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Posts posted by Melos

  1. WoW however is a combat players dream though.




    I dunno about that. I'm a PvP player at heart, and I chose quite a few other games over World of Warcraft for PvP. I admit, I have NOT PvP'd in WoW nor have I have even gotten a character past Level 3 in that game... It just bored me right off the bat and from what I heard, the PvP is highly unbalanced. My brother used to play WoW a lot back in the day, and he had gotten a Level 70 Rogue who used to PvP all the time. He would complain and b1tch about how cheap this class was and how Blizzard nerf'd Rogues again, etc. Alright, maybe my brother was a whiner, but the problem is that he's not alone. Whenever I go to the WoW forums for kicks, I always see people complaining about how unbalanced this class is, how that class should be nerfed, and how the PvP just outright sucks. Heck, those friends of mine that play WoW do not play it for the PvP, and I would say almost never do it. They always go on those 8 hours raids or whatever and make a billion gnomes, but they never, ever PvP.




    My dad is now the only person in my family that plays WoW and it's really just for the "fun", casual PvM. He did play some PvP for quite a while like a month before WotLK came out and I did watch him play, but I was totally turned off from what I saw. My dad was using his Level 70 Hunter and he had the second best gear available, or so he told me. He didn't have the arena stuff, but it was still the #2 gear and should work quite well for PvP regardless. You might be at a slight disadvantage, but hey, skill/build could make up for the minor disadvantage. Or so I had thought. I watched a Level 70 Warrior run up and kill my dad's Level 70 literally within 1.5 seconds. Then I saw the same Warrior run up and kill the Mage and some other character that was with my dad in the Battlegrounds. I watched my dad "fight" these Warriors a few more times and where my dad barely did a scratch on him, the Warriors would make mence meat of my dad's Hunter in record breaking time. Wow, that's some balanced game right there...




    Putting things in perspective, using the second best gear in RuneScape would be the equivalent of using Veracs or even Abyssal Whip/Torags in a Duel Tournament... Although your at a little bit of a disadvantage against the players with godswords or whatever, you could still win if you know what your doing and with a little luck on your side never hurts. Hell, I've won Duel Tournaments before in Rune, against players with much better gear, and that's not even the second best gear available!




    Now, Diablo II, a game that I PvP quite a bit more frequently than RuneScape (due to my lack of levels) also is a bit more balanced. Using the second best gear would be using a Shako instead of a CoA, or using minor life skillers instead of 45 lifers. Guess what? Even with not so perfect gear, even with gear that aren't even "close" to the top, players still can't compete very effectively as long as they got some skill. From what I saw in WoW, the Warrior did not need any skill whatsoever to kill my dad and everyone else. Was having the #1 gear just that much different that the #2, or was it just because his class was insanely overpowered? I dunno, you tell me?


    Was he PvE or PvP specced, was he in PvE or PvP gear; that would make all the diffence.




    I'm pretty sure he had PvP gear... He had gotten his gear from those PvP points or whatever from the battleground stuff. He was also PvP spec'd cause he was going to be doing a lot of battlegrounds.

  2. WoW however is a combat players dream though.




    I dunno about that. I'm a PvP player at heart, and I chose quite a few other games over World of Warcraft for PvP. I admit, I have NOT PvP'd in WoW nor have I have even gotten a character past Level 3 in that game... It just bored me right off the bat and from what I heard, the PvP is highly unbalanced. My brother used to play WoW a lot back in the day, and he had gotten a Level 70 Rogue who used to PvP all the time. He would complain and b1tch about how cheap this class was and how Blizzard nerf'd Rogues again, etc. Alright, maybe my brother was a whiner, but the problem is that he's not alone. Whenever I go to the WoW forums for kicks, I always see people complaining about how unbalanced this class is, how that class should be nerfed, and how the PvP just outright sucks. Heck, those friends of mine that play WoW do not play it for the PvP, and I would say almost never do it. They always go on those 8 hours raids or whatever and make a billion gnomes, but they never, ever PvP.




    My dad is now the only person in my family that plays WoW and it's really just for the "fun", casual PvM. He did play some PvP for quite a while like a month before WotLK came out and I did watch him play, but I was totally turned off from what I saw. My dad was using his Level 70 Hunter and he had the second best gear available, or so he told me. He didn't have the arena stuff, but it was still the #2 gear and should work quite well for PvP regardless. You might be at a slight disadvantage, but hey, skill/build could make up for the minor disadvantage. Or so I had thought. I watched a Level 70 Warrior run up and kill my dad's Level 70 literally within 1.5 seconds. Then I saw the same Warrior run up and kill the Mage and some other character that was with my dad in the Battlegrounds. I watched my dad "fight" these Warriors a few more times and where my dad barely did a scratch on him, the Warriors would make mence meat of my dad's Hunter in record breaking time. Wow, that's some balanced game right there...




    Putting things in perspective, using the second best gear in RuneScape would be the equivalent of using Veracs or even Abyssal Whip/Torags in a Duel Tournament... Although your at a little bit of a disadvantage against the players with godswords or whatever, you could still win if you know what your doing and with a little luck on your side never hurts. Hell, I've won Duel Tournaments before in Rune, against players with much better gear, and that's not even the second best gear available!




    Now, Diablo II, a game that I PvP quite a bit more frequently than RuneScape (due to my lack of levels) also is a bit more balanced. Using the second best gear would be using a Shako instead of a CoA, or using minor life skillers instead of 45 lifers. Guess what? Even with not so perfect gear, even with gear that aren't even "close" to the top, players still can't compete very effectively as long as they got some skill. From what I saw in WoW, the Warrior did not need any skill whatsoever to kill my dad and everyone else. Was having the #1 gear just that much different that the #2, or was it just because his class was insanely overpowered? I dunno, you tell me?

  3. To be honest, I never was a fan of Castlewars, or any team-focused game. Your team is only as strong as the weakest link, I have a knack for getting Level 30's on my team that *try* to capture the enemy's flag, and instead become completely useless after the enemy kills them and takes their own flag for hiding. That and people that love to leech and switch teams when they are losing...














    P.S. I tell good jokes, thank you very much! I came up with a doozy for the Wise Old Man last week and tea squirted out of his face. Lets see what you think of it:




    Q What happens if you right-click and Use your own belly?


    A Nothing intestine happens




    Have some of that!









    What do you mean fail, that was quite clever and funny to me.




    Lol, I gave a slight chuckle too >.>.

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