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Posts posted by jenova1692

  1. I'd also add that Christianity is the most biggoted, ignorant, hate-filled religions on the planet and a response such as "not christian= Pagan" doesn't surprise me one bit.




    Oh, don't be so mean, they are just doing exactly what their preacher tells them to do. It's not their fault they were taught to let someone else tell them how to live.








    Kwarlord..... you just gained yourself a nice portion of WIN.

  2. What I find is interesting is that the Egyptians worshiped cats and they gave yearly human sacrifices to the Nile. Just thoughts from someone living in the 21st century reflecting on the past with the wisdom of knowing that one's race was once full of fools and it can happen again.





    ...How is worshiping a cat or giving human sacrifices any more foolish than worshiping a man who claim's he was born from a virgin and is the son of a god?




    As far as how Paganism is defined, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paganism. Read that. Apparently both sides are right. Paganism did originally mean a certain kind of religion, but eventually people began using it as anyone not a Christian, which is kind of stupid imo, but whatever. Oh well, whats so bad about paganism?

  3. I don't think anyone should get any "respect" just cause they have loads of time to spend on a very easy game. I like how everyone uses words like "work" to describe getting a skill cape. I'm sorry, but its a game where you sit around all day and click. No "work" involved, and sometimes very little concentration, just a lot of time to waste being bored. Some exceptions can be made for certain capes that really do require at least a little thinking, but even then only a little. If I ever got a 99, which I probably won't because I just simply don't have enough time, I will not expect anyone to "respect" me for it. I wont even respect myself for it. Hell, I'll probably look down on myself for wasting so much time on a game that will get me nowhere 2 years down the road. Now before anyone flames me, I don't look down on anyone with a 99, in fact I congratulate you. But I will NEVER respect you just because you wasted a month or more of your life on a game.

  4. Since the question of whether or not renting was legal has been answered,




    The question is not if its legal or not, its whether it is morally correct. Good job on reading the thread! =D>


    Really, I could care less about whether its legal. The legality of actions is not what keeps me from doing anything. If it is illegal to do anything that I feel is not against my morals, then I will still do it.


    Oh and btw, I still don't believe I have convinced every single person to one side or the other, so no, it has not been answered.






    What is up with people suddenly spamming in this thread?

  5. Well if they did implement the change I mentioned, there would be a range of prices to choose from,sort of like in the GE, most likely, maybe a certain percentage of GE price? Plenty of ways to get around all that RWT crap.




    Within 20 hours the buyer has his BGS and 1M.


    And he had to spend those 20 hours without a BGS, whatever the hell that is, and 20 hours for 1mil is so pointless that no one would seriously go for that unless they didn't have enough money for a bgs, which would make the trade undoable.

  6. Or even if you merely just cutting magic logs. The number of advantages to having friends in this game are countless. I highly suggest everyone start making friends with people you meet. Hidhaeg has already started by offering friendship to anyone who asks.

  7. I realize that Jagex did not release item lending with all of this stuff in mind, but I do not think they should tell people they can not rent out an item. Several reasons for this.


    1. If done without scamming in mind, it is "fair"(some people may disagree but whatever) business that is practiced even in the real world. If a person spends money on an item, they should be able to do with it as the please.


    2. This gives many players a chance to try out items they would not be able to normally. Yes you may say that they can just lend one for free if this is banned, but how many people do you think would actually let people borrow their god swords to strangers if charging is not an option?




    Now someone brought up scamming as a reason that they should ban this. Well, if Jagex is really that concerned about gullible people getting scammed, then they should implement a way to charge per hour when lending someone an item, similar to trading. The person renting out the item will set a price per hour in the lend screen, and all the other normal options. The person renting the item will offer up gold, and upon completion of the lend, the gold will go in the same place that money on the GE goes. This will then be fed to the owner of the item each hour, based on the hourly term. When either the money or the timer runs out, the item is returned and any leftover gold will be returned to original owner.

  8. I like how you assume that I am breaking this "rule". I have only lent out one item, and it was the person who insisted he give me some of the logs he cut with it.




    Is that all you got? Come on, I'll take your best shot. If the best your up to is calling me stupid, who's the mug risking there account just for the shallow profit of the pursuit of wealth, only for it all to be taken away with no recourse?




    no thats not the best I got, but I might get banned if I give that to you. And you tell me, who is the person risking their account for shallow profit? Cause it isn't me.

  9. I personally can't see myself using it much, but I have already made a deal with someone. He wants to buy a dragon axe, but doesn't want to spend the money till hes tried it out. I allowed him to borrow mine, while i borrowed his rune (we were at the same spot) and he just traded me a couple mage logs every time the trade timer went down. He gets faster exp, tries out a dragon axe, and I get 2 logs every fifteen minutes.

  10. I like how all of your counter-arguments just referred to "trust trades" and not to your original arguments, like mine did.




    Go suggest it to the right people?


    ok...when i said "skill" that was referring to the "skill" you mentioned earlier known as merchanting, and yes you indirectly mentioned that it was a skill




    A trust trade is still a trust trade, even if its for a 'VERY small fraction of that cost'.


