic. She's also a player mod now, I think.
  5. I would probably pay more than 100k but where can I find a media market board then?
  6. Anyone willing to give it a try? :oops:
  7. Hello RSCommunity, haven't posted here in a while. I'm looking for a new signature, as my current one is outdated. I'm willing to pay 100k or so. Here is how I wish my character to look: Here's an inventory image No need to include the ring. :-$ Since I am a big fan of metal dragon slaying. Please make a cave-like background with my character in combat with an iron dragon. (which looks like this if you haven't seen one before) Please make sure to put a few more iron/steel dragons in the background! I wish my character's mood to appear in a satisfying type of way, if possible of course. And thanks pretty much it. Image size of 300 x 150 preferred. Thanks for hearing me out!
  8. A*sholes like these need to be banned immidiately :!:
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