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Posts posted by archimage_a

  1. its true though mages on f2p are having a hard time cos they are at the worst postion. they are at the bottem of the ladder, mages should be able to defeat warriors easy but if the warrior takes of his armor he is no longer as vunrable, rangers have no armor(really) anyway so it not that important but the warriors pretty much own free play, cos of the lack of defences for the other 2, i mean it rune v. mage robes/dragon-hide(a bit better)

  2. unless its one of my ideas in which case it means a u are in for the long haul








    and u dont have to be a member to us the fally bank it just takes longer, the tunnel near the skorps.




    its not a terrible idea, it just needs more thought, like a lot of things...

  3. whats this cant critise anything so instead u deside to repond with a diffrent tack, try to get me off the forum instead. the fact is i here to stay, and if i fail il come back continuly until i die, so u have 2 options:




    stop telling me, im thick and cant do anything.




    or die of old age in front of the pc argueing with me








    to point at hand








    i agree, oh wait i did that. and then i waited and waited and nothing happened so i moved to phase 2.








    publise, instead of leaving it there in the valrock librey doing nothing (accept the odd bystander) i tell people about it, they get annoyed and go read some of it they replie i than have feedback i can do something about it.












    telling me to shut up will not make me do anything, except try harder.








    oh and im not an attention seeker, i dont care if your intrested or not all i want is a little feedback, or better yet a realistic topic (like 'the adventures of some guy' sound so good where i tell people competely useless infomation about some guy i met once)








    u give me something to work on and i like it u wont have to worry about me posting too often, but until then...

  4. the issue in hand:




    i thinks stats for gods are pointless as they would have their own powers, and we go to far away form the point already












    bu il stick with the theme




    to respond to what Zonorhc wrote












    and u think yours are!




    the truth is no one care what anyone else thinks unless they are a polition








    some one who needs some one to tell them they are important








    some one who cares how others behave








    i belive i am the third, which are u?




    i dont care what u or anyone else thinks of me, what matters is what i thinks of myself!








    if u dont like what i write ignore it or report me, but il always come back to tell the people what i belive

  5. i am under orders to make this important so here goes












    i can see the future i predict that the next person to read this post will be












    and its very ovise when u think about it, only a few ppl really will have the time or effort to plant seeds cos of the lack of space

  6. i no lets realse goldlight. it will come free at the end of a new quest called chicken slayer (u have to kill the fearsome 2 headed chicken with a rubber chicken)




    goldlight has the ability to get everything u hit down to 1 hp first time.




    then has the power of 232342334 attack, 34232345325 strength, 45462335125 defence.




    then the new quest get realsed because for some reason everyone is now killing the kbd in 2 hits,even noobs. the quest is that u need to kill all three (fake) gods and then zaros (non-fake). then unforseen the gods all die in 2 hits, and everyone has got annoyed because the reward was a gun. the game then collapses because now everyone dies at long range cos the sniper rifle is bought out, and all the new quick updates left holes in the program and surpise the macros hack their way in change everyones password and rewrite rs to what they want.








    soon the fact that the 2 headed chicken is extince doent matter (after 2004829849 million players killed it 345325346534654 times) cause only 3 ppl can get on to the game.








    then jagex takes back control and thing begin to settle down until the great revolt of 2034 when jagex is forced to bring back gold light and kill the person who started this pointless post.












    the fact is the story line for the demon slayer quest is lame. and more importantly why would u need a second silverlight.








    bottem line this is a thick thread and makes no sense.

  7. just in the case of anyone caring:








    gods could kill other gods








    zamorak isn't a real god, hes just really, really powerful.








    saradomin is the equivelent of a demi god, but with followers has awsome power.








    guthix is the closest thing to a god, since he followed the 2nd god and has his power well on top of the 1st and 2nd gods power well, he sort of has a monopoly on power








    zaros is the 2nd god and is a true god.








    isamal is the 1st god and she was killed by zaros, as zaros awoke.












    there are 5 other gods who are all dead.




    they controled the free area.




    sadomin and zamorak made members








    for more info consult my other posts

  8. i think a new idea is needed so that macros can train on certain worlds while everyone else can train freely, making the balance of power more equal.








    most macro so they can sell the acount to noobs for some odd amount of money before getting banned

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