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Posts posted by Suiku

  1. I know this isn't Twitter but Mark Gerhards current facefook status is:

    Mark Gerhard Jetting off to China with Andrew for a few days!

    I am pretty sure I have read somewhere that Jagex didn't want servers in China because of political reasons etc. I am probably thinking too much of this but could this little trip of the top 2 Jagex people mean they are looking into business in China? If this happened it would bring alot of new players in but it could also increase the RWT companies awareness of Runescape.


    Again, sorry this isn't Twitter, or an update hint, but it is a social networking site and I am really curious about it.


    You don't need to sorry so much man this is valuable information, in fact if you see more keep em comming


    Maybe it's a bussiness trip, maybe its a vacation, who knows

  2. I wouldn't call it making the game easier. It's an easy game as it is. ANYONE with the time and patience can accomplish anything in RS.


    I think Jagex just made the game less time consuming by taking away the need for certain clicks.


    ^Exactly that, What's the difficulty of constantly clicking? The higher your level represents how much free time you have

  3. Yes, but I was right. Another 30 minute quest. People always jump down my throat for saying stuff like that, but I often turn out to be right. :wall:


    Actually it was a one hour quest


    That's because you didn't have a guide. With an idea of what to do, it's half an hour.


    Of course if you want to kill all the fun of it and use a guide its 30 minutes, the point itself to use a guide it's to do it quick, so what's the problem?

  4. It's not a gun. It's a cannon that fits into your hand. Duh. :roll:


    Cannon power + hand sized=


    [hide=]DesertEagle4420004.jpg[/hide] :geek: :twss:








    some people just don't get it. :(




    Oh it was supposed to be a joke?




    Haha... Not!






    Hope the ranged requirements for the hand cannon are high or... we're gonna have some unbalance there.

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