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Posts posted by pjb21

  1. thew whip is on the ground, just cos its not at the botttom of the sig doesnt mean its not on the floor. just wondering why do you want the arm down it makes a better pose, this way hes ready to whip out with it. and the shield is being hung down on one side, slightly behind him. he doesnt need it when he can one hit an oponent.




    and please i want to see how your doing, and its always good to get more practice.





  2. Yeah! you were right, another sig!












    yey! spam! yum!




    it looks good, a little rushed tho. the islands look a bit boring, and the barrel has dodgy perspective. the guys hair and right arm look dodgy. and the nooob is rather small.




    i seriously suggest that you make a thread with them all in and just add to there instead of making more threads...





  3. the problem that you might be having with the fill tool is the gradient, its at the bottom of the toolbar with all the stuff, set it zero. that way its the same as paint =)




    hope ive helped. also you people may be interested in the AA tool, you can switch on and off, on if blended, off is pixelated. its positioned next to the alpha thingy, on the bottom row of the top toolbar. its like a line with lighter colours to each side, you can toggle it on and off with that. there are also many tutorials that people have made for it. they can be found on the forum. the link for it is: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewforum.php?f=15


    however i belive you need to register, but its free and its worth 5 mins.




    hope you guys all love it now =)




    just tell me of any problems you may be having.





  4. but then you'd lose half your avvy! btw, who or what made it?




    oh and when are you adding me to the list?




    i had an idea, if you add a hyperlink to all the artists names to the image(s) they send to you. just so others can see =)








    Good call on all of those things. @_@




    I maded teh avvy. :P


    Grunge/Abstract > Pixel :|




    its a cool avvy, did you draw the people? if soo, cool.




    and pixel is uberly > than abstract/grunde, its required skill, not downloading somefilter and fill in a space =P




    im glad to see people like my ideas =)







  5. but then you'd lose half your avvy! btw, who or what made it?




    oh and when are you adding me to the list?




    i had an idea, if you add a hyperlink to all the artists names to the image(s) they send to you. just so others can see =)





  6. i belive you see the pic as light since i think my screen is darker that what most of you have, so my red is darker than the same red on your screen.




    the ammy is being blown back a bit from the spell, hence why its halfway around his chest.




    i see what you mean about the body, ive found that for a while now, but its to complex to go and change now, but ill bare that in mind for later sigs / images.










    CC is always welcome people, just cos he said something doesnt mean you cant, and i always find it useful. flaming is NOT CC.

  7. well i used to use paint (im pixel) but then i found this great free and legal program called "paint.net" (google it) its very good, like paint on steroids.




    im thinking of making a little tutorial for it so some of you lot can use it like i do.





  8. hey i mangaged to colour and shade last night. 2 versions, normal and diffused, tell me which you prefer.














    um, slight embarisment, i cant draw chickens, or many livestock fot that matter. so if theres some thing else youd prefer please say.




    CC welcome by all.







  9. hey LL!




    looking good, some sugestions and comments tho, make the forground rock bigger, so you can only see the edge. make the hills lower, and add a sun. sorry im being blunt, but im pushed for time, going away ^^




    dont forget to add eyes etc.





  10. well obviously its only some quick linework of the forground, im yet to make the background and colour, shade, texture etc.




    currently at schoool, so i cant continue now however, and im goingh away for the weekend so i wont be able to work on it them, but i will when i have somne spare time =)





  11. looking good, it will be cool if you add a new one every day, exept for bandwidth...




    just wondering, what ethnicity are you?




    i like the one in the top right, it looks good. i dont know if its a good portrail of you however, since io dont know what you look like, so i cant comment on how colse it ios to the real thing. but it looks good, all of them do exept for the wide mouth one, it reminds me of someone i know, and dont like...




    keep it up!



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