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Posts posted by archimage_a

  1. i may have been being stupid but it doent mean i am. i was actualy practicing for role play, it need to be done so i can see how diffrent people react, to the same problem.








    ie. u reacted in a bad wat cos i was sayin stuff about what u had written




    ur mate reacted more positively cos he did not write it and could see beyond what i wrote

  2. so in this and most cases copy me and say what i said, dont give me any credit though no cant do that, then u do a cheap shoot ' i vote MY number 2'












    srry if own idea but u should read the whole thing first

  3. i dont really care all that much but simply




    u would have stuff to lose




    its better than nothing




    if u attack something u get a star above your head




    a star mean your insurance is invaild (not good)








    i am glad this took off=i am board of ideas to:




    rasie stats




    make huge castles




    have things that dont do anything




    seeds that wont work








    but since no one cares...

  4. zaros will proboly end up good to break the suspence at some point jagex will let u meet him and u will have to some sort of quest, where u learn the truth about it.












    i am just keeping my options open (and it annoy someone i no cos i keep working with the lore(history of zaros and runescape) and then writing 8 to 10 pages long of what i have found out which he then gets annoyed with












    also i get payed for them by thr zaros guild.








    viva la zarosen

  5. yes so anyway (zaros is the best By The Way(btw)) everyone agrees it should be shut down








    jagex should let the players take control,




    ie give it up to the new mods of rsc, there are enough ppl wanting to be one

  6. i became boad on page 1. i became sleep at page 2. i became the living dead at page 3. i became disabled at page 4. i finaly surcame to having the back of my head flip open and my brain jumping out shouting 'germinimo' at page 5.












    good story though...




    fav part um that bit near the end ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm 'The End'




    worst part the fact that u had zaros not in it. how could u

  7. rite... and u dont think that the 3 'fake' gods would want to make zaros seem evil. i mean no followers no coming back, no chance of loseing their godship








    i am saying who would want to lose they state of god.




    when if they lie it would be easy??








    ie. lie about zaros, say he is evil. no one likes him, he has no followers. only then could zaros not return.












    or of couse u could be right and zaros is evil but even then, i would be safer as i follow zaros, i use the word 'safer' lightly but i still say that zaros is good not evil, as he predates all gods (except isamal but she is dead)

  8. rite and who would come up with these new types of ore and fish, and it would take years to get to lev 150 or something. the point is that there would always be a cut off point that people would want to get to but at leval 999 when most ppl cant get much past 80, it would become boring.

  9. Middle of Shilo












    Suddenly an agent of twilight bursts in closely followed by a man i a dark blue hooded cape with a white light sparking round his head. he looks about then begins to attack futher useing whats seems to be only his hands, but he is under a mental strain of useing power from another plane. He quickly defeats the intruder before turning to the two at the table. 'i am zarax last follower of zaros. I do belive a timeport spell would have been used for this, only life rune are capable of this so i must guess that some one has found one. we are in grave danger here we should move to a safer location.'








    After some time the story has come out and zarax must leave to find the Djion (anyone who dosent get this read about this in the 1+2 ages).




    The other two are killed soon after he leaves only he knows what is transpiring behind the scenes. His next would be to warn the two at valrock, only then can he make a move to include zaros and use more power. Only the those two could stand in his way








    your move, your move

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