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Posts posted by flamestrike

  1. so i played a custom glitching game with you(pointless though i did find out how to launch across the map with the banshee and the rocket) and you didnt have a mic, i tried to show you stuff but you must of not been able to hear me because you were just doing your own thing












    when you get a mic it'll be easier and ill show you some tricks








    as for the community, there just trashtalkers and we all do it, so i dont mind it. Plus the real point in halo is to the annoy people as much as you can, and with all my experience im so good at this.

  2. Ryan has probably never played xbox live or halo on xbox live, its one of the funnest things you can come across, id highly reccommend buying it, even if stupid 360 is going to come, seeing as its 100 dollars extra just to play xbox games on it.








    get it








    if u need help setting it up or learning how to play with people who play 24/7 without getting spawn raped, message me.

  3. so basically, this happened already and they were just watching a video, and even though all those people died amanda and his son really had the antidote and after they got out she locked him in a safe, and eric had to play jigsaws game to get him back but he failed and was locked in the original saw room








    ok i think i understand now, and i see why jigsaw like knew what was happening even though he wasnt watching.

  4. can anyone explain the ending to me, what i got out of it was, the cop was the real test and that his son was locked in a safe inside the room with him the whole time, the kid in the house was a look alike? the girl helped them out, but ends up working for jigsaw the hole time?












    confusing, any explanation



    Disney Channel....What a joke.








    I think I'd rather play runescape than watch a Disney Movie.








    I think the opposite. :wink:








    If it was Brink...definitely. If it was that terrible one about the merman (male mermaid), then no way. I'd rather click for hours then watch that terrible movie again.








    the 13th year rocked!








    i think you thinking of that one with the black girl in the racist town, that movie sucked i think it was called the color purple

  6. ehh that thing is pretty exspensive 25-70 us bucks depending on where you get it, and i remember someone got beat up pretty bad for having one of those on at this one concert.








    haha i dont like em.


    never heard of em...what kind of band are they?








    They are the type of band that goes on Warped Tour. Explain it enough?








    Seriously, the only band on Warped Tour worth listening to this year was Big D and the Kids Table.








    More accurately, you could call them "screamo," or, you could read about their terrible music here.








    wow i love you, Big D and the kids table is the most amazing band ever.

  8. How long were you waiting for it to start before you gave up?








    Or was it actually a movie where the director just went... Ah stuff it, let's call it "Waiting"? :P








    hey guess what, your joke sucked.

  9. Wow peanuts, i havent eaten these in like 5 years and my mom bought some of the shelled kind that you crack open and enjoy, and im munching on some and well, man i miss these, im gonna be addicted for a few weeks now.

  10. I'm just excited so i had to post. Tonight was the biggest game of our season of highschool football. We are the Pine-Richland Rams and our record so far is (5-1) and the one loss was lost in over time 49-48. Tonight was the homecoming game, the game the day before homecoming, and we were facing our rivals the hampton talbots. The game started out pretty well 7-0 us 4 minutes into the game. Things went on and it got to 4th quarter about 3 minutes left where it was 28-21 them, our sidelines losing hope and everything, we thought it was over. All of a sudden there guy fumbles and we scoop and score 41 yard TD. 28-28 and we were so fired up our heads were steaming in the cold air. Overtime, we go first, an easy 7 points on the first down, then they go 3rd down and they catch the pass 35-35 at this point, were all so pumped and nervous. 2nd overtime, they pass and score 7 on the first down, were up 3 runs failed 4th down. Our qb jake long makes the pass for the TD on the 4th down. Biggest play here, we lost 3 weeks ago to a team in overtime by going for the 2 point, he goes to pass and passes to an open eddie mirra, for the win and the game of the season under our belts. After screaming in excitment for 20 minutes straight the party continued to a place called Atrias, or Atrias house as we call it. There was food and it was so fun and this night couldnt get any better.








    tommarows homecoming cant wait to dance with some fine gals.








    link to game review




    http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/tribune ... 79837.html








    and another review and our hompage





  11. yeah that was rough, i live in pittsburgh and our whole school was bummed the next day cause we love our steelers, oh well patriots are good even tho we should of won, kind of like the game our football team should of won, 49-48 we lost in overtime going for the 2 point conversion vs one of the highest ranked AAA wpial teams








    oh well, well make up for it the rest of the season, pittsburgh goin to the superbowel


    Ever since the movie became popular and a "cool" thing to watch it has ruined it :oops:








    The most sense I've heard/read spoken/written all day. I couldn't agree with you more if I tried.








    I agree, i saw this movie when it was in theaters twice, because i thought it was hilarious and there was only like 2 people who saw it, then it came out on video and everyday i see a vote for pedro shirt, and now i just hate the movie, i cant even stand to watch it one more time.

  13. all time favs:








    red hot chili peppers








    brand new








    a little 311(most of there cds suck but from chaos is one of the best cds ive ever heard)








    current favs








    Big d and the kids table




    streetlight manifesto








    postal service













  14. Our highschool football team lost at states by 1 point in 2003, 2004 our team wasnt very good and i dont even remember there record, this year so far were doing pretty good, i start as tight tackle on o, and play some d tackle every now and then. So far this year weve been having a good year, were 4-1 right now and the game we lost we lost by 1 in overtime 49-48 with a very good team, this year our biggest game versus our rival is this week and its gonna be a bloodbath, our team is pretty good and our jv is 4-1 also and has had 3 shutouts, for us our defense isnt that good, but our offense is amazing.












    check us out










    Flame, lol you have Pokemon theme song and Pokerap.. you're pretty hardcore :wink:








    Right under a song entitled "Dirty Hot Sex"...












    its a halo thing, im in the clan viridian city, our rival clan is pallet town












    smithie i dont know what your talking about, and your my sisters friend








    and uh.. just added the cd Blood Brothers- Crimes

  16. well this is what i have since my comp had to get wiped, its not much but i like a little bit of everything, but my favorite is definatly ska music, so theres a bunch of that there, and i posted the like random songs that i like, and uhhh, im still working on my collection









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