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Posts posted by Melos

  1. Today I been playing catch up on OGame and Cyber Nations. Oh, I also farmed Mephisto for an hour in Diablo 2 trying to get the yellow Charged Essence of Hatred... and was pleasantly surprised to also pick up a perfect Stormshield Monarch.

  2. I'm playing some Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction tonight before bed. I never got a character to Level 99 and I've been playing the game on and off for many, many years. I do have 6x Level 96 characters, but the amount of time it takes to get a single character to Level 99 is utterly insane in my opinion. It might be on par to that of getting 200m in a skill on RS... However, I really don't have anything else to do in D2 so I might just try it XD.

  3. But you can do all that in IdleScape... along side a large amount of players...


    Oh, I think I mistook the game for that new RuneScape: Idle Adventures. Pretty sure that was single player only XD.


    I'm guessing you are talking about that kongregate game? I took a brief look at it, and I think I'll pass. At the moment I don't have enough time to be playing anything new regardless... nor the interest for another idle type game XD.

  4. Im assuming you dont know about the Arenascape killer, Idle Adventures? 


    I've never been someone that played single player type games...  so I was never really interested in that :S. For me personally, I enjoy games that are competitive and have a solid PvP aspect to them, even if they are a bit more on the casual side. One of the biggest reasons that I continue to play ArenaScape regularly is because I can compete vs other players around the world. I also like having the ability to attack and defeat other players in PvP combat, which can substantially accelerate my character growth and progress up the high scores.


    League of Legends, lost more than I won today -.-.

    Happens to me almost every day in Smite, regardless of my individual performance. Feels like i always get the teammates who don't know what they're doing. 



    The sad truth about team based games where you are pitted with random teammates whom you may never play with again. There is no team building and really takes out the point of being on a "team' in my opinion.


    I do like League of Legends when I play with people I know, trust, got my back, and vice versa. That is when League of Legends becomes real fun.

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