    That has nothing to do with the relation between my argument and yours. And I never said anything about "trust trades" being against the rules, just that item lending is neither immoral nor "against the spirit of the game".




    No, not really. If you want to permanently move item-x to your account, you have to part with amount-y in value, if you manage to convince someone else at a undefined period of time later to pay amount-z which is higher, this could be put down to your skill in buying/selling.


    Renting a item in manner that has been described here and on the RSOF, along with the current trading system is considered a form of trust trading.




    And using your buying/selling skill to decide what item is best to buy if you want to rent it out to others is directly related to your first argument. For your second argument....what does that have to do with any of my posts, or even yours for that matter?




    Were you unable to read my previous post in its entirety? You asked me to 'enlighten' you on what I felt the spirit of the game is, I specified that its usage was dependent on the context of how it is being applied.


    I didn't say buying or selling was against the spirit of the game, so wise up and try not to put words in my mouth eh?




    I was not putting words in your mouth, I was making logical assumptions about your thoughts based on earlier arguments. You have yet to make a logical argument describing how your words could not lead someone to the conclusions I made, nor have you said how this particular "context" is "against the spirit of the game".




    oh and this is something I forgot to add in earlier




    Oooh, touch a ickle nerve did I? :roll:




    Yeah, stupid people do that to me :lol:

  11. or how bout another "skill" related to rares, using your own vast wealth to buy a rare and then let others use for a VERY small fraction of that cost. And undertaking of an act without tangible gain? By that you mean doing something to get money? Well that contradicts what you said earlier about buying and selling rares. You are gaining money by giving someone else what they want, which happens to be almost exactly the same as renting an item out, except renting is targeting a less wealthy audience. So now buying or selling anything is against the "spirit of the game". What is the GE for?

  12. Press it into use by skilling with it or sell it.




    So I'm assuming you've come up with a method to skill with a party hat? I find your post extremely stupid. How is it "against the spirit of the game". You seem to know what your talking about so do enlighten us on what "the spirit of the game" is.

  13. I agree, people should stop complaining that they get scammed. Really, even back in the days when people were scammed out of millions, all of the tricks were fairly easy to spot. If you got scammed once, well it happens and maybe you'll pay more attention the next time. If it happens again, all you can blame is yourself for being stupid.

  14. My friend claims that this is just a game, so it cant be compared to real life. He also says that if a person is just trying out they shouldn't need to pay. I tried all of these arguments with him and he isnt budging. Personally I think he just has a naive way of thinking when it comes to business.

  15. I just finished having a conversation with my friend who insists that charging someone to let them borrow an item is immoral. Personally, I think it is simple business practice. It is their item they can do what they want with it, and letting people borrow your item for money gives them the chance to use it without paying full price. He however insists that the item lending system was not meant for that. I still stand by my opinion, but im curious what this community has to say about it.

  16. why is it that suddenly so many people on tip.it have become total [wagon] holes? if you don't like this, then don't read it and don't sign it. simple as that. He is harming no one by doing this or posting here so I see no reason why any of you should insult him or start a flame war other than because you feel like being a [bleep] today.




    Get the [bleep] over it.




    [bleep] you.

  17. Looking at some of these posts and I'm wondering if anyone actually READ his petition. He IS NOT asking them to change it back to what it was. He even says that more than once. Yeah I agree that this most likely won't work, but give the guy a break, at least hes willing to try. Is there even a reason in not agreeing to sign it? It won't hurt anything. And to all those who keep saying that this will bring back RWT'ers, he's not asking to change it back, just that they make the trade limit less strict. Personally I don't see how this will help RWTers, as it will still take them over an hour just to trade 1mil, which is a VERY small amount considering how much the trades used to be.

  18. no, Inflation of this type pretty much goes exponentially for rarer items. Its hard to explain right now and I gotta go to work in 5 minutes, but the more the thing is worth, the more the price is gonna raise due to inflation. So something only 100gp, not that much increase, something 20mil+ well.... lol.

  19. The problem isn't really that these prices are rising extremely fast, it's just that third age items are brought into the economy slower than cash. We all know that the average rs player's bank is worth far more than it was two years ago. There are far more bank pics now with 100m cash piles than there were two years ago.




    Basically, everything of the old days is falling in value, but retaining the same gp value because the gp is inflating to go with it. This leaves newer items, such as GWD items, to seem like they are at outrageous prices, but truthfully, these are just about as common to see as whips and barrows items were after their releases. The sole difference is, that while your above-average player used to have 30m and bought guthans and a whip when they were that expensive, now the above-average player has 150m and buys a godsword and some bandos armor.




    Taking that into account, third age prices have barely risen in actual market value compared with inflation, and 20m just can't buy an item anymore that is so rare.




    I agree. Just take a look at prices of most common items to see this. I can remember when coal prices were never more than 100. Now it usually tops above 200 and iron usually goes for around 100. Money isnt worth the same that it was 4 years ago, or even 1 year ago for that matter.

